Night Count (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: September 30th, 2024
Status: Complete
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Night Count

A night count is a dhampir who draws upon his heritage, attempting to become a fully-powered vampire. While they never truly undergo the same changes as a vampire, their own power eventually matches or exceeds the power of their brethrens. Ultimately a night count can be viewed as a vampire in their own right, just one that took an alternate step to power. While an antipaladin in class level, a night count does not rely on the blessing of outside influence, instead relying on their own strength alone.

Class: Antipaladin

Prerequisites: Dhampir race

Level: 1st-20th

Replaces: Alignment & Code of Conduct, Detect Good, Smite Evil, Divine Bond, Spellcasting, Unholy Resilience, Aura of Vengeance, Unholy Champion

Benefit: A night count gain the following class feature

Alignment & Code of Conduct: A night count is not an actual antipaladin, and can be of any evil alignment. If she ceases to be evil, she retains all previously gained class features but cannot take more levels as a night count antipaladin until she returns to an evil alignment.

A night count does not possess a proper code of conduct, instead she chooses two restrictions from the list below. She cannot willingly goes against those restriction, as her very being is compelled to follow them:

  • Cannot trespass on hallowed ground (churches, cemetery, monastery, etc) and cannot start a fight in one. He may still enter such a place if invited, and can defend himself if attacked.
  • Cannot cross a body of running water. If forced into one, the night count must reach the closest shore.
  • Cannot approach clearly presented holy symbols. The night count may make a DC 20 Will save to overcome this compulsion after 1 round, but while doing so he can only approach at half speed.
  • Must obey his vampiric superiors, and cannot lie to them. The night count must have superiors to select this restriction.
  • Must be true to his words, and follow through any agreement made.

If night count somehow works around his restrictions, he suffers no consequences.

Dhampir Heritage (Ex): A night count may base his class feature (including spellcasting, class features gained through other archetypes) on the mental ability score increased by his dhampir heritage instead of his Charisma. By example a nosferatu-born dhampir may base his night count class features and spellcasting on his Wisdom rather and his Charisma and a jiang-shi-born on his Intelligence.

Since the base dhampir increased Charisma, the text below is written as such.

Vampiric Ascension (Ex): A night count’s body changes as she learns on how to draw upon his vampiric heritage. At 1st level he gains Dynasty Heritage as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisite. if he already had it, he gains a dhampir racial feat he meets the prerequisite for instead. Starting at 2nd level he gains DR/Silver equal to half his class level and he becomes immune to diseases and poisons. At 11th level he becomes immune to stunning and paralysis, and now counts as a vampire for the purpose of fulfilling prerequisites.

This ability replaces detect good, smite good and aura of vengeance.

Night’s Resilience (Ex): At 2nd level, the night count gains his choice between Great Fortitude, Iron Will and Lightning Reflexes. At 6th level he chooses another, and the third and last at 12th.

This ability replaces unholy resilience.

Dread Gaze (Su): At 3rd level, a night count may focus her power into her gaze, which can even stop a heart cold. As a standard action, she may use her touch of corruption as a gaze attack against a target within 30-ft. Her dread gaze carries cruelties as normal. The night count dread gaze deals psychic damage instead of negative energy damage. The night count may elect to do no damage with her dread gaze, instead simply inflicting cruelty.

This ability replaces plague bearer.

Alternate Cruelties: A night count cannot choose the deafened, diseased or poisoned cruelties. Alternatively he may choose the following cruelties, which may only be delivered through his dread gaze:

At 6th level, a night count adds the following cruelty to the list of those that can be selected.

Immobilized: The target is Immobilized for 1 round per class level.

At 9th level, a night count adds the following cruelty to the list of those that can be selected.

Charmed: The target is charmed as per charm monster for 1 minute per class level. This cruelty must have delivered on a dread gaze which dealt no damage.

At 12th level, a night count adds the following cruelty to the list of those that can be selected.

Dominated: The target is dominated as per dominate person for 1 round per class level. This cruelty must have delivered on a dread gaze which dealt no damage. The night count must have the charmed cruelty before selecting this cruelty.

This ability alters cruelties.

Spellcasting: A 4th level night count is a spontaneous psychic spellcaster, using a bloodrager’s spell known. A night count’s caster level is equal to his class level and he gains an additional spell per day than normal, compared to a normal antipaladin. Additionally, the night count adds the following spell to his antipaladin spell list:

1st– vanish; 2nd–beast shape I, swarming bat surge; 3rd– beast shape II, gaseous form, telekinetic maneuver; 4th– beast shape III, telekinesis.

This ability alters rge night count's spellcasting.

Weapon Training (Ex): A night count has decade, if not centuries of combat experience. At 5th level, a night count gains the weapon training class feature as a fighter of his class level.

This ability replaces divine bond.

Vampire Lord (Ex): At 20th level a night count becomes immune to ability damage, ability drain, death effect, energy drain and a +6 inherent bonus to Strength. The night count no longer needs to follow his restrictions, chosen at 1st level. Additionally, any humanoid creature he slays with his fangs racial trait now rises as Vampire Spawn under his control. Finally if slain, the night count becomes inert and rise as per resurrection 24 hours after his death. This can be prevented by driving a stake through his heart, and cutting off his head.

This ability replaces unholy champion.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4504 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassAntipaladin +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA night count is a dhampir who draws upon
A night count is a dhampir who draws upon his heritage, attempting to become a fully-powered vampire. While they never truly undergo the same changes as a vampire, their own power eventually matches or exceeds the power of their brethrens. Ultimately a night count can be viewed as a vampire in their own right, just one that took an alternate step to power. While an antipaladin in class level, a night count does not rely on the blessing of outside influence, instead relying on their own strength alone.
stead relying on their own strength alone. +
TitleNight Count +