Malchemist (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 11th December 2023
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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The study of fiendish blood and essence is a dangerous rabbit hole to delve into, and many lose their lives and souls attempting to become the masters of the lower plane. A malchemist is an alchemist who infuses her extract with components taken from being from the lower planes, and master rituals which allow them to bind their powers.

Class: Alchemist

Level: 1st-20th

Replaces: Bomb, Throw Anything, Poison Use, Poison Resistance, Poison Immunity, Grand Discovery

Benefit: A alchemist gains the following class features:

Malchemy (Ex): A malchemist is capable of using her alchemical knowledge to cast evil spells, adding all spells with the [evil] descriptor from the cleric and sorcerer/wizard list to her alchemist extract list. When she prepares an extract which targets a creature, she must deliver it through the Throw Potion feat or her ritual alchemy class features.

Additionally she add the following spells to her alchemist extract list at the listed extract level: 1st— summon monster I, 2nd— summon monster II, 3rd— summon monster IV, 4th— lesser planar binding, summon monster V, 5th— planar binding, summon monster VII, 6th— greater planar binding, summon monster IX

She may only use those spells to call or summon evil creatures, and gain the Summon Evil Monster feat as a bonus feat. She must cast those spells through her ritual alchemy class feature.

This ability replaces bombs.

Ritual Alchemy (Ex): A malchemist is capable of drawing energy from extracts, allowing her to to cast them as arcane spells. A malchemist may expend an extract to instead cast the spell imbued within as an arcane spell. However the process is costly in time, requiring a full-round action, or the spell's casting time, whichever is longer. Additionally whenever she cast a spell that deals damage (through this class feature or not), she adds her Intelligence to the spell's damage roll, this extra damage applies only once per creature per casting of the spell.

This ability replaces throw anything.

Throw Potion (Ex): A 2nd level malchemist gains the Throw Potion feat as a bonus feat.

Diabolical Research (Ex): A 2nd level malchemist learns how to cast even more spells, she chooses a spell from the sorcerer/wizard list of any level she can cast and add it to her alchemist extract list with the [evil] descriptor. At 5th level and each 3 levels thereafter she chooses another spell to add to her spell list. This ability counts as advanced learning.

This ability replaces poison resistance.

Malign Specialization (Ex): A 10th level malchemist adds +2 to the DC of spells with the [evil] descriptor that she casts, and her damaging spells with the [evil] descriptor deals +1 damage per dice.

This ability replaces poison immunity.

Dark Ascension (Ex): At 20th level, the malchemist immediately learns two discoveries and becomes able to infuse her body with trapped demons. Her type changes to outsider with the [evil] subtype, although she is raised as a creature of her former type and she gains the fiendish template. The alchemist ceases to age completely, becoming little more than fiend possessing a mortal body.

This ability replaces grand discovery.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4449 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassAlchemist +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryThe study of fiendish blood and essence is
The study of fiendish blood and essence is a dangerous rabbit hole to delve into, and many lose their lives and souls attempting to become the masters of the lower plane. A malchemist is an alchemist who infuses her extract with components taken from being from the lower planes, and master rituals which allow them to bind their powers.
als which allow them to bind their powers. +
TitleMalchemist +