Magic IV - Transcribe (3.5e Phrase)

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Author: SecondDeath777 (talk)
Date Created: 28 January 2018
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Magic IV - Transcribe
Words: Magic-Remove-Field-Transcribe
Level: 8
Target: One scroll within Close range.
Duration: See text
Drain: -4/-7
Effect: Activate a scroll you are aware of as though you qualified for the prerequisites of casting it, using your Truespeech ranks in place of caster level. You are immediately made aware of its nature, given its name, effects, and so forth. You have three options: Place a trigger, cast the spell, or store the spell.

Casting is rather self explanatory, and if it's a 1 round action or shorter to cast, it behaves as though quickened.

Storing it gives it to you as a single use spell-like ability. You may store a spell this way for every three ranks in Truespeech you possess. In either the cast or store modes, the spell on the scroll is expended.

Placing a trigger causes said spell to be cast under designated circumstances. These circumstances can be you speaking a codeword, the scroll's owner at the time doing something in particular, or anything else your DM deems acceptable. When triggered, you may choose for yourself to be the source, the scroll, or the owner of the scroll. You designate all targets and conditions if you'd like, or you may leave it to the owner of the scroll. If you do designate targets and conditions, no matter where you are, you are immediately made aware of all available options.

For placing a trigger and storing the spell, you may try to hide your intentions. You may speak the phrase under your breath with a Move Silently check which may use your Charisma, Intelligence, or Dexterity as normal, preventing anyone from even hearing you speak. You may also work it into an active sentence with a Bluff check (or Innuendo in 3.0), albeit at a -8 penalty, because splicing Truespeech and mortal language is tricky, but not impossible if you understand how they correlate, for all language is derived from Truespeech. This may also use your Intelligence in place of Charisma. If the opposing party miraculously understands your muttering in Common as a dubious manipulation, they'll be entitled to a Sense Motive check against your Truespeech result, which they automatically succeed if this phrase is in their lexicon. Should they succeed, they'll know exactly what's going on, right down to the mode you specify and conditions you set. They get this check regardless of your Move Silently check to hide if you're casting the spell on the spot, though your Bluff/Innuendo may still hold.

Should someone be aware of your attempts to use this phrase on a scroll they possess, they are entitled to a Spellcraft check of a DC equal to the Truespeech result you initiated the phrase with. Should they succeed, the phrase is wasted. However, this only applies if they are holding the scroll. If not, they must make a Reflex save to retrieve it swiftly.

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Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorSecondDeath777 +
Identifier3.5e Phrase +
Level8 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryActivate a scroll you can detect. After all, words that produce magic are your specialty. +
TitleMagic IV - Transcribe +
WordsMagic-Remove-Field-Transcribe +