Light Speech (3.5e Variant Rule)
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[hide]Light Speech[edit]
This is meant to offset Dark Speech in the world and to help the forces of light fight back against the dark. This power allows good characters to bring forth the power of the light to inspire awe, call upon its power, its protection, and to stop swarms of locusts from destroying villages. This is to bring more focus on good vs evil in a campaign. This should be used in a campaign against Dark Speech alongside The Book of Exalted Deeds.
You can use the Light Speech to inspire love and bravery to others, to help cast good spells and create good magic items, and to strengthen physical objects.
Whenever you use Light Speech in this manner, you take 1d4 points of Charisma damage, and every other creature in a 30-foot radius must attempt a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier).
The result of a failed save by a listener depends on the listener's character level and alignment, as detailed in the list below.
Level (Alignment) - Result
1st—4th (non-evil) - Listener is fanatic for 10 rounds (+2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution scores, a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, and a –1 penalty to AC whenever fighting for you or your cause) and must not back down from doing good.
1st—4th (evil) - Listener is frightened for 10 rounds.
5th—10th (non-evil) - Listener is charmed by you (as charm monster) for 10 rounds.
5th—10th (evil) - Listener is shaken for 10 rounds.
11th+ (non-evil) - Listener is impressed, and you gain a +2 competence bonus on attempts to change its attitude in the future.
11th+ (evil) - Listener is filled with loathing for you but is not otherwise influenced.
Whenever you use Light Speech in this manner, you take 1d4 points of Charisma damage. By incorporating the Light Speech into the verbal component of a spell or ability, you increase its effective caster/manifester level by 1. By using it during the creation of an good magic item, you increase its caster/manifester level by 1 without increasing the cost.
As a full-round action, you can whisper pure words at an inanimate object and increase its hardness by half. This use does not drain you, but you cannot use the ability more than once on a single object.
Light Solidarity[edit]
You can use the Light Speech to grant a Solidarity Bond to any group of 5 or more willing beings not in already in such a bond with Int 3 or higher in a 10 ft radius centered on one individual.
Those beings intelligence is raised up to 5 +1 for each 2 additional beings up to +5, and +1 for every five more individuals past 15, a being cannot increase its intelligence by more than half this way. If a being has a higher intelligence than this value it is unchanged.
They each also have their charisma raised the same way -5, a beings charisma cannot increase by more than half this way. If a being has a higher charisma than this value it is unchanged.
Each being in the Solidarity Bond shares an emphatic bond similar to that between a Wizard and their Familiar.
If the being with the highest charisma in a Solidarity Bond has 18 or more charisma the group is able to cast spells as a sorcerer of a level equal to that charisma score -17. They share their spells per day.
Each member gains a +1 insight bonus to attack and AC.
Thereafter, you can give the Light Solidarity group a message as the Message spell (Caster level equals HD) at will.
Whenever you do this, you take 1d4 points of Constitution damage. You may not be a member a bond you create.
These benefits last 1d4 days per 4 HD of speaker.
Example: Up to 169 beings of medium size can fit in concentric circles in a 10 ft radius. Up to 40 Int and 35 Char from 27 Int and 24 Char.
You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on saving throws made when someone uses the Dark Speech against you.
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