Gun Sword (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 14th September 2022
Status: Complete
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Gun Sword

Exotic Two-Handed Projectile

Cost: 500 gp
Damage (Small): 1d6
Damage (Medium)1: 1d8
Critical: 20/x3
Range Increment: 60'
Weight2: 8 lbs
Type3: Bludgeoning and Piercing
HP4: 10
Hardness: 10

1. See Damage Increases by Size to calculate the damage for a weapon larger than Medium or smaller than Small.
2. Weight figures are for Medium weapons. A Small weapon weighs half as much, and a Large weapon weighs twice as much.
3. When two types are given, the weapon is both types if the entry specifies "and", either type (player's choice at time of attack) if the entry specifies "or", or each end of the double weapon is a different type if the entry specifies "/".
4. The hp value given is for Medium armor, weapons, and shields. Divide by 2 for each size category of the item smaller than Medium, or multiply it by 2 for each size category larger than Medium.

A good example of a gun sword configuration.

This truly exotic weapon is the fusion between a large sword and a two-handed rifle. While it can be used as a one-handed melee weapon, two hands are required to operate and reload the firearm parts. The firearm's trigger is typically built into the hilt, gun swords are typically made single-edged.

The gun sword holds six cartridges and is reloaded as a full-round action. The gun sword is enhanced as two weapons, with the ranged part and melee part of the weapon being enhanced separately. The statistic above represent the gun sword when used as a firearm, it can be used in melee with the same statistic as longsword, although feats such as Weapon Focus (Gun Sword) applies to the weapon in both states.

Once per round, when a proficient user made successful melee attack with the gun sword against a creature, if the gunblade is loaded the wielder may discharge the weapon as a free action. Doing so expends a bullet as per firing it, deals 4 extra damage and changes the damage type dealt by the attack from "slashing" to "bludgeoning, piercing and slashing". This damage is multiplied by a critical hit or by abilities which multiply damage dice rolled. If the bullet was magical, add the bullet's enhancement bonus and special abilities to the attack in addition to the melee enhancement on the gun sword, as if it was a ranged attack. Any magical effect which add damage to the bullet, or alters the bullet damage type also affect this melee attack. This is not a proper ranged attack and thus does not provoke, or trigger any special abilities which require a ranged attack and does not require two hands. The extra damage dealt by gun swords of unusual size increases by 1 for each size larger than medium, and decrease by 1 for each size smaller than medium (minimum of 1).

Any class feature or abilities that grants proficiency with all firearms does not grant automatic proficiency with the gun sword.

Pathfinder: This weapon is both the in firearm and heavy blade weapon group, uses metal cartridge and has a misfire value of 1.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4524 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassProjectile +
Cost500 gp +
Critical20/x3 +
Damage1d8 +
Damage TypeBludgeoning + and Piercing +
Hardness10 +
Hit Points10 +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
ProficiencyExotic +
Range60 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeTwo-Handed +
TitleGun Sword +
Weight8 +