Talk:Deeka (3.5e Race)

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Revision as of 07:00, 25 November 2009 by Ganteka Future (talk | contribs) (added a comment)
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Template:RC Favor

+1 la?

this is more like a +1 la in my eyes. immunity to things, double starting gold (?)needs just a little nerfing--NameViolation 03:14, November 25, 2009 (UTC)

LA+1??? Really? I mean, really? Alright, whatever, let's do the breakdown. Ability score adjustments: They equal out to 0, with no bonus or penalty greater than a difference of two. Basic LA0 race thing. Next. Humanoid, medium, standard land speed of 30, all LA0 common things. Next. Double Starting gold: This is an odd ability, I admit. Fun for 1st level characters, as it may net them like, at most an extra 150 gp, if they are of a choice few melee classes (100 for their favored class). Starting gold is of course, Level 1 starting gold. Level 5 Character Wealth by Level obviously isn't starting gold (even if the character began play at that level), so he's not getting extra thousands of golds. That said, Character Wealth by Level removes this bonus completely (as the DM balances out treasure among the group, its part of his job). Even if he didn't, that extra little boost is nothing compared to the hordes of gold characters begin gaining very quickly. Heck, Wealth by Level is high enough at level two where the extra boost of being able to buy a horse and saddle or a couple potions more than everyone else is miniscule. Moving on. Immunity to dazzling and blindness... which, I've never even been part of a group that even had magical blindness happen. Not saying it doesn't happen, its just so rare, that the bonus is slight. Same with dazzling, only a few spells even cause it, and mostly low level ones anyhow. Likely this power won't even come up in game. Next. A bonus to Jump is always welcome. Knowledge (architecture) and Perform (singing), also not very likely, and at three abilities with +2, its like what elves get, but not with skills you are going to use all the time, also, elves detect secret doors. Oh, and they get a weakness too! Which, if you've ever had your characters moving around at night, ever, in any game of DnD, you know this will come up. Next. They get 3 spell like abilities to cause light... as they gain HD... yeah, that's nothin' to write home about. Sure, illumination is good, but it can be gained with sunrods, lanterns, torches, wands, everburning torches, all early, all very cheap. Next. Two base languages, that's standard. Favored class of bard. Does anyone even use favored class anymore? If so, yeah, that shouldn't pose a problem.
In conclusion, its probably around midrange for solid LA 0 races. Its not strong, not by a longshot. Anyone else care to weigh in? --Ganteka Future 04:04, November 25, 2009 (UTC)
I resent the "only a few spells cause dazzled" thing, mainly because I made a spell with it, not because it isn't true.--ThirdEmperor 06:39, November 25, 2009 (UTC)
I actually like the dazzled condition. Its a great little penalty, and fun to roleplay too. A classic "oh gods! My eyes!" never fails to entertain. --Ganteka Future 07:00, November 25, 2009 (UTC)