Talk:Iron Heart (3.5e Martial Discipline)

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Retained Maneuvers

In case there's any question as to why there isn't the correct number of maneuvers here, I didn't feel all of them needed replacing. In my ideal world, I kept the following maneuvers (for reasons that are also explained below):

  • Steel Wind: Level 1 Strike that gives you two attacks provided they are against two different creatures. This is pretty good at level 1 when you can go nuts and kill people with one hit without even breaking a sweat. Potentially making it two is nice, especially when you can combine it with Shattered Jade for a damage bonus and use Cut & Run to move away afterwards. Overall solid level 1.
  • Wall of Blades: Level 2 Counter that replaces your AC with your attack roll. Given that attack bonuses almost always scale faster than Armor Class and that in all likelihood you're a warblade with full BAB, this constitutes a nice upgrade in your Armor Class for a turn. It only really gets replaced 8 initiator levels later by Fulcrum Cutter, which really is fine; otherwise it's very solid.
  • Dazing Strike: Level 5 Strike that dazes target on a failed save. I still think this is kinda weak for a level 5, but dazing is useful at any level even if the damage could be a bit better.
  • Iron Heart Endurance: Level 6 Boost to heal 2 points of damage per initiator level. Swift action healing is pretty good. 2 hit points per initator level may not be a huge amount, but you're not a cleric or dedicated healer and it will do in a pinch. If all else fails, that's what other disciplines are for.

So yeah, that's all of the ones that were kept. Other than that, enjoy the new stuff. - TG Cid 23:18, 21 July 2011 (UTC)

[Context: This is about TG Cid's work on Iron Heart for Complete Sublime] Well, technically they are all retained. After all, it's a supplement, not a replacement. --Havvy 23:38, 21 July 2011 (UTC)