Extradimensional Space Master (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 3rd March 2017
Status: Finished
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Extradimensional Space Master [General] Prerequisites: Knowledge (The Plane) 4 RanksBenefit: You are an expert at correctly using extradimensional storage (such as Bags of Holding or Handy Haversacks), gaining the following benefits.

Quick Takeout: Taking out items out of extradimensional space is decreased to a move action if it would be a full-round action and a swift action if it would be a move action.

Optimize Space: Whenever you place an item in a extradimensional space it size and weight is considered half of it normal, allowing you to essentially store twice as much as normal.

Safety Spill: If your extradimensional space is damaged in a way which would destroy it content, you may use an immediate action to cause to instead spill iit content on the ground safely.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4445 Articles)
Article BalanceLow +
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteKnowledge (The Plane) 4 Ranks +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou are capable of using extradimensional space very efficiiently. +
TitleExtradimensional Space Master +
TypeGeneral +