Josho (3.5e Equipment)
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Josho uses the Functional Weapons of Legacy variant rule.
Price: | N/A |
Body Slot: | Held |
Caster Level: | 20th |
Aura: | Strong Universal (DC 50) |
Activation: | See Text |
Weight: | 10 lb |
Josho acts as +1 deisteel barbed bladelance . There are five rituals that are performed, they must be performed in order (the 2nd ritual must be completed before you start the 3rd, even if you achieve the 3rd level pre-requisites). Rituals cost gold (in the form of feeding the blade raw materials) and xp, with an additional pre-requisite. Once the 1st level ritual is unlocked, the weapon displays its omen effect. You can take time out and spend 8 hours bringing the weapon to the next level once you have the pre-requisites.
Josho is a unique magic item, on its way to becoming an artifact. While it has a price, it cannot be completely destroyed. If reduced to 0 hp, it instead falls inert in a broken condition, and unable to be used until repaired, but is not destroyed as items usually are. It is treated as an artifact against the effects of mage's disjunction.
Omen: Josho hums a low-frequency vibration within 60ft of beings with more HD than its wielder. The higher the Hit Dice the stronger and louder the vibration. This vibration lasts for 1 minute per HD above your own after entering range of the being before subsiding.
1st Ritual (True Awakening)[edit]
True Luck You can roll 2 dice for all melee attack rolls and choose which to use while wielding Josho. Additionally, you may reroll up to 5 natural 1s per day you roll while wielding Josho
Shield of the Divine: While wielding Josho you have a 20% miss chance against both harmful physical attacks, spells, and other effects. This is not concealment nor is it bypassed by true seeing, it is the altering of reality to favor you.
Pre-Requisites: BAB +3 or 22 Charisma. You must fuse together both Seiza Guarapuava, effectively sacrificing both in a ritual that takes 24 hours. Both weapons must have all 5 rituals completed on them.
Cost: 100,000 gp, 8000 xp
2nd Ritual (Divine Grace)[edit]
Divine Edge: Josho bypasses all DR.
Flowing Being: While wielding Josho all your movement speeds are multiplied by 4.
Cost: 850,000 gp, 10,000 xp
3rd Ritual (All Knowing)[edit]
Godsense: While wielding Josho as a free action, you may have the effect of tongues True Sight, tongues, and ubiquitous vision out to 200ft. Your eyes noticeably glow and swirl like a kaleidoscope under this power. Creatures Half your HD or less become dazed if they look into your eyes, no save.
Eternal: You are always under the effects of adapt body while wielding Josho.
Cost: 1,000,000 gp, 17,020 xp
4th Ritual (Bladelance of Fate)[edit]
Greater Shield of the Divine: The effects of Shield of the Divine rise to 50%
Awaken Aura: You gain a divine aura out to 20 feet, you may pick between three different effects. Activating or excluding subjects is a free action, and changing which aura is active is a swift action. All divine aura effects are mind-affecting, extraordinary abilities. The saving throw is 10 + 1/2 HD + your highest ability modifier. Choose from the following:
Awe: Your radiance fascinates other beings into a stupor. All creatures with HD equal or less than your own must make a Will save or become fascinated for as long as they remain in line of sight, and for 1 minute after, save negates. An opponent that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to that same deity’s aura of awe for 24 hours. Fear: Your wrath is most terrible. All creatures with HD equal or less than your own must make a Will save of become frightened for 1 minute. On a successful save they are instead shaken for 1 minute. Those with higher HD than you make a save vs shaken instead, save negates. An opponent that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to that same deity’s aura of fear for 24 hours. Resolve: You bolster your allies and fill them with zeal. All allies in your aura receive a +4 morale bonus on attacks, damage, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.
Cost: 5,000,000 gp, 20,000 xp. You must be healed 50 HP in one spell by a good-aligned cleric.
5th Ritual (Key to Godhood)[edit]
Indignation Judgement: Twice per round you may have an Improved Heightened Crashing Lightning strike a foe you hit in combat.
Taste of True Power: You gain one salient ability treat yourself as having a Divine Rank of 5.
Ascension: You may complete a 6th ritual that grants you a Divine Spark, but in doing so Josho splits into its component weapons and they re-spawn in unknown locations a year later.
Pre-Requisites: CON 25 or higher.
Cost: 10,000,004 gp, 40,001 xp.
Prerequisites: N/A.
Cost to Create: Unique item, cannot be created.
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