Black Sky (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Character Options

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Character Options[edit]


Remember, that in Black Sky, the following rules apply:


Remember that in Black Sky, you get more feats than normal. See the new level-dependent benefits rules for more information on this.

To make all the available feat options easier to locate, they have been collected here.

Name Prerequisite(s) Summary
A Feast Unknown You must have consumed the rapidly cooling flesh of an intelligent mortal creature. Must be evil. You have partaken of the feast most foul and count yourself a king among the ghouls.
Abode of Earth (Earth) Subtype, Burrow speed, Character level 3+ You are at home within the earth.
Adept Flyer (Air) subtype, Fly speed, Character level 5+ You are a natural flyer.
Agony Caress Character level 3 Your touch is Torturous
Apprenticeship None New Mentor Types for the Lower Planes.
Aquafiend None You like the water.
Artificer Arcana 4+ ranks, Caster Level 6 You are a true master of spell trigger magic items.
Attune Domain Caster Level 1, Must follow a god or philosophy consistent with the chosen domain. You incorporate the workings of a divine domain into your magic.
Attune Sphere Caster level 1, must have bled from a wound inflicted by a fiend with access to the chosen sphere. You incorporate the workings of a fiendish sphere into your magic.
Attune Sphere, Book of Elements Caster level 1, must conduct a ritual using a piece of an elemental with access to the chosen sphere. You incorporate the workings of an elemental sphere into your magic.
Binding Growth Wood Elemental Creature (e.g., Psuedoelemental Being (Wood) feat) You grow on people.
Blood Painter Caster Level 5, Spellcraft 4 ranks By painting magical diagrams out of your own blood, you can spontaneously cast spells using only your own life energy. This is especial use to casters who prepare spells, or to casters who have run out of spells.
Blood War Sorcerer Blood War Squaddie, caster level 5, must have fought in the Blood war for one year As a battle magician in the blood War, you’ve learned killing arts that would amaze common spellcasters.
Blood War Squaddie Knowledge (The Planes) 2, must have fought in the Blood War for one year. Due to your time during the Blood War, you’ve been tainted, honed, and hardened by the horrors you’ve seen.
Body Assemblage Caster Level 1+, Ability to cast 1st level spells of the Necromancy school The discarded husks of life are nothing more than a building material to you.
Boneblade Master Craft (Alchemy) 4 ranks, Craft (Scrimshaw) 4 ranks You have mastered the alchemic processes needed to create boneblades, as well as their use in combat.
Breath Weapon Character level 6 You have a magical breath weapon.
Breath of the Elements Resistance 20+ or immunity to an energy type. You have a breath weapon.
Broker of the Infernal Knowledge (The Planes) 10, must be able to cast a spell of the [Calling] subtype Due to the study of the Infernal laws, you have learned to harness the powers of True Names in your summoning magic.
Burn (Fire) Subtype You're hot. You're on fire. You like to burn things.
Carrier Must have one level of a Fiend class. You are a carrier of a dangerous disease, though you are immune to its effects.
Celestial Ancestry None One of your recent ancestors mated with a celestial creature, and now the blood of some Upper Planar creature flows in your veins. This gives you some benefits.
Child Necromancer Caster Level 1+, Must know at least one necromancy spell of each level you can cast An obsession with death and experimentation with necromancy early in your childhood perverted your body and blossoming magical talent. As a result, your body never aged past childhood, and you are an adult in a child’s body, magically powerful but physically weak.
Constricting Fiend Character level 6 Your legs merge into a long tail, and you gain the ability to squeeze the life from your foes.
Control Spawn None Your victims serve you eternally in death.
Craft of the Soulstealer Three or more item creation feats, caster level 6 By studying stolen souls, you have learned to fully tap their power for your magical creations.
Deep Breath Dragon Race, Breath Weapon, Character level 8+ You can take a deep breath to make a very destructive breath weapon
