Fortune (3.5e Class)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 2-14-14
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Some rely entirely on luck over skill. Fortunes can manage absurd luck, but if they get overwhelmed their luck might run out. 0 Other Other


Most perform their great acts and deeds through skill and power, but not everyone has that kind of talent. For every rogue or wizard there are 100 commoners. But even among fairly mundane folk, some manage acts of luck and skill. Some even rely on luck beyond all others. They are the Fortune, blessed by fate.

Making a Fortune[edit]

Abilities: Fortunes can work with very low ability scores, though a strong Intelligence helps with skills and Constitution helps with not dying. For the most part, however, they can do without strong abilities.

Races: Any.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: 5d4 (125 gp).

Starting Age: Simple.

Table: The Fortune

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +0 +0 Bonus Feat, Luck Pool, Plot Armor, Qualified
2nd +1 +0 +0 +0 Bonus Feat, Luck Dice (1d4, 1/round)
3rd +1 +1 +1 +1 Evasion, Never One to Fail
4th +2 +1 +1 +1 Item Knack, Luck Dice (1d6)
5th +2 +1 +1 +1 Natural 5
6th +3 +2 +2 +2 Bonus Feat, Luck Dice (1d8)
7th +3 +2 +2 +2 Exploding Dice, Luck Dice (2/day)
8th +4 +2 +2 +2 Luck Dice (1d10)
9th +4 +3 +3 +3 Cheating the Game, Improved Evasion
10th +5 +3 +3 +3 Bonus Feat, Luck Dice (2d6), Natural 10
11th +5 +3 +3 +3 Misfortune
12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +4 Luck Dice (2d6+1d4, 3/round)
13th +6/+1 +4 +4 +4 Second Chance
14th +7/+2 +4 +4 +4 Bonus Feat, Luck Dice (2d6+1d6)
15th +7/+2 +5 +5 +5 Mettle, Natural 15
16th +8/+3 +5 +5 +5 Luck Dice (2d6+1d8)
17th +8/+3 +5 +5 +5 Luck Dice (4/round), Winning the Game
18th +9/+4 +6 +6 +6 Bonus Feat, Luck Dice (2d6+1d10)
19th +9/+4 +6 +6 +6 Survivor
20th +10/+5 +6 +6 +6 Luck Dice (2d6+2d6), Natural 20

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
The fortune can choose any ten skills to be class skills.

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Fortune.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The expert is proficient in the use of all simple weapons, a single martial weapon of their choice, dice, throwing cards, and with light and medium armor, and shields (but not tower shields).

Bonus Feat: At 1st, 2nd, and every four levels beyond (6th, 10th, etc) the fortune gains a bonus feat from the following: Any Luck feat, Blind-Fight, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Luck of HeroesPGtF (can ignore requirements), Toughness, and any Skill Focus feat. The fortune must still qualify for the feat as normal.

Luck Pool: The fortune is just plain lucky. He gains a pool of luckiness equal to 8 times his class level. Whenever the fortune makes a die roll, they can spend up to their character level in luck points, which is added as a luck bonus to the roll. For example, a 5th level fortune could roll a saving throw and add anywhere from +1 to +5 luck to the roll. The luck pool is refreshed after 8 hours of rest, and luck points must be used before the results of the roll are known.

Plot Armor (Ex): The fortune is so lucky, you'd think he'd be the main character to some kind of story. The fortune adds 2 + 1/2 his class level as a luck bonus to AC. Luck applies on touch and flatfooted AC as well. This stacks with other luck bonuses.

Qualified (Ex): In spite of the fortune not having terribly impressive BAB or saves, treat the Fortune as having good BAB and all good saves for the purposes of pre-requisites.

Luck Dice (Ex): At 2nd level, the fortune can apply extra dice to any d20 rolls he makes once per round. For example he could make an attack roll, and rolls BAB + 1d20 + his ability modifier + an additional 1d4. At 4th level, the die size rises to 1d6, then 1d8 at 6th, 1d10 at 8th, and 2d6 at 10th. At 12th level, the process repeats adding the previous 2d6 and an additional 1d4, then 1d6, 1d8, and so forth.

At 7th level the fortune can use his luck dice 2 times in a round, such as on two attacks or an attack and a saving throw, and an additional use per round is granted every five levels (12th, 17th, etc).

Evasion (Ex): At 3rd level, the fortune gains evasion like a monk. This ability cannot be used on any saves you have used luck rerolls or luck pool for.

Never One to Fail (Ex): At 3rd level, the fortune just cannot fail. All natural 1s are treated as a natural 2.

Item Knack (Ex): At 4th level, the fortune seems to have a great deal of luck with items. Any magic items can use his class level as its caster level, and have a minimum DC of 10 + 1/2 HD + the fortune's highest mental ability score. Given enough cash, the fortune can have quite a few magical items.

Natural 5 (Ex): At 5th level, the fortune can take 5 on any d20 roll. It can be used once per round.

Exploding Dice (Ex): At 7th level, the fortune can deal extra damage if he is lucky. Whenever he rolls maximum on a damage die roll, he can roll an additional die of that type. For example if he rolls an 8 on a 1d8, he rolls another d8. He can only use this on d6 and larger dice.

Cheating the Game (Ex): At 9th level, the fortune can cheat when it comes to luck. Whenever there is a random chance from an effect (such as the effects of confusion or pulling from a Deck of Many Things) you can roll twice and take the better result. It doesn't apply to attack rolls, saves, skills, or anything else which doesn't have at least three different results possible.

Improved Evasion (Ex): At 9th level, the fortune gains evasion like a monk. This ability cannot be used on any saves you have used luck rerolls or luck pool for.

