Talk:Spell Rebirth (3.5e Utterance)

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does... does this make any spell permanent with the primal utterance? Dr.Drako (talk) 03:42, 29 December 2019 (UTC)

By RAW, permanency only affects the spells listed. This list has been expanded technically, as some spells call out their ability to be permanentized. YMMV. That said, it does offer it "free of charge", so you can start laying on perma-duration detect magic and other useful effects. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 07:45, 29 December 2019 (UTC)
good to know, so it only works on spells that are specifically stated as able to be permanentized? so no "permanent summon monster", no "permanent magic missile maelstrom", etc... Dr.Drako (talk) 21:50, 29 December 2019 (UTC)