Devil Preparation Character Level 10, Must have eaten the flesh of a Devil or Demon By learning dark culinary techniques, you have learned to consume the flesh of devils, demons, and other infernals, absorbing their taint and some of their power.
Devour the Soul Must have one level of a Fiend class As a fiend, you gain nourishment from devouring souls.
Dominions of the Infernal Must have the signature summon ability of the great Fiendish Houses, must have a Leadership score When you call, armies of those you have defeated are forced to answer in service.
Double Strike Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher, one Slam natural weapon. You can strike twice as fast.
Drench (Water) Subtype Your body puts out fires.
Drowning Grasp (Water) Subtype, Character level 3+ You drown your enemies in your watery embrace.
Element-Binding Craft Three or more Item Creation feats, ability to cast Lesser Planar Binding. You have found the secrets to force an elemental into a magic item and steal its power.
Elemental Aura Character level 7, must have a subtype granting immunity to a form of elemental damage Your close relationship with primal elemental forces has manifested in a damaging aura.
Elemental Avatar Hardiness of the Elements You gain the full Elemental type.
Elemental Resistance None Your elemental heritage gives you the ability to resist energy attacks.
Elemental Whirlwind (Air) Subtype, Character Level 5+ You gain the signature ability of Air Elementals to transform into a Whirlwind.
Enervating Touch None Your undead nature allows you to drain the life out of living victims.
Essence Gourmand Devour the Soul, must have one level of a Fiend class Even among soul-eating fiends, you are an accomplished eater.
Evil Eye Character Level 3 "Go ahead. Try it. I dare you."
Exotic Dragon Dragon Race You are not a usual kind of dragon, and have a weird breath weapon.
Extra Arms Character level 6 (per extra pair) You have more arms than normal.
Extra Arms, Book of Elements Character level 9+ You have more arms than normal.
Extra Legs None You are quadrupedal.
Extra Summons Must have the signature summon ability of the great Fiendish Houses You may use your Fiend Summoning ability two extra times each day.
Facial Lance Beast Type or Celestial Type or Dragon Type You have a lance sticking out of your face. The sharp end is away from you, which works out pretty nicely.
Fairy Eater Must have consumed the flesh of a creature with the fey type, A Feast Unknown By consuming the flesh of fairies, you have absorbed a fraction of their magic.
Feed the Dark Gods Any two Necromantic feats, Character Level 7, 10 ranks in Knowledge (Religion) You have attracted the attention of dark gods and demon lords, and they are willing to grant dark life to your creations in exchange for pain and power.
Fiend Cabalist Caster level 1 You were trained in the mystic arts by a powerful fiend, and your magical power stems from a dark source.
Fiendish Invisibility Character level 6 You cannot be seen
Ghost Cut Technique Whispers of the Otherworld Study of the ephemeral essence of incorporeal undead has taught you combat techniques that transcend the limitations of the flesh.
Hard Freeze Must have at least one spell-like ability with the [Cold] descriptor. Your personality chills people to the bone.
Harmless Form Character level 4 You can assume the likeness of a mortal.
Headbutt Beast Type or Dragon Type or Elemental Type or Fey Type or Fiend Type You have a big bony head, or perhaps tough antlers or curled horns, ideal for getting your face in other people's business.
Heavenly Desserts Character Level 10, Must have eaten the flesh of an Angel, Archon, A Feast Unknown, Eldarin, or Deva By gorging on the sweet flesh of angels, you have digested a portion of their divine essence.
Heighten Spell-like Ability None You can treat your spell-like abilities as more powerful spell effects.
Hellscarred Must have failed a saving throw to a spell or effect associated with a fiend, cannot be a fiend or have any feats with the [Fiend] subtype Having had your mind or body twisted by the essence of a fiend, you have gained some sensitivity and immunity to their power.
Horn Gore Magical Beast Type or Dragon Type or Outsider (Evil) Type You're hornyhorned and bullish.
Huge Size Character level 10 Your size increases to Huge
Huge Size, Book of Elements Character level 10 Your size increases to Huge
