Beloved Trader (3.5e Trait)

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Beloved Trader[edit]

You're loved by your people, so prices are cheaper for you.

Benefit: When buying mundane items made by your own race or culture and they are within 1 alignment step of you, the items are half price.

Drawback: Refusing to buy your party anything when you are capable of doing so damages your good reputation with your people and removes this traits benefit for 24 hours. You MUST buy the party something FIRST, in order to even have this traits benefit.

Roleplaying Ideas: Characters with this trait may have long standing friends in their hometown or be well recognized easily by their own people, making hiding there both easier, and harder.

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Identifier3.5e Trait +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou're loved by your people, so prices are cheaper for you. +
TitleBeloved Trader +