Lobotomy (3.5e Flaw)

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You were lobotomized by mind flayers or similarly advanced parties. While you were able to escape the worst of it, you suffer permanent consequences from the surgery.

Prerequisite: Must be a living creature with a brain.

Effect: You underwent a terrible procedure that removed part of your brain, reducing either your Intelligence or Wisdom by 2. Additionally choose one effect from the list below, you also suffer from the chosen effect.

  • Aggression: The lobotomy targeted the amygdala, reducing your aggressiveness significantly. You take a -4 penalty to Initiative checks and cannot fall under the effect of rage or similar effects.
  • Electrical Coils: Your head was fitted with strange coils which tends to capture distant signals. You take a -2 penalty on Concentration checks due to the constant distraction. You can 'hear' static whenever close to a source of radio signal or magnetic field.
  • Erratic: You gain a major Psychosis of your choice. At the start of each day, roll for a minor Psychosis, you suffer from that minor psychosis for 24 hours.
  • Letters: You cannot read or write, nor can you learn to. Even under magic all letters simply appear to be gibberish to you. You still understand mathematics, magical sigils and numbers. You can still write spells into a spellbook or prepare spells normally.
  • Phantasms: You see and hear things that are not actually there, takings a -2 penalty on Listen, Search and Spot checks.
  • Numbers: You cannot calculate any number above your finger counts, or perform mathematical equations.
  • Voice: You cannot speak intelligibly or communicate telepathically, you may still speak verbal components for spells and understand others. You may learn sign language to communicate.

Benefit: Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites.

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Facts about "Lobotomy (3.5e Flaw)"
Flaw GrantsAny bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. +
SummaryYou were lobotomized by mind flayers or similarly advanced parties. While you were able to escape the worst of it, you suffer permanent consequences from the surgery. +