Cryostinger Charge (3.5e Maneuver)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 12th March 2021
Status: Complete
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Ice Pike
Dire Winter (Boost) [Cold]
Level: 6
Prerequisite: Three Dire Winter maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift
Range: Touch
Target: Weapon Touched
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

As you initiate this maneuver you greatly extend the touched weapon by coating it in solid ice. The weapon gains an extended reach for the manuever’s duration, allowing it to strike up to three times one's normal reach (for a medium creature, it threatens and attacks creatures 10 feet and 15 feet away) while still threatening adjacent squares. However, it takes a -2 on attacks at 10 feet away or closer, and no penalty at 15 feet. For larger creatures the range is extended appropriately (-2 at 20 feet, no penalty at 30 feet for a 10 foot reach).

As a free action the initiator can strike her weapon against the ground, shattering the ice and ending the duration early.

If used on a Dire Winter's disciple weapon, the wielder takes no penalties to attack rolls based on distance. If the discipline weapon had reach, the increases from this maneuver stack with the weapon's normal reach (to quadruple the initiator's normal reach).

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Leziad's Homebrew (4510 Articles)
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorLeziad +
DescriptorCold +
DisciplineDire Winter +
Identifier3.5e Maneuver +
Level6 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryThe initiator lengthen her weapon with ice, gaining truly impressive reach. +
TitleCryostinger Charge +
TypeBoost +