Natural 10 (Ex): At 10th level, the fortune can take 10 on any d20 roll. It can be used once per minute.

Misfortune (Ex): At 11th level, the fortune can turn some of his fortune for himself into misfortune for others. He can make a opponent in 5 ft roll twice on a d20 roll, and take the worse result. The misfortune effect has no save, but only applies to one roll each round.

Second Chance (Ex): At 13th level, the fortune who failed a saving throw against an effect with a duration can attempt another saving throw at the beginning of the next round against the effect. If successful he treats himself as having made the saving throw, though any damage or instantaneous effects endure. A fortune can de-petrify themselves like this or come back from the dead after failing a save vs death. He may do this once per encounter (or once per minute outside of combat).

Mettle (Ex): At 15th level, the fortune gains mettle. If he makes a successful Will or Fortitude save against an attack that normally would have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as any spell with a saving throw entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), he instead completely negates the effect. An unconscious or sleeping fortune does not gain the benefit of mettle. This ability cannot be used on any saves you have used luck rerolls or luck pool for.

Natural 15 (Ex): At 15th level, the fortune can take 15 on any d20 roll. It can be used once per hour.

Winning the Game (Ex): At 17th level, the fortune is really good at cheating the system. On any random roll which Cheating the Game applies to, he can choose the die result. This abilities does not apply to artifact, such as Deck of Many Things or the Rogue's Dice.

Survivor (Ex): At 19th level, the fortune can pull off the impossible, and can survive one event without taking any damage or effects for 1 round. They could even be thrown into the sun and survive, at least for 1 round. He may use this as an immediate action 1/day.

Natural 20 (Ex): At 20th level, the fortune can take 20 on any d20 roll. It can be used once per day.

Epic Fortune[edit]

Table: The Epic Fortune

Hit Die: d8

Level Special
21st Luck Dice (2d6+2d6+1d4)
22nd Bonus Feat, Luck Dice (5/round)
23rd Luck Dice (2d6+2d6+1d6)
25th Luck Dice (2d6+2d6+1d8)
26th Bonus Feat
27th Luck Dice (2d6+2d6+1d10, 6/round)
29th Luck Dice (2d6+2d6+2d6)
30th Bonus Feat

6 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Luck Dice: The fortune continues to gain luck dice every 2 levels as the chart above, and continues to get additional uses of the luck dice per round.

Bonus Feats : The epic Fortune gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic Fortune bonus feats) at 22nd and every 4 levels after.

Epic Fortune Bonus Feat List: All previous bonus feats, as well as PENDING.

Human Fortune Starting Package[edit]

Weapons: Greataxe.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 7 + Int modifier.

Skill Ranks Ability Armor
Bluff 4 Cha
Diplomacy 4 Cha
Escape Artist 4 Dex
Knowledge Local 4 Int
Sense Motive 4 Wis
Spot 4 Wis
Use Magic Device 4 Cha

Feat: Weapon Focus (greataxe).

Bonus Feats: Lucky StartCS, Unbelievable LuckCS.

Gear: Chain Shirt.

Gold: 5 gp.

Campaign Information[edit]

Playing a Fortune[edit]

Religion: Lady Luck, Olidammara, and other gods and goddesses of luck and fortune are favorites of the fortune.

Other Classes: Other classes might see the fortune as lazy, useless, or listless, or may be envious that this weakling is somehow able to survive and fight along with them. On the other hand, they might also be glad fortune is smiling on him, and hoping some of their luck rubs off on them.

Combat: A fortune can act the part of melee, ranged, or spellcaster, but must do so by supplementing his own non-abilities with items. Whatever he chooses, he usually much specialize his ability scores to benefit them the most.

Advancement: Several Complete Scoundrel prestige classes are thematically appropriate to the fortune.

Fortunes in the World[edit]

Lady luck's smilin' on us tonight. Alright, another on Red 12.
—Saltseer, Half-Elf Fortune

Daily Life: Life is smiling on you, so the fortune likes to take risks, take chances, and live every day like it was their last. Given the nature of luck, it may be.

Notables: Everyone knows a hero seems to have uncanny luck. Chances are, they may be a fortune.

Organizations: Fortunes are rare blessed individuals, and as such there's really not enough to them to know each other and gather.

NPC Reactions:

Fortune Lore[edit]

Characters with ranks in Knowledge Local can research fortunes to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge Local
DC Result
10 Fortunes are really lucky. They aren't great fighters, they aren't unusually durable, they aren't much of anything, and yet they somehow make it through by sheer luck.
15 A fortune can deal almost unlimited damage if lucky enough, and can sometimes bend fate to get a result they expect.
20 Fortunes are so lucky they can even reverse bad luck and come back from surely fatal events. Never face one in a game of chance, you will lose.
30 Those who reach this level of success can research specific fortunes, their motives, recent activity, and last known location.

Fortune in the Game[edit]

Sample Encounter: A stranger is in town, and he's swindling everyone out of their cash through gambling and bets. He's done so much an angry mob is starting to form. Can you deal with the crowd, or figure out how, or if, the stranger is cheating so that he can be taken in by the law?


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Facts about "Fortune (3.5e Class)"
Article BalanceModerate +
AuthorEiji-kun +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionPoor +
Class AbilityOther +
Class Ability ProgressionOther +
Fortitude Save ProgressionPoor +
Identifier3.5e Class +
Length20 +
Minimum Level0 +
Rated ByLobozo +
RatingRating Pending +
Reflex Save ProgressionPoor +
Skill Points6 +
SummarySome rely entirely on luck over skill. Fortunes can manage absurd luck, but if they get overwhelmed their luck might run out. +
TitleFortune +
Will Save ProgressionPoor +