Magi Chronicles RPG (4e Sourcebook)/Equipment and Items

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Entering the world at large without any protection can sometimes be a life-threatening gamble-- especially in the middle of a warzone or travelling through untamed lands. You will need a variety of gear essential to your own safety and survival, even if the gear you pick isn't exactly what you wanted. It is better to have a sword in hand than, let's say, a fork.


The Equipment portion of the Magi Chronicles gives a sense of opportunity and somewhat of optimization to the choices one makes when equipping themselves for the long haul.

  • Armor & Shields: Protect yourself with armor sets and a shield against monstrous threats and equip yourself with materials so that you are ready for battle.
  • Weapons: Arm yourself with a useful tool to fend and fight off creatures and the opposition. There are weapons suitable for the melee fighters as well as for the arbitrary ranged strikers.
  • Adventuring Gear: On the high roads, it;s not a bad idea to keep yourself stocked up on essentials-- especially if that road takes you to far away, maybe even distant places and locations.
  • Magic Items: Encanted by the nobles long ago, these weapons have strong ties to the elemental forces of the worlds-- providing unique bonuses mundane weapons normally don't offer.

Level 1 characters start out with 100zn to spend on equipment, or 200zn if they choose a military class.

Monetary Values[edit]

Most merchants and adventurers use zeni (zn) as the standard unit of currency. Gold is also used as common currency, but it is a bit harder to find, and it is becoming even harder to obtain. Large sums are sometimes dealed by letters or jewelry-- nowadays it is done mostly by electronic and digital transactions, though some people still have their hands on the tangible currency.

Many people deal with the sivler and copper coins, but zeni is standard for many adventurers and cities of massive size.

Beyond that realm, there are also Precursor Gems and Precursor Orbs-- which are a rarity in and of themselves. They possess staggering amounts of wealth and can only be found in places where the precursor traditions and legends are strongest.

Monetary Values Table

--------------------- Exchange Value ---------------------
Monetary Unit cp sp zn gp pg po Weight
Copper Piece (cp) 1 1/10 1/100 1/1,000 1/100,000 1/10,000,000 1/50 lb
Silver Piece (sp) 10 1 1/10 1/100 1/10,000 1/1,000,000 1/50 lb
Zeni (zn) 100 10 1 1/10 1/10,00 1/100,000 1/50 lb
Gold Piece (gp) 1,000 100 10 1 1/100 1/10,000 1/25 lb
Precursor Gem (pg) 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 1 1/100 1/20 lb
Precursor Orb (po) 10,000,000 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 100 1 1/10 lb

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