Flowerchild (4e Race)

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Author: Foxy Boxes (talk)
Date Created: 16-4-13
Status: Needs Testing
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Flowerchild (Flowerchi)[edit]

Elves of the Fey, converted by mystical powers into half-plant beings. They are graceful creatures with great knowledge of the wild.

Racial Traits
Average Height: 5'4" - 6'1"
Average Weight: 130 - 170 lb.
Ability Scores: +2 Strength, +2 Charisma
Size: Medium
Speed: 7 squares
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, Elven
Skill Bonuses: +5 Nature, +2 Heal
Natural Beauty: You take a -2 penalty to intimidate skill checks due to your elegance and beauty.
Fire Hazard: When you take fire damage (except from this effect), roll 1d6. If the result of the roll is a 1 you take 1d6 fire damage at the end of each turn, and powers with the "Root" keyword deal 1d8 fire damage (save ends both).
Fey Origin: Your ancestors were native to the Feywild, so you are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.
Wild Step: You ignore difficult terrain when you shift (even if you have a power that allows you to shift multiple squares).
Elven Heritage: You can take feats that have elf as a prerequisite (as well as those specifically for flowerchi), as long as you meet any other requirements.
Vine Grip: You gain a +2 racial bonus to Athletics checks for climbing.
Ingrain: Rather than sleep during an extended rest, you put down roots. While rooted, you are both Restrained and Immobilized.
Solar Energize: You gain the Solar Energize power.
Root Rush: You gain the Root Rush power.
Root Rush
Flowerchild Racial Power
Roots erupt from the palms of your hands and rush into the earth towards your foes.
Daily ✦ Root
Standard Close Burst 3
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Nature vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier. Targets must make make a Acrobatics check vs a DC equal to your Nature, targets that fail the check fall prone.
Miss: Targets must make make a Acrobatics check vs a DC equal to your Nature, targets that fail the check fall prone.
2d8 at 11th level. 3d8 at 21st level.

Solar Energize
Flowerchild Racial Power
You draw in energy from the surrounding light, healing yourself.
Encounter ✦ Healing, Reliable
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: You become Bloodied.
Requirement: At least 1 Healing Surge.
Effect: You spend a Healing Surge and regain an additional 1d8 in bright light.
Sustain Minor: When you sustain this power, regain either 1d4 hit points in dim light or 2d4 hit points in bright light (this power cannot be sustained in darkness).

Play a Flowerchild if you want...

  • To become a natural controller or a durable striker.
  • To take advantage of any given situation by utilizing the environment around you.
  • To be a member of a race that favors the Druid, Ranger and Shaman classes.

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Facts about "Flowerchild (4e Race)"
AuthorFoxy Boxes +
Identifier4e Race +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryElves of the Fey, converted by mystical powers into half-plant beings. They are graceful creatures with great knowledge of the wild. +
TitleFlowerchild +