Persistent Boost (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Zhenra-Khal (talk)
Date Created: 5/22/2017
Status: Complete
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Persistent Boost [Metamaneuver] Prerequisites: Ability to ready and initiate 3rd-level maneuvers (Including at least one Boost), Extend Boost.Benefit: Once per day, upon activating any Boost maneuver you have readied, you can choose to make it a Persistent Boost. In doing so, you extend the duration of the Boost indefinitely, allowing you to use it as if it were a Stance; However, it only lasts until you initiate another maneuver of any type, ending as soon as said maneuver goes into effect.

This Persistent Boost counts as a Stance in all ways, including preventing you from using a second Stance at the same time; In addition, you can't use any other Boosts while this Persistent Boost is active. Finally, you cannot recover the Boost that you are currently using as a Stance until you change to a different Stance.

At first, you can only turn 1st-level Boosts into Stances. When you learn 6th-level maneuvers, you can turn 2nd-level Boosts into Stances, and you can use this feat 2/day; This extends to 3rd-level Boosts when you learn 9th-level maneuvers, and allows you to use this feat a total of 3 times per day. Initiator level decreases temporarily reduce the level of Boost you can Persist, but not the number of times per day.

Once your Persistent Boost ends, you suffer a penalty to your initiator level equal to twice the boost's level for 6 rounds. While this penalty is in effect, your higher-level maneuvers will become unavailable, but aren't expended or lost and will be available once the penalty ends; This penalty also applies to the maneuver that breaks the Persistent Boost, which may cause the maneuver to be expended without effect if it was of your higher-level maneuvers.

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Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorZhenra-Khal +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteAbility to ready and initiate 3rd-level maneuvers (Including at least one Boost) + and Extend Boost. +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryYou can continue a Boost until you initiate another Maneuver. +
TitlePersistent Boost +
TypeMetamaneuver +