Avowed Protector (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 3rd December 2019
Status: Finished
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Avowed Protector

An ACF for bodyguards and guardians, it grant the ability to take charge of an ally or innocent and protect them. An Avowed Protector guard her charge and destroy opponents who would strike them.

Class: Fighter or Variant

Level: 1st, 2nd

Replaces: 1st and 2nd level Bonus Feat

Benefit: An Avowed Protector gain the following class feature:

Vow of Protection (Ex): An Avowed Protector can make a vow to keep her a single creature alive as her charge. She must do so over the course of 1 minute, or as a swift action in a stressful situation as long as the target is within 30 feet. The creature is henceforth referred to as her charge. The target stay the Avowed Protector's charge for 24 hours, dies or if it turn on the Avowed Protector. An Avowed Protector may only have a single charge at any given time. The charge may break the bound of protection as a free action.

If her charge is damaged she take a -2 morale penalty on attack roll and AC except against the creature who damaged her charge. If her charge is slain, she take an amount of non-lethal damage equal to her own class level, become Staggered for 1 round and she cannot take another charge for 24 hours. This non-lethal damage cannot be cured until the Avowed protector next rest. If she directly caused the death of her charge, such as by attacking her of her own will, the Avowed Protector lose this ability until she atone with an atonement spell. If the Avowed Protector is not penalized if she was completely incapable of preventing her charge's death, such as it committing suicide, dying purely by it own stupidity or such.

While she has a charge, the Avowed Protector gain an additional attack of opportunity per round which may only be taken against a creature threatening her charge. She gain an additional of such attack of opportunity at 3rd level and each odd level thereafter.

An Avowed Protector gain Dedicated Bodyguard as a bonus feat, however she does not select a creature it applies to. Instead this feat applies to whichever charge she has.

Dutiful Strike (Ex): A 2nd level the Avowed Protector Whenever a creature attack or use an ability against her charge, it provoke an attack of opportunity from the Avowed Protector. The attack of opportunity is resolved before the attack against her charge.

Stern Gaze (Ex) A 2nd level Avowed Protector gain a bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive equal to half her class level.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4449 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassFighter or Variant +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryAn ACF for bodyguards and guardians, it grant the ability to take charge of an ally or innocent and protect them. An Avowed Protector guard her charge and destroy opponents who would strike them. +
TitleAvowed Protector +