IGTN/Pseudoelemental Being Elemental-Bodied You are a psuedoelemental being, with rare and unique powers.
Ice Trail Character Level 3+, (Cold) Subtype You leave a trail of ice where-ever you go.
Improved Exotic Breath Weapon Exotic Dragon, Character Level 6+ Your breath weapon has the signature effects of dragons of your kind
Infusion of Elemental Essence None You have been infused with the power of one of the elemental planes, granting you an affinity for that element and a small degree of magical power.
Large Size Character level 5 Your size increases to Large.
Large Size, Book of Elements Character level 5 Your size increases to Large.
Local Style None Your fighting style is the paragon of how your race wages war.
Master of the Primordial Reality Shaper, 18+ ranks in Craft Your mastery over raw chaos rivals that of the oldest gods, allowing you to shape it into entire planes of existence.
Memories of Death Must be a native to the Prime Material Plane You retain your memories perfectly after you are slain and brought back from the dead.
Mental Evolution Wisdom or Intelligence 14, basic access to a Sphere Your infernal powers have taken a turn away from your force of personality, and towards your insight, or your knowledge.
Paralyzing Touch None The touch of your clawed hand freezes the lifeblood of the hardiest of mortals.
Path of Blood Character Level 5 You have learned the dark and selfish rites that create vampires, the legendary immortal blood drinkers of the night.
Pincers None Two of your hands are converted into pincers.
Poison Sacs Must have one level of a Fiend class One of your natural weapons is envenomed.
Primal Armor None Your body deflects blows off of itself.
Product of Infernal Dalliance None One of your recent ancestors mated with an infernal creature, and now the tainted blood of a Lower Planar creature flows in your veins. Though you can resist the call of your evil heritage, it manifests itself in an inheritance of fiendish power.
Projectile Vomiting, Acid None Call an exorcist!
Ravid's Hand Clockwork Centurion, ability to cast Animate Objects, or connection to the Positive Energy Plane Objects near you occasionally animate and do what you want
Reality Shaper Three or more Item Creation feats, caster level 10th+ You can shape primordial chaos into powerful magic items.
Rending Flames Burn Your fire isn't just hot, but also solid and sharp.
Sleep of the Ages Character Level 8, Wrappings of the Ages, You must remove all of your internal organs and place them within canopic jars during a magic ritual Your mastery of ancient mummification techniques has revealed a secret technique for sleeping away the ages.
Slime Trail Character level 2 Your body secretes a slick mucus that dries quickly in contact with air, but you've learned to use this to your advantage.
Sphere Focus Access to at least one Sphere You can draw on the power of a specific Sphere more easily.
Spider-Fiend Character level 4 Doing the things a spider can
Spines of Fury Character level 3 Spines cover your body, and you may fire these spine at your enemies.
Sting of the Scorpion None You have a stinger that carries lethal poison.
Stolen Breath Character level 3 You take people's breath away by force.
Stolen Breath, Book of Elements Character level 3, one of (Air) Subtype or Drowning Grasp You take people's breath away by force.
Stoning Gaze Character level 9 You turn people you view into stone.
Supernatural Virulence Must have a poisonous natural weapon Your poison is as much magical as it is biological.
Touch of Shadow Shadow Elemental Creature (Psuedoelemental Being (Shadow), Shadow Genasi, or similar), Natural weapon, Character Level 3+ Your shadowy touch can bypass armor.
Tremorsense (Earth) or (Water) Subtype, Character level 6+ Your close connection to your home element gives you Tremorsense.
Webspinner Spider Fiend "Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly."
Whispers of the Otherworld Character Level 4 You have learned the tricks of torturing a soul past the veil of life, and into the shadow of death.
Wings of Evil Character level 5 You have sinister bat-like wings growing from your back.
Wrappings of the Ages Character Level 8 The ancient secrets by which unlife can be sustained in mummification have been unearthed.


Black Sky doesn't allow flaws. You've got enough options with Tome feats already.

Substitution Levels[edit]

To come.