Gundhin (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 13th March 2015
Status: Finished, need some polishing.
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Gundhin uses the Functional Weapons of Legacy variant rule.

Price: 3000
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 20th
Aura: Strong Universal (DC 30)
Activation: See Text
Weight: 10 lbs

An ancient blade of legend, Gundhin is supposedly a blade of scoundrel, liar and oathbreakers turned to great heroes. The blade itself is between a longsword and short sword in length but it made of a strange material making it extremely heavy and unwieldy, it has no guard and it blade is straight and dull. Gundhin is a +1 thrudstone short sword, it require exotic weapon prof to use one-handed. When Gundhin is found it is always sheathed and cannot be unsheathed except by a worthy wielder. When a wielder worthy of Gundhin unsheathe the blade it become bound to her, when the blade leave her hands for 1 round it sheathe itself and cannot be unsheathed except by it wielder. If she die or abandon the blade, Gundhin will wait for her for 100 years before allowing itself to be wielded by another creature.

When unsheathed the blade itself is blunt and useless, luckily it sheath make for a powerful weapon, being a +1 battle sheath. The sheathe is an inherent part of the artifact even though it is a separate item. The Gundhin is a unique magic item, on its way to becoming an artifact. While it has a price, it cannot be completely destroyed. If reduced to 0 hp, it instead falls inert in a broken condition, and unable to be used until repaired, but is not destroyed as items usually are. It is treated as an artifact against the effects of mage's disjunction.

Once the 1st level ritual is unlocked, the sword displays its omen effect. You can take time out and spend 8 hours bringing the weapon to the next level once you have the pre-requisites.

Omen: Gundhin seem to vibrate slightly at the sound of the wielder's voice.

Worthy User: Ghundin accept creatures of non-lawful non-evil alignment who either do not follow any code of honor or have violate one in the past without atoning. Ghundin choose scoundrel, traitors, cowards as it wielder.

1st Ritual (Thee Are Worthy)[edit]

Blunt Ghundin itself is blunt, it deal bludgeoning damage and the wielder take a -2 penalty to attack and -4 penalty to damage when using it. This does not extend to it sheathe.

Code of Honor: As part of becoming the true wielder the wielder must swear a code of honor:

  • The wielder of Ghundin shall not kill the helpless.
  • The wielder of Ghundin shall not strike or kill the innocent.
  • The wielder of Ghundin shall not inflict undue harm upon it prisoners.
  • The wielder of Ghundin shall not lie or induce others in falsehood.
  • The wielder of Ghundin shall not flee a battle, a retreat is acceptable as long as no allies are left behind.

Unwillingly violating your new code of conduct has no effect. If you however willingly violate it Ghundin will sheathe itself and become unusable until you repair your misdeed or pay werglid (pay for the offence to the victim's clan or family). If this is for some reason impossible the wielder must receive an atonement spell. On the flip side if she was part of a class with a code of honor she violated she regain all abilities, the class code of honor is replaced by Ghundin's.

True Wielder: As the same action it take to draw a weapon the wielder of Ghundin can speak it name, upon doing so the blade return from anywhere on the same plane to the wielder's hand. If spoken while the blade is being wielded the blade will sheathe itself, returning the sheath to the wielder.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +0, after drawing the blade the user must swear an oath to Ghundin and take on a code of honor. If the wielder refuse to do so, Ghundin sheathe itself and wait for another wielder.

Cost: 0 gp, 0 xp

2nd Ritual (Small Steps)[edit]

Blade Beam: Within 1 round of drawing Ghundin out of it sheath, as a full-round action you can now make a melee attack within 60 feet, this may be a any kind of melee attack you are capable (such as a martial maneuver) and deal an extra d6 of pure magical damage per point of base attack bonus.

Returned Sharpness: Slowly but surely Ghundin's legendary sharpness is coming back, the penalty from blunt are halved and the weapon now deal slashing or piercing damage.

