Auracrystal (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: qwertyu63 (talk)
Date Created: 11/15/13
Status: Complete
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This special material is mainly used to make crystal magic items to protect from the plane of positive energy. In fact, energy surges on the plane of positive energy cause the creation of these crystals (some can also cause the creation of these crystals on their own).

In addition to that use, it can also be used in the creation of some weapons. A weapon made of auracrystal heals those attacked with positive energy instead of damaging them. The amount of healing provided is equal to the amount of damage that would have been dealt. Creatures that are damaged by positive energy are damaged by this effect for double the amount that would be healed (this damage is positive energy). However, auracrystal weapons are somewhat fragile; performing a critical hit or rolling a natural 1 on an attack roll causes the weapon to shatter and become powerless.

Auracrystal weapons cost more than their normal counterparts, as follows. You can buy daggers, short swords, longswords and greatswords made of auracrystal. The cost to make it out of auracrystal is 350 gp on top of the price of the weapon. You can also buy arrows or crossbow bolts made of vitacrystal. The cost for this is 10 gp per arrow. Any weapon made of auracrystal is considered a masterwork item.

Auracrystal can also be used in powder form. Half a pound of auracrystal powder, if prepared properly and sprinkled on a dead body, reduces the amount of time that body has been dead by 10% of the time the body has been dead. This can allow effects like raise dead or resurrection to work past when they normally would. Once used, the powder is powerless. Half a pound of prepared auracrystal powder costs 250 gp.

1 pound of raw, unworked auracrystal costs 140 gp, and is a trade good.

Plane of Life
This piece of homebrew is part of the Plane of Life sourcebook, a collection of content about positive energy.

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Authorqwertyu63 +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
Rated ByEiji-kun +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryThis special material is mainly used to ma
This special material is mainly used to make crystal magic items to protect from the plane of positive energy. In fact, energy surges on the plane of positive energy cause the creation of these crystals (some can also cause the creation of these crystals on their own).
creation of these crystals on their own). +
TitleAuracrystal +