Double-Bladed Scimitar (5e)

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Double-Bladed Scimitar

Martial Melee Weapon

Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Double-Bladed Scimitar 100gp 2d4 slashing 6 lbs Special, Two-Handed, Exotic

Special: If you hit with an attack you can use a bonus action to make a second attack for reduced damage (similar to the Polearm Master feat).

Racial Weapon[edit]

A racial weapon of the Valenar elves.[1]

Exotic Weapon[edit]

The Valenar elves are the only ones know to produce and use this weapon. As such it is considered an exotic weapon. See rules for restricted availability and proficiency.

Revenant Blade[edit]

See the Revenant Blade feat.

Sources and Notes[edit]

  • ERftLW p.21
  • Retrieved from ""
    AuthorEberron Rising from the Last War +
    Canontrue +
    Cost100gp +
    Damage2d4 +
    DamageTypeslashing +
    Magicfalse +
    Other PropertyExotic +
    ProficiencyMartial +
    PropertiesSpecial +, Two-Handed + and Exotic +
    PublicationEberron Rising from the Last War +
    SettingEberron +
    Specialtrue +
    Two-Handedtrue +
    TypeMelee +
    Weight6 +