Eros Kiss (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 8-10-14
Status: Complete
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Eros Kiss[edit]

The Eros Kiss uses the Functional Weapons of Legacy variant rule.

Eros Kiss
Price: 2075 gp
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 20th
Aura: Strong Universal (DC 30)
Activation: See Text
Weight: 2 lb

This shortbow is white, red, and pink, and covered in hearts. It's hardly manly, but it's too useful to simply pass up.

The Eros Kiss is a weapon of legacy composite shortbow (no strength bonus) associated with the "holiday spirits" of Valentine's Day. It starts out as a +1 composite shortbow which only deals nonlethal damage except against things immune to nonlethal damage, in which case it deals lethal damage. As various rituals are made and power is gained, the weapon starts taking on stronger powers. There are five rituals that are performed, they must be performed in order (the 2nd ritual must be completed before you start the 3rd, even if you achieve the 3rd level pre-requisites). Rituals cost gold (in the form of feeding the weapon raw materials) and xp, with an additional pre-requisite. Once the 1st level ritual is unlocked, the weapon displays its omen effect. You can take time out and spend 8 hours bringing the weapon to the next level once you have the pre-requisites.

The Eros Kiss is a unique magic item, on its way to becoming an artifact. While it has a price, it cannot be completely destroyed. If reduced to 0 hp, it instead falls inert in a broken condition, and unable to be used until repaired, but is not destroyed as items usually are. It is treated as an artifact against the effects of mage's disjunction.

Omen: You are surrounded by an aura of pink tones, bubbles, and sparkles.

1st Ritual (Out of Nowhere)[edit]

Auto-Adjust: The Eros Kiss auto-adjusts its strength bonus for the composite bow to that of the wielder.

Enhancement Bonus +2: The Eros Kiss gains a +2 enhancement bonus to attack and damage. This doesn't count against it's total weapon enhancements it can have or its price, though enhancement bonuses to attack and damage do not stack as usual.

Charming Arrow: As a standard action you can fire a special arrow which does no damage. Instead the creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + ability modifier for attacks, usually Dex) or fall under a special form of charm person which treats the next person they interact with as the caster of the effect. A successful save renders the target immune to this effect for 24 hours. The caster level is your character level. This is a spell-like ability.

Sniper of Love: You only take half the penalty on Hide checks when sniping (-10 vs -20).

Pre-Requisites: BAB +3 or Diplomacy 6 ranks, must snipe a creature of your CR or greater and defeat it without ever being noticed once.

Cost: 2000 gp, 80 xp

2nd Ritual (The Desire to Protect)[edit]

Heartbreaker: On a critical threat the target takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls, or a -4 penalty on a confirmed critical hit. It lasts for 10 minutes, and dispels good hope. It has half effect on creatures immune to mind-affecting effects.

Red String of Fate: Choose one ally creature within 100 ft as a standard action. From that point on, if they get healed you also get healed. If they benefit from a positive effect, you also benefit. You constantly have a status effect and telepathy with your bonded ally, but the effect ends if they die or go beyond its range.

Suggestive Arrow: As a standard action you can fire a special arrow which does no damage. Instead the creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + ability modifier for attacks, usually Dex) or fall under suggestion, which you can deliver your order mentally. A successful save renders the target immune to this effect for 24 hours. The caster level is your character level. This is a spell-like ability.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +6 or Diplomacy 9 ranks, must defeat an opponent 1 round after they have injured an ally, before your ally's turn has come up.

Cost: 8000 gp, 320 xp

3rd Ritual (Wishing No Harm)[edit]

Cute Charm: You begin the encounter with the effect of sanctuary on yourself, and your charming arrow and improved charming arrow abilities do not count as attacks for the purpose of breaking the effect. The DC is 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha modifier.

Enhancement Bonus +3: The Eros Kiss gains a +3 enhancement bonus to attack and damage. This doesn't count against it's total weapon enhancements it can have or its price, though enhancement bonuses to attack and damage do not stack as usual.

Improved Charming Arrow: Your charming arrows improves. It is now charm monster, and can work on creatures immune to mind affecting effects. However they get a +8 bonus on the saving throw. This is a spell-like ability.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +9 or Diplomacy 12 ranks, must survive 3 consecutive combat situations without taking damage.

Cost: 18,000 gp, 720 xp

4th Ritual (Bonds of Friendship)[edit]

Improved Heartbreaker: The penalty from heartbreaker doubles.

Kindness Arrow: As a standard action you can fire a special arrow which does no damage. Instead the creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + ability modifier for attacks, usually Dex) or be forced to use nonlethal damage and methods whenever possible, taking penalties as needed. The effect lasts for 1 hour. A successful save renders the target immune to this effect for 24 hours. The caster level is your character level. This is a spell-like ability.

Ties That Bind: The bond from red string of fate improves to the point where your ally will not die as long as you are alive, and you won't die as long as your ally is alive. They remain unconscious if brought below 0 hp as normal, and they are brought to -9 and stable if they fail against a death effect, but neither of you can die until both of you are brought to a state where you should be dead.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +12 or Diplomacy 15 ranks, must befriend a creature which was originally hostile to you. The friendship must not be compelled (though you may use magic as part of gaining their trust).

Cost: 32,000 gp, 1280 xp

5th Ritual (Bonds of Love)[edit]

Endless Daydream: As a standard action you can fire a special arrow which does no damage. Instead the creature falls under the effect of microcosm (single target only) with no save if they are under 100 hp. In addition, the effect only lasts 24 hours. They are stuck in an endless daydream with the creature of their desires. A successful save renders the target immune to this effect for 24 hours. The caster level is your character level. This is a spell-like ability.

Enhancement Bonus +4: The Eros Kiss gains a +4 enhancement bonus to attack and damage. This doesn't count against it's total weapon enhancements it can have or its price, though enhancement bonuses to attack and damage do not stack as usual.

Improved Sniper of Love: You take no penalty on Hide checks for sniping.

Power of Love: Your arrows are powered by love, and are bane to those with no love in their hearts. You deal double damage against mindless creatures and [Evil] subtyped creatures.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +15 or Diplomacy 18 ranks, must cause two creatures to fall in love and marry or have children.

Cost: 50,000 gp, 2000 xp

Prerequisites: N/A.
Cost to Create: Unique item, cannot be created.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5648 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Body SlotHeld +
Cost2075 gp +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA weapon of legacy shortbow associated with the "holiday spirits" of Valentine's Day. As it grows, it grants greater and greater powers. +
TitleEros Kiss +