Anima Explosion (3.5e Maneuver)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 3-23-10
Status: Complete
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Anima Explosion
Anima River (Strike) [Force]
Level: 9
Prerequisite: Four Anima River maneuvers
Initiation Action: See Text
Range: 60 ft. cone or 120 ft. line
Area: Cone or Line (see text)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half

And with a single blinding flash of light, the entire army disintergrated into ash. After that day, they stopped sending soldiers after him.

A skilled Anima River adept can gather their spiritual energy into a massive barely controled explosion of psychokinetic energy. When you initiate this maneuver, you may choose to release the energy as a standard action in either a 60 ft. cone or a 120 ft. line shape, dealing 1d6+1 points of force energy per initiator level, with a Reflex save (19 + Wis modifier) for half. The blast is more than most men can handle, and as a result, this maneuver causes the initiator to take 1/10th of the damage dealt as nonlethal damage to himself (though nonlethal, this counts as backlash damage and cannot be resisted by any means). But look at all the cool stuff that just exploded!

Regardless of save, those who are subject to this blast are subject to bull rush with a +10 bonus. You do not follow them. You can also choose to bull rush yourself in the opposite direction to move from the power of the blast.

Unlike other maneuvers, you may charge this and gain additional power the longer you power up. If you spend a full round action powering up, the damage is 2d6+2 points per initiator level. If you spend 2 full round actions, it rises to 3d6+3 per level, and so forth up to 5d6+5 points per level after 4 rounds, releasing the energy on the beginning of the fifth round. While you are charging up energy, longer than a standard action, the flow of power around you protects you, granting you a deflection bonus to AC equal to the number of dice per level (that is, +2 on the first full round, +3 on two, +4 on three, and +5 on the forth round).

Charging up is dangerous, not simply for the backlash of nonelethal damage that can result from such a large amount of damage dice, but also because it can be disrupted. If you take damage while holding the energy and fail a Concentration check against the damage, the maneuver is disrupted and you lose the maneuver.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5669 Articles)
Eiji-kunv [Expand]
AuthorEiji-kun +
DescriptorForce +
DisciplineAnima River +
Identifier3.5e Maneuver +
Level9 +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryKamehameha!!!! +
TitleAnima Explosion +
TypeStrike +