Craft Turret (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 4-5-17
Status: Complete
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Craft Turret [Item Creation] Sentry turret online! No one is going go get past this point!Prerequisites: Craft Construct, Craft Technology 8 ranks or Knowledge Engineering 8 ranksBenefit: You can build mini-turrets out of various scrap and materials from your spell component pouch. Building a mini-turret takes 1 round, generating a Medium sized Construct with effective HD equal to your own, 5 hp/level, DR 5/-, and uses your saving throws. Its attack bonus is equal to your HD + your highest mental ability modifier. The turret is equipped with a cannon with a range of 60 ft (no range increment) that deals 1d6 points of magic piercing damage/2 HD (maximum 10d6). It is considered a creature while it exists.

The turret does not have additional attacks from BAB, and instead gets one attack off on each opponent which comes within its line of sight each round. The turret has normal vision, low-light vision, and darkvision out to 60 ft. You can upgrade the turret by taking 2 full round actions working on it, turning it into an improved turret. Improved turrets get two attacks off per creature each round, with the second attack at -5, and its range increases to 120 ft. Their hit points become 10 hp/level.

Each full round you dedicate to working on your turret, you can heal it 5 hp/2 levels you possess.

Because the turret is powered by your life force, you may only have one in existence at a time. The turret is anchored in place, so in order to move it you must build a new one with the old one falling apart into scrap. Likewise if you die it falls apart (but not if you are simply dying or unconscious). Special: In addition to the turrets, you may enhance siege weapons as if you had the appropriate item creation feats.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5639 Articles)
Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteCraft Construct + and Craft Technology 8 ranks or Knowledge Engineering 8 ranks +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou can enhance siege weapons, and create quick-use turrets. +
TitleCraft Turret +
TypeItem Creation +