Faerie Forge Adept (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)
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Faerie Forge Adept
Class: Forgefire Adept
Prerequisites: Neutral Good, Neutral Evil, Neutral, Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Neutral
Level: 1 to 20
Replaces: Class Skills, Weapon and Armor Proficiencies, Bonus Languages, Embertouched, Children of Stone and Fire, some invocations, some breath effects.
Benefit: different Class Skills, different Weapon and Armor Proficiencies, different Bonus Languages, Carer of the Grove, Children of the Meadow, other invocations, other breath effects.
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Any) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (local) (nature) (the planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Magic Device (Cha).
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Faerie Forge Adepts are proficient with the following weapons: club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortspear, sling and spear. They are also proficient with medium armor and shields (except tower shields), but are prohibited from wearing metal armor or shields. Willingly equipping such prohibited items will prevent the faerie forge adept from using their class features for the whole day.
Bonus Language: A forgefire adept can choose Elven, Druidic or Sylvan as one of their known languages.
Carer of the Grove (replaces Embertouched): At 1st level a faerie forge adept's body changes as a consequence of their new divine link. They gain 1 hit point, a +1 DC on spells and abilities that affect plants or wood, and a +1 bonus on saving throws against poison, disease and paralysis effects. Additionally, you can craft ironwood objects by growing them from the soil in a calm environment with vegetation (like a garden or forest). Besides getting access to the material and requiring no tools or forge, this process is equivalent to regular crafting: you will still incur the usual gold costs, time costs and Craft checks. You also benefit from having appropriate tools, although you don't require them.
Children of the Meadow (replaces Children of Stone and Fire) (Ex): At 3rd level a forgefire adept gains a +2 sacred bonus on Wisdom-based skill checks while in a forest, jungle or Fey-dominated plane.
Level | Effect | Brief Description |
2nd | Faerie Breath (replaces Soot Breath) | Reveals enemies clearly. |
2nd | Breath of Roses (replaces Stone Breath) | Deals piercing damage. |
5th | Growth Breath (replaces Breath of the Forge) | Grows vines and weeds. |
15th | Five-fold Breath (replaces Five-fold Breath) | Breathe five different breath weapons simultaneously. |
15th | Forest Spite (replaces Volcanic Eruption) | Grow poison vines and fire with double range. |
Invocations: You gain the invocations: Aquatic Adaptation, See the Unseen, Wood Shape, Plummet, Spike Growth, Charm, Speak with Plants, Soul Brand, One With Nature, Acid Fog, Nature Call, Forest Roots, Faerie Roots.
List of Invocations[edit]
Aquatic Adaptation (replaces Shattering Blows) (2nd): For 24 hours, you can breathe and use your breath weapon underwater, and you gain swim speed equal to your land speed.
See the Unseen (replaces Endure Exposure) (2nd): For 24 hours, you grant yourself great powers of vision, allowing you to see invisible creatures and objects, as the see invisibility spell. You also gain darkvision out to 60 feet.
Wood Shape (replaces Stone Shape) (3rd): You can use wood shape and warp wood as per the spells.
Plummet (replaces Command Rust) (4th): You cause as many flying creatures within 60 feet of you as your Wisdom modifier to be forced downward suddenly. The targets must make a Will save or fall 5 feet per caster level. A creature that is forced to the ground as a result of this invocation takes 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet traveled and cannot fly again for 1 round.
Spike Growth (replaces Field of Edges) (4th): This invocation behaves like the spike growth spell, except its range is Close, its duration is 1 minute/level and the area covered by the spell counts as difficult terrain. Using this invocation again dismisses any previous instances.
Charm (replaces Metalbreaker) (4th): You can beguile a creature within 60 feet. The creature must succeed on a Will save or instantly regard you as its comrade. This is a language-dependent ability. Other than these differences, this ability works as the charm monster spell. You can never have more than one target charmed at a time with this ability. If a second creature is charmed, you lose your hold on the first creature.
Speak with Plants (replaces Tremorsense) (4th): You can use speak with plants as per the spell.
Soul Brand (replaces Brittle Brand) (6th): In any round in which you make a melee attack, you can use this invocation as a swift action before the attack. If the attack is successful, the target is branded for 10 rounds. A branded creature takes 1d4 plus your Wisdom modifier temporary damage to its Constitution (restored when the brand vanishes). Additionally for the duration of the brand, that creature has a -2 penalty to its save rolls and any attempt they make at casting a spell or using a spell-like ability has a 25% chance of failure. Any creature can only have one brand at any given time, and using this effect on an already-branded creature has no effect.
One With Nature (replaces Metal Shape) (5th): You commune with nature as per the spell. You may end the effect by becoming a tree as per the tree shape spell or by using tree stride as per the spell.
Acid Fog (replaces Searing Fog) (6th): You create an acid magical fog as per the solid fog spell. Each creature within the area takes 2d6 points of acid damage at the start of its turn. You can only have one Acid Fog at any given time, creating a new one replaces any previously created instances.
Nature Call (replaces Sonic Shout) (6th): You may summon nature's ally vi as per the spell, or turn a Huge living tree into a treant (except it doesn't have the animate trees ability) for as many rounds as your caster level. Using this invocation again ends previous instances.
Forest Roots (replaces Earthen Roots) (8th): Your body grows into dense mass of hardwood and vines for 24 hours. While in this state you undergo the following changes:
- You gain the plant type (and with it, immunity to mind-affecting effects).
