Dungeons and Dragons Wiki talk:Homebrew Content Requirements

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Revision as of 17:37, 3 November 2009 by ClaytonQuintero (talk | contribs)
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So, for self-contained articles the incomplete policy works pretty well, but how do we feel about incomplete campaign settings? Something like this is technically incomplete, but I'd feel like an ass telling them to sandbox it until it was really fully finished, plus I don't think we'd ever have any campaign settings in there at all ever under those strict requirements. So how do we want to deal with them? Is it fine as is? Can we allow campaign settings to link to a default incomplete page for missing sections? Is it fine if they remove the dead links until the pages are live (my preferred solution I think, since it provides users a better idea how complete the setting is)? Something else I'm not thinking of? - TarkisFlux 16:49, November 3, 2009 (UTC)

I'll respond to all this a bit later tonight, but I think putting a "completeness measure" from like 1 to 5 or whatever on the campaign settings page is probably a good idea. Surgo 17:37, November 3, 2009 (UTC)