Altar of the Old Ones (3.5e Location)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 7-3-19
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Altar of the Old Ones[edit]

Also sometimes known as the Altar of the Divine (for ones relating to gods) or Altar of the Profane (for those relating to powerful fiends), these sites of power are various and hidden, all associated with particular entities not of this world and usually dedicated to the lost and forgotten powers of the Elder Evils. Due to their nature they are often buried away upon forbidden mountaintops, within secret caverns, and at the bowels of depraved ruins of long lost civilizations. These locations are no mere shrines to these ancient forces, for they tap into the attention of the entity itself.


Characters with ranks in Knowledge (xeno) or Knowledge of some appropriate for forbidden lore can research the altar of the old ones to learn more about it. When a character succeeds on a skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the information from lower DCs.

DC 15: Altars of the old ones are places of special significance to a particular cult, deity, eldritch being, or the like. Some secret connection to the entity in question lies there for those with the mad insight to activate it.
DC 25: These alters do not merely work for anyone. One must be enlightened with dark insight to even attune to these places, and certain esoteric conditions must be fulfilled for it to reveal its true nature.
DC 35: Those "lucky" enough to see what these altars really all can attempt to entreat and call upon the entity in question. For many this is a brave and foolish task, for these entities are vast, alien, and not at all under your control. What fate will you weave yourself when you draw the attention of a god far above your ken?


Altars of the Old Ones are usually associated with a single entity, and designed accordingly. The altar of Cthulhu may be underwater, wrapped in basalt stone tendrils and strange non-euclidean geometry that baffles the mind. Meanwhile an altar to plutonic death god may lie underground hidden from view and surrounded by the skulls of the dead piled high into great supporting pillars. All these places have in common is an altar or platform from which the rituals are to be observed, and conditions required for their awakening and transformation. When the proper actions are fulfilled the area seems to transform and come to life with hidden magic, alien growths, or shifts in apparent time and space. For those which call elder evils, these altars and their immediately surroundings are subject to a localized and increasingly powerful elder sign which comes to a head when the attention of the elder evil bears upon them. Fortunately for the world, these phenomenon do not spread far. However, it may result in consequences depending on what fell deal has transacted.

Rarely these places become associated with gods or archfiends. The results are similar, though they may be enshrined in places more public and close by if worship of these entities are commonplace.


At least one character who is present must have a Dark Insight score of at least 0.

Location Activation[edit]

Every altar has different conditions required to activate them which includes but is not limited to: The approach of certain substances, the sacrifice of certain creatures, a certain period of time or celestial event, the use of certain and possibly artifact-tier items, and other such effects. Any who are present to observe the activation of an altar will incur the acquiring of 1 point of dark insight, or 1 point of Wisdom burn, at the choice of those attempting to learn or resist what is going on.

As a rule the ritual takes at least 1 hour to complete. How long it remains activated depends on the entity in question.


Most altars have their recharge built into their condition, such as only being able to be activated at certain times. Those without horological conditions can be used multiple times, but such is often not recommended given that one may incur the wrath of the entity in question. As a general rule these locations can only be safely used once per year by any number of creatures.

Special Ability[edit]

Performing the correct ritual results in direct contact with one entity in question. Treat this as gate calling forth a unique creature with the following conditions. That which is called forth is merely an avatar, a fragment of the being in question. However, the local area is subject to the effect of the entity being present including the presence of an elder sign. The avatar is nothing more than a projection and thus is not subject to harm. The avatar conversely cannot harm others, but if they attempt to they have a 5% chance of actually affecting those present with their abilities as if they were actually there. The avatar may choose to leave at any time, and nothing stops them from going. However they cannot leave the magical location.

This directly contacts the entity in question and if you are capable of speaking with them you may do so to make any agreements, deliver or obtain any information, or otherwise address them. Because this is disruptive, even if the entity in question has not actually been transported, use of the altar is done with care so that this is not an affront to the entity.

The usefulness of this ability all depends on how well you can attempt to parley with the entity. The consequences may be glorious, or severe.


The calling of an entity is instantaneous, and they may depart at their leisure.

Ability Value[edit]

3000 gp in various ritual materials, not including any materials for conditional aspects.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5641 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Location +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryUsed to describe various locations dedicated, or familiar, to eldritch entities (or sometimes legit deities or powerful demons as Altar of the Divine/Altar of the Profane), rituals may be performed here to get in contact with these higher powers. +
TitleAltar of the Old Ones +
TypeMagical Location +