Perfect Model (3.5e Template)

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Author: Neostar (talk)
Date Created: May 2023
Status: To be completed
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Perfect Model

Creating a Perfect Model creature

This template con be added only to a Construct type creature with no Constitution score. This template must be added to the creature during the process of it construction, and it cannot be added on a creature which is already constructed.

Size and Type

A Perfect Model construct creature retains his size and type but gains the (Perfect Model) subtype.

Hit Dice

The Perfect Model construct creature gains no HD, but it always has the maximum HP on each Hit Dice. In addition, the construct doubles the amount of HP it gains due to its size category.


Same as base creature

Armor Class

The creature rises its natural armor bonus to AC by half its HDs. If the creature has no Natural Armor bonus to AC, the creature gains it equal to 2/3 its HDs.

Base Attack Bonus

The BAB of the Perfect Model creature becomes equal to its HDs instead of being equal to 2/3 its HDs.


Damage of all attacks listed on the base creature inflict damage as if the creature were one size category larger. This effect stacks with feats or extraordinary abilities (not supernatural or magical abilities) with the similar effect.

Attack & Full Attack

Due to the augmentation of BAB, number of attack in full attack can change.

Special Attacks

Same as base creature.

Special Qualities

• Damage Reduction : Increase the DR of the creature by 10. If the creature has no DR, its gains a DR (10/Adamantine).

• Spell Immunity : The creature gains Spell Immunity if it does not already have it.


+8 Strength, +4 Dexterity

Saving Throws

A Perfect Model creature gain a competence bonus on all its Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saving throws equal to 1/6 (rounded down) its HDs up to a bonus of +5.


Same as base creature


The Perfect Model creature gains feats depending of how many HD it possess :

• 5 HD : Damage Reduction Adaptation

• 11 HD : Weapon Breakage

• 17 HD : Improved Damage Reduction Adaptation

• 23 HD : Spell Devour

• 29 HD : Anti-Spell Gaze

• 35 HD : Perfect Model Frame


Same as base creature


Perfect Models are constructs made by powerful guilds, scholarly magic crafters, or the gods themselves. Only a person with deep knowledge of craftsmanship and magic can have access to the knowledge that makes it possible to perfect an artificial creature during its creation.


Double as base creature


Same as base creature

Challenge Rating

• 6 HD or least :+5

• 12 HD or least :+6

• 18 HD or least :+7

• 24 HD or least :+8

• 30 HD or least :+9

• 31 HD or more :+10

Level Adjustment

• 6 HD or least :+5

• 12 HD or least :+6

• 18 HD or least :+7

• 24 HD or least :+8

• 30 HD or least :+9

• 31 HD or more :+10

Construction Supplements

The base cost for the construction of a perfect model construct does not change, but you spent time to work as if it cost 50% more, and you must pay 50% more XP. Also, the construction of a Perfect Model construct require a perfect mastery of engeering and crafting. Due to this, the DC of all required Craft or Profession skill checks increased by 10.

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AuthorNeostar +
CR5 +, 6 +, 7 +, 8 +, 9 + and 10 +
Identifier3.5e Template +
Level Adjustment5 +, 6 +, 7 +, 8 +, 9 + and 10 +
RatingUndiscussed +
TitlePerfect Model +