Variable Bonus: The enhancement bonus on the blade and the sheathe improved to +2. By spending 1 hour in meditation, you can switch out the enhancement bonus on the weapon for any weapon special abilities on a 1 for 1 basis. The blade and sheathe must always have a minimum +1 enhancement bonus

Warrior's Death: Once per day while wielding Ghundin, as the wielder fall unconcfious or dead she may take a standard action as an immediate action. If she use this action to attack a creature her attack roll is a critical threat, if she use it to attack the creature who dropped her her attack automatically hit and is a critical hit.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +3, must defeat a creature of at least your CR -2 with using only Gundin or it sheathe.

Cost: 3,000 gp, 80 xp

3rd Ritual (Bestowed Honor)[edit]

Liars and Scoundrel: Ghundin has no use for the paladin type and it now trust it wielder enough to lie. The restriction on lying and inducing other in falsehood is lifted from her code of honor. However, if the wielder do not lie or induce falsehood for at least 24 hours she gain a +1 moral bonus to all d20 rolls until she lie again. It just feel good to do the right thing.

Fearless: As long as the wielder did not violate it code of honor within the last 24 hours she is immune to fear-effects.

Restored Sharpness: Ghundin is now as a sharp as normal sword, while short of it glory the penalties from blunt vanishes.

Righteous Cause: The wielder of Ghundin gain the destiny ability of a wandering hero of her class level. If she is already a wandering hero she count as 4 level higher for the purpose of determining her destiny bonus.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +6, the wielder must not have violated her code of honor for 1 year or for as long as she had the blade (minimum of 1 month).

Cost: 9,000gp, 320 xp

4th Ritual (Live by the Sword)[edit]

Die by the Sheathe: Whenever a creature is struck by Ghundin's sheath it become uncentered and cannot take attacks of opportunity for 1 round.

Extreme Sharpness: Ghundin's sharpness is legendary, the blade critical threat and modifier become 19-20/x4 and it now ignore all DR and hardness.

Variable Bonus: The enhancement bonus on the blade and the sheathe improved to +3. By spending 1 hour in meditation, you can switch out the enhancement bonus on the weapon for any weapon special abilities on a 1 for 1 basis. The blade and sheathe must always have a minimum +1 enhancement bonus

Pre-Requisites: BAB +9, the wielder must have completed at least one destiny and refused any reward.

Cost: 18,000 gp, 720 xp

5th Ritual (Slayer of Monster)[edit]

Bigger they Are: Ghundin now deal damage to creature based on your size or on their size, whichever would be more advantageous. By example a medium wielder of Ghundhin attacking a colossal creature would deal damage as if Ghundin was colossal (taking no penalty for attack of course).

Improved Blade Beam: You may now use Blade Beam as a standard action.

True Sharpness: All attack with Ghundin now ignore armor bonus to AC and half natural armor and shield bonus.

Variable Bonus: The enhancement bonus on the blade and the sheathe improved to +4. By spending 1 hour in meditation, you can switch out the enhancement bonus on the weapon for any weapon special abilities on a 1 for 1 basis. The blade and sheathe must always have a minimum +1 enhancement bonus

Pre-Requisites: BAB +12, must slay or help slay a creature with a CR at least equal to yours who is two size category larger.

Cost: 40,000 gp, xp 1280

6th Ritual (True Warrior)[edit]

Impenetrable Will: As long as the wielder did not violate it code of honor within the last 24 hours she become immune to all [compulsion], memory-altering effects and pain-effect.

Supreme Sharpness: Ghundin fully recovered it sharpness, any objects it strike are cut in two with no effort. When striking an object it it automatically destroyed unless it was an artifact. The wielder of Ghundin also gain the benefits of severing strike when attacking with Gundhin.

Variable Bonus: The enhancement bonus on the blade and the sheathe improved to +5. By spending 1 hour in meditation, you can switch out the enhancement bonus on the weapon for any weapon special abilities on a 1 for 1 basis. The blade and sheathe must always have a minimum +1 enhancement bonus

Pre-Requisites: BAB +15, must have killed a creture with a CR at least 2 higher than yours with Warrior's Death.

Cost: 70,000 gp, 2000 xp

Prerequisites: N/A.
Cost to Create: Unique item, cannot be created.

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AuthorLeziad +
Body SlotHeld +
Cost3000 +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryA legendary blade noted for it sharpness and strange honor code. +
TitleGundhin +