Brachyurus (3.5e Bloodline)

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Author: reddir (talk)
Date Created: 2009-09-23
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Brachyurus are the Platonic wolf/canines, primal ancestors from which all lesser wolves and canines have descended.

Brachyurus Bloodline Traits
Trait Gained
Minor Intermediate Major
1st +2 on Spot Checks
2nd +2 on Spot Checks Improved Initiative
3rd Constitution +1
4th +2 on Spot Checks Improved Initiative Healing, Quick
5th Wolf/Canine Affinity +2
6th Constitution +1 Frightful Howl 1/day
7th +2 on Move Silently Checks
8th Improved Initiative Healing, Quick Lightning Reflexes
9th Dexterity +1
10th Wolf/Canine Affinity +2 Scent (Ex)
11th Wolf/Canine Affinity +4
12th Constitution +1 Frightful Howl 1/day Healing, Quicker
13th +2 on Listen checks
14th +2 on Move Silently Checks Improved Bull Rush
15th Wisdom +1
16th Healing, Quick Lightning Reflexes Speak with Wolves/Canines
17th Wolf/Canine Affinity +6
18th Dexterity +1 Great Fortitude
19th +2 on Hide checks
20th Wolf/Canine Affinity +2 Scent (Ex) Fast Healing 1 (Ex)

Healing, Quick (Ex): In 4 hours, you heal hit points equal to what those without this ability heal in 1 day.

Healing, Quicker (Ex): In 2 hours, you heal hit points equal to what those without this ability heal in 1 day.

Wolf/Canine Affinity: You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with wolves or canines.

Frightful Howl (Su): Equivalent to the ability of the Brachyurus.

Speak to Wolves/Canines (Ex): You gain the ability to speak with and understand wolves and canine-like creatures as if you shared a language.

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Authorreddir +
Identifier3.5e Bloodline +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryBrachyurus are the Platonic wolf/canines, primal ancestors from which all lesser wolves and canines have descended. +
TitleBrachyurus +