Cala'diel (5e Campaign Setting)/Races/Half-Orc

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As far as game mechanics go half-orcs work the same way they do in the players handbook. This section will only list, by sections of the half-orc race in the 5th edition handbook, things that have changed as far as this setting goes.

Half-orc changes for Cala'diel[edit]

  • Scarred and Strong: No changes.
  • The Mark of Gruumsh: No changes as far a flavor and theme goes. Orcs in Cala'diel worship Ranthur. The way this section speaks of the orc relation to Gruumsh is exactly the same for orcs and Ranthur.
  • Tribes and Slums: No changes. On the continent of Athlon orcs are mostly found settling in the Xorus region. Human barbarian tribes would be found in the Loria region.
  • Grudging Acceptance: No changes.
  • Half-orc Names: No change.
  • Half-orc Traits: No change mechanic wise. Age is changed to a lifespan of 50 years.