- Your size increases by two categories.
- Your damage reduction feature changes to 15/slashing
- +2 Constitution
- You gain Low-light vision 60'
- +2 on Will saving throws
- Immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis and polymorphing.
- Immunity to extra damage from critical hits or flanking
- You can animate trees within 180 feet at will, controlling up to two at a time. It takes 1 full round for a normal tree to uproot itself. Thereafter it moves at a speed of 10 feet and fights as a treant in all respects (except they don't have the animate trees ability).
Faerie Roots (replaces Flaming Roots) (8th): You grow wings and your personality takes a somewhat more whimsical turn. While in this state you undergo the following changes:
- You gain the Fey type
- You grow wings and gain fly speed equal to your land speed. The appearance of the wings might depend on your lineage, the forest where you grew up, your current environment or some other factor (up to the GM), and might be one of the following: bat, bird, butterfly/moth, dragon/scaled, other insect.
- +2 Charisma
- Your damage reduction feature changes to 7/cold iron
- +2 on Hide and Move Silently Checks
- Immunity to enchantment spells and spell-like effects.
- Immunity to mind-affecting, sleep and polymorphing effects.
- You do not leave a trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked (unless you wish to). You can also move through any kind of undergrowth at your normal speed without suffering damage or any other impairment.
- You gain a special ability as a standard action. The ability might depend on your lineage, the forest where you grew up, the current season or some other factors (up to the GM), and will be one of the following:
- Spring Touch (Su): At will, as a standard action, you can touch a creature. This touch removes dazed, nauseated, fatigued, exhausted and petrified conditions from living creatures and grants them Fast Healing 3 for 7 rounds.
- Summer Air (Su): At will, as a standard action, you can activate this ability. This ability functions much like a magic circle against evil centered around yourself, except that it protects against attacks from all creatures of any alignment except for those of the animal, beast, fey, plant or magical beast creature types.
- Autumn Touch (Su): As a standard action, you can touch a creature with a special withering touch. This touch acts like a targeted dispel magic, sickens the creature for 3 rounds (no save) and deals 1d6 of cold damage for 3 rounds.
- Winter Air (Su): You have a chill presence that disquiets nonfey. Living, nonfey creatures within 5 feet of you feel uneasy and suffer a morale penalty on saves equal to your Wisdom or Charisma modifier (whichever is greater).
- Meadow Mist (Sp): You can use major image at will. Any creature that has disbelieved an illusion you made in the last 7 days automatically succeeds in the save check to disbelieve this effect.
- Forest Slumber (Sp): You can use this ability as a full round action at will. This ability targets any creatures within a 10-feet radius burst centered anywhere within 100 feet of you. Creatures targeted by this ability must succeed on a Will save with DC 13 + Charisma or Wisdom modifier (whichever is higher) or be affected by a sleep effect. Creatures that have already been targeted by this ability in the last 7 days automatically succeed on this save.
- Jungle Fever (Sp): You can use this ability as a standard action at will. You can target any creatures within 15 feet of you and they must succeed on a Will save with DC 13 + Charisma or Wisdom modifier (whichever is higher) or be affected by a confusion effect. Creatures that have already been targeted by this ability in the last 7 days automatically succed on the save.
Forgefire Effects[edit]
Faerie Breath (2nd): Rather than dealing damage, your breath weapon blankets its area with a pale faerie fire, as per the faerie fire spell, except its duration is reduced to 2 rounds.
Breath of Roses (2nd): You spit a barrage of thorny flowers in a line, dealing piercing damage instead of fire damage. You can apply this effect only to line-shaped breath weapons.
Growth Breath (5th): Instead of dealing the usual fire damage, grasses, weeds and vines grow in the area of the breath, entwining around enemies as per the Entangle spell, except its duration is reduced to 4 rounds. You may use this feature to improve your crafting of wooden (or ironwood) items by 20% (on a successful craft check, multiply the result by 1.2 in order to determine the progress made towards completion).
Five-fold Breath (15th): As a full-round action, you create five different breath weapons simultaneously: a cone of acid damage, a cone of fire damage, a cone of sound damage, a line of piercing damage and a line of force. Each breath weapon deals the normal breath weapon damage and allows its usual save (Reflex except for sound, which uses Fortitude instead). When using this effect, you take damage equal to twice your class level, which can't be lessened by damage reduction or any other feature like that. In addition, you cannot use any breath weapon in the following two rounds.
Forest Spite (15th): As a full-round action, you breathe fire in a 60 feet cone and beguiling, poisonous, thorny vines grow in the area of the breath, stricking enemies in it. You deal your breath weapon damage as fire damage and your breath weapon damage as piercing damage (halved by successful Reflex save), 3d4 temporary Dexterity damage and 2d4 temporary Wisdom damage (halved by a successful Constitution save) and enemies are dazed for 2 rounds (1 round on a successful Will save). When using this effect, you take damage equal to twice your class level, which can't be lessened by damage reduction or any other feature like that. In addition, you cannot use any breath weapon in the following two rounds.
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Author | Eromythic + |
Class | Forgefire Adept + |
Identifier | 3.5e Alternate Class Feature + |
Rating | Undiscussed + |
Skill | Appraise +, Concentration +, Craft +, Diplomacy +, Handle Animal +, Heal +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Profession +, Ride +, Spellcraft +, Spot +, Survival +, Swim + and Use Magic Device + |
Skill Points | 4 + |
Title | Faerie Forge Adept + |