Curse (3.5e Feat Type)

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[Curse] Feat Type[edit]

Curse feats grant powerful extraordinary or supernatural ability to character who take them, however they also possess their share of drawback. A Curse feat represent usually a powerful curse and usually require the Born Cursed feat, Cursed Bloodline feat or the Family Curse trait in order to qualify for them.


Curse Feats

Feat Summary Prerequisites Balance Point
Crystallizing Wounds Your wounds crystallize, allowing you to ignore damage at the cost of your dexterity. Must be corporeal High
Darkened Sight You gain unlimited darkvision which can pierce some magical darkness, but also gain daylight blindness. None High
Embrace Bloodline You gain high DR/Good but holy weapon inflict a truly baneful wound upon you. Cursed Bloodline High
Flesh as Stone You only have half as much hit points as normal, but you have DR 15/Admantine and halves elemental damage. None High
Forsaken Barrier You have a powerful force field around yourself, but your actual body is quite weak. One other [Curse] feat. Very High
Hexward Tattoo You have a protective tattoo which grants you a deflection bonus to AC and remove curses from yourself. Must not possess any [Curse] feat. High
Seer's Blindness You are blind, but gain blindsight and blindsense as well as a special sixth sense. None High
Shadow Flesh Your skin is either blackened or pale, and shadows tend to cling to you. Born Cursed or Cursed Bloodline or Family Curse. High
Unspeakable Tongue You gain the ability to understand all languages and easily see falsehood, but cannot communicate it easily. None Moderate
Wretched Existence Your body partially disintegrated into ghostly and shadowy remains, granting you partial incorporeality and a high resistance to divination. Must be corporeal High

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SummaryCurse feats grant powerful extraordinary or supernatural ability to character who take them, however they also possess their share of drawback. +