Guild Thief (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 13th May 2015
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Guild Thief

A Guild Thief is a Rogue ACF with less focus on traps and more focus on the art of crime. A Guild Thief also possess a unique blend of skirmish and sneak attack, making them versatile mobile flankers.

Class: Rogue

Level: 1st-20th

Replaces: Evasion, Sneak Attack, Trapfinding, Trap Sense

Benefit: A guild thief receive the following class features at the listed level:

Guild Specialization: A 1st level Guild Thief choose one specialization, at 3rd level you select another. You choose your specialization from the following list:

Bandit: You gain Improved Disarm as a bonus feat even if you do not meet the prerequisites.

Conman: You gain a +2 bonus on Forgery skill checks, additionally in situations where you can present a legal document of some sort, you can use a Forgery check instead of a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check.

Courtesan: You gain a +2 bonus on all charisma-based skill check against those who find you attractive and gain the seduce to learn ability.

Highwayman: You become proficient with all martial weapons and gain Two-Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat.

Pickpocket: You gain a +2 bonus on sleight of hand skill check and Quick Draw as a bonus feat even if you do not meet the prerequisites.

Spy: You gain a +2 bonus on Disguise skill checks and Disguise in Plain Sight as a bonus feat even if you do not meet the prerequisites.

Thug: You gain Improved Bull Rush as a bonus feat.

Weapon Finesse: A 1st level Guild Thief gain Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.

Night Prowler (Ex): A 2nd level Guild Thief trained her eyes to see in the darkness of the night. She gain Darkvision out of 20 feet and Low-Light Vision. If she already possessed such ability she increase the range of her Darkvision by 20 feet and/or double the range of her Low-Light Vision.

Skirmish (Ex): A 2nd level guild thief, after moving 10' she gain a +1 bonus to Attack Roll and +1d6 Damage on all attacks she make until the end of her turn. This ability improve by +1/+1d6 at level six and every six level afterward. The extra damage dealt by skirmish is precision damage.

Sneak Attack (Ex): At 3rd level and each 3 level thereafter the Guild Thief gain +1d6 sneak attack (see Rogue.

Practiced Skill (Ex): A 4th level and each 4 level thereafter guild thief gain Skill Focus as a bonus feat, additionally she gain the ability to take 10 on all skills she has skill focus in even in stressful situation or if she couldn't normally take 10.

Specialized Move (Ex): At 5th level the Guild Thief learn a special move based on her specializations. This ability is usable once per encounter unless otherwise noted.

Bandit: After successfully disarming a creature, you may make a Demoralize Opponent attempt. If successful your opponent take 1d4 Daunt level and is At Bay from you. Both effects last until it deal damage to you.

Conman: You replicate the effect of the Don't Hurt Me skill trick, then the next round you may make a Hide check even if you do not have cover. This effect last until the end of your turn, at which case you may have found actual cover.

Courtesan: After having successfully seduced a target you may replicate the effect of suggestion (DC 10 + 1/2 Class Level + Charisma Bonus) against it. This move may only be used once per hour.

Highwayman: As a swift action you may make a Demoralize Other check against all creature within 30 feet without a weapon drawn (creatures with natural weapon or lethal unarmed strike are unaffected). Each opponent who is successfully affected is Staggered for 1 round and At Bay from you for 3 rounds. This ability may only be used once per hour.

Pickpocket: As a standard action you may make a Touch Attack, if successful you attempt to steal an object on the target with Sleight of Hand. You gain a +10 bonus on the theft itself but a -10 penalty to not be noticed. This may be used against creature who are aware of you without any penalties and may be used to steal object which would require you to pin your opponent first without doing so.

Spy: As a swift action you can make a single attack, the target of this attack is flat-footed against it. If the target if killed or knock unconscious by this attack it cannot vocalize and make no sound.

Thug: Whenever you successfully Bull Rush a creature you may make a Trip attempt as a free action.

Guildmaster (Ex): A 10th level Guild Thief gain ownership of her own guild, she gain Variant Leadership and squire as bonus feats. In communities where you guild is present you are under the effect of regal presence, if the effect is dismissed or expended it return after 1 hour.

At 15th level and each 5 level thereafter the number of followers you have double and you select an additional contact.

Grimoire Rogue Notes: If you use the Grimoire Rogue, you do not get Weapon Focus at 1st level and Two-Weapon Fighting at 2nd level. This replace losing evasion and trap sense.

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Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorLeziad +
ClassRogue +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryA Guild Thief is a Rogue ACF with less focus on traps and more focus on the art of crime. A Guild Thief also possess a unique blend of skirmish and sneak attack, making them versatile mobile flankers. +
TitleGuild Thief +