Messianic Soul (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 29th July 2018
Status: Finished
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Messianic Soul

The Blood of the Gods run in your vein, making your abilities much more personal than the typical favored soul. This alternate class feature improve the Favored Soul at the cost of some of their martial abilities.

Class: Favored Soul

Level: 1st-20th

Replaces: Damage Reduction, Energy Resistance (All), Deity's Weapon Focus, Deity's Weapon Specialization, Wings

Benefit: A Messianic Soul receive the following class features:

Blood of the Gods (Ex): A Messianic Soul is in part the Incarnation of a God and thus her power come from within herself, at least partly. She do not need a Holy Symbol in order to cast her divine spell and gain the benefits of Alternative Eschew Materials for her Messianic Soul spells. Finally unlike a normal Favored Soul, her spellcasting is entirely based off her Charisma modifier, instead of being reliant on both Wisdom and Charisma.

Since her power is partly of herself and partly of the Gods she cannot lose her spellcasting form an alignment change or her action, instead if she offend her deity greatly she loses spell slot as if she had taken a negative level. If her alignment change beyond the range of her deity she loses spell as if she had taken an effective amount of negative level equal to half her class level. She recover these spells normally, even if she does not make amend.

Divine Focus: A 1st level Messianic Soul gain a single [Divine] Feat she meet the prerequisite of. Additionally for the purpose of qualifying and using [Divine] and [Domain] feats, she count as having the Turn or Rebuke Undead class features. She possess a number of uses as normal, however since she cannot turn or rebuke they must be used to power her [Divine] or [Domain] feats.

Domain: A Messianic Soul start the game choosing two domains, she gain the domain powers of the selected domain. She also add the domain spells as spell known automatically when she gain the ability to cast spells of the appropriated level.

AC Bonus: While wearing no armor and not using a shield, a 2nd level messianic soul add her Charisma to her AC.

Divine Invocation (Sp): At 2nd level a Messianic Soul gain a single least invocation from the Warlock list, she may not select a essence or shape invocation as she lack an Eldritch Blast. Unlike a regular Invocation it is treated as a divine spell and thus do not suffer from arcane spell failure. Your ability to use divine invocation is considered part of your spellcasting and thus is advanced by prestige class that advance your divine spellcasting.

At 4th gain an additional Least Invocation, at 8th you gain a Lesser Invocation, at 12th you gain both a a Greater Invocation, at 16th you gain a Dark Invocation.

Bonus Feat: At 3rd level and each 3 levels thereafter, a Messianic Soul gain a single bonus feat she meet the prerequisite of. This feat must be a [Divine] feat, a [Domain] feat or a [Metamagic] feat.

God-Bodied (Ex): At 5th level a Messianic Soul become more like a divine being, she ages half as fast and become immune to nonmagical diseases and poisons. Additionally she gain Masterwork Body as a bonus feat.

Least Miracle: Once per day, a 7th level Messianic Soul may spontaneously cast any spell on cleric list of 2nd level or lower even if she does not know it. She must spend all resources necessary to cast the spell including the correct spell slot. At each odd level after 7th she gain an additional uses of this ability.

At 14th level she may use Least Miracle to also spontaneously cast 3rd and 4th level cleric spells.

Timeless Body (Ex): After attaining 9th level, a messianic soul no longer takes ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any penalties she may have already incurred, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the instinct warrior still dies of old age when her time is up.

High Divinity: At 10th level a Messianic Soul gain access to a higher level of power than that of a typical divine caster, gaining a single Archemage's High Arcana. This High Arcana may only affect her divine spells and she must sill sacrifice spell slots as normal. She gain an additional High Divinity at 12th level and each even level thereafter.

Alternatively, she may exchange a single High Divinity for a single additional spell slot per day of any level she can cast.

Divine Incarnation (Ex): A 20th level Messianic Soul has achieve divine perfection, gaining the Godspark template without needing to perform a Task of Ascension. She gain a single divine salient ability, counting as if she had a single divine rank for the purpose of prerequisite. This salient ability is in addition to any she acquire when she become a proper God.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4503 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassFavored Soul +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryThe Blood of the Gods run in your vein, making your abilities much more personal than the typical favored soul. This alternate class feature improve the Favored Soul at the cost of some of their martial abilities. +
TitleMessianic Soul +