Order of the Riftwalker (5e Subclass)
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[hide]Order of the Riftwalker - Blood Hunter Subclass[edit]
Hunting creatures from beyond space and time, the Riftwalkers track monsters from other worlds who seek to invade ours and infiltrate our societies to dark ends. As such, they learn to chase foes across reality, prevent them from teleporting back to their far-away homes, and even chase down those that do teleport away, following them across the planes. However, these shadowed warriors do so at the cost of consuming themselves even more than other Blood Hunters, draining away their own life essence and often being forced to steal the life of their victims to survive their own power.
When you join this Order, your senses become more attuned to the extraplanar creatures you hunt. Your Hunter's Bane feature now functions against celestials, elementals and aberrations in addition to fiends, fey and undead.
Rite of the Void[edit]
When you join this order at 3rd level, you learn the Rite of the Void esoteric rite. While this Rite is activate, part of the striking portion of your weapon appears to be covered in a deep, spectral blackness that is speckled with shifting points of light, as if it were a window into the night sky.
- Rite of the Void. Your rite damage is force damage.
While the rite is active, you gain the following benefits:
- You gain resistance to force damage.
- Your weapon deals one additional hemocraft die of rite damage when you hit a fey, fiend, celestial, elemental, or aberration.
Beginning at 3rd level, your blood magic allows you to step across space, at a cost, using a special technique called Riftwalking, which earned the Order their name. You begin with a simple technique, and learn more advanced techniques as you grow in power and practice.
Rift Points[edit]
You can gain a resource known as Rift Points, representing cosmic force gathered by your hemocraft. While you have Rift Points remaining, a glittering, dark smoke swirls around you, not unlike a billowing glimpse into the starry night sky. You can have a number of Rift Points at any given time equal to your Intelligence modifier, plus one-half of your Blood Hunter level (Min 1). At the end of a long rest, you regain all of your Rift Points; Additionally, when you lose hit points to a roll of your Hemocraft die (Such as when you activate your Crimson Rite, amplify a Blood Curse, or when you activate your Void Sacrifice), you regain 1 Rift Point for every hit point lost to the die, up to your maximum number of Rift Points.
Void Sacrifice[edit]
Each round while your Crimson Rite is active on a melee weapon in your grasp, you can choose, at the beginning of your turn, to activate your Void Sacrifice - In doing so, you lose hit points equal to one roll of your Hemocraft die. Void Sacrifice occurs before any other event that would occur at the beginning of your turn.
- At 7th level, whenever you lose hit points to a roll of your Hemocraft die, you can choose to increase the number of hit points lost - And consequentially, the number of Rift Points you gain - By an additional roll of your Hemocraft die.
Rift Step[edit]
You can use your cosmic energy to cut, puncture or crack the fabric of space momentarily, just enough for you to slip through. Immediately before or after any single melee attack made with your Crimson Rite weapon (Be it with the Attack action, an Attack of Opportunity, or etc.), you can choose to spend a number of Rift Points - Up to your Proficiency Bonus - To make a Rift Step. This Rift Step allows you to teleport to an unoccupied space you can see, provided that space is within 5ft for every Rift Point you spent to activate that Rift Step. This allows you to close a gap before an attack, or create one after you attack. You may only use Rift Step once per round.
Brand of the Shadowstealer[edit]
At 7th level, when a target under the effects of your Brand of Castigation attempts to teleport, leave their current plane, or summon a creature, you siphon off a bit of that power to fuel your own teleportation - You gain a number of Rift Points equal to one roll of your Hemocraft die, which last until the beginning of the branded creature's next turn if you do not spend them before then.
- At 13th level, your Brand of Tethering also prevents the target from summoning creatures in the same manner that it prevents teleportation and plane-shifting. Additionally, each time a creature takes damage from your Brand of Tethering, you can choose for that damage to be Psychic or Force damage, and you regain a number of hit points equal to the damage dealt.
Additionally, you learn the Shadow Recall ability for your Riftwalking feature:
Shadow Recall[edit]
At 7th level, you learn to unfold yourself across space like a spool of yarn, then snap back into place, folding back into your original position. When lose hit points to a roll of your Hemocraft die, you can choose to mark your current location, leaving a still, ghostly silhouette of yourself at this marked location; As you move and act, additional silhouettes appear in each square you pass through. At the end of your turn, you automatically teleport back to this marked location, the silhouettes vanish, and you are Restrained until the beginning of your next turn (Even if you are otherwise immune to the Restrained condition). If the marked location is somehow occupied by a creature or solid object when you teleport back to it, you are immediately shunted to the nearest unoccupied space you can occupy, you take force damage equal to twice the number of feet you moved, and you are Stunned until the beginning of your next turn (Even if you are otherwise immune to the Stunned condition).
If you have shifted to a different plane since you marked a location with your Shadow Recall, you still return to the marked location on that plane, but because you crossed planar boundaries so violently, you are automatically Paralyzed until the beginning of your next turn (Even if you are otherwise immune to the Paralyzed condition), and you gain 1 level of Exhaustion.
Umbral Hunter[edit]
At 11th level, your blood curse can distort space to remove the distance between you and your foe. You gain the Blood Curse of the Inescapable Hunter for your Blood Maledict feature. This does not count against your number of blood curses known.
Blood Curse of the Inescapable Hunter[edit]
Prerequisite: 11th level, Order of the Riftwalker
Effect: You can use your hemocraft to follow a target, no matter its means of escape. When a target you can see within 60ft attempts to teleport, you can use your Reaction to activate this blood curse. If you do so, at the beginning of your next turn, you teleport to an unoccupied space of your choice adjacent to the creature, and make a single weapon attack against that creature.
- When a target you can see within 60ft of you, that is under the effects of your Brand of Castigation, attempts to shift to a different plane of existence, you can use your Reaction to activate this Blood Curse. If you do so, at the beginning of your next turn, the curse transports you to an unoccupied space of your choice adjacent to the creature, on that plane of existence, supernaturally grants you the ability to survive and act unhindered by the conditions of the plane until the end of your next turn, and allows you to make a single weapon attack against that creature.
Amplify: If the attack granted to you by this blood curse lands, the target must make a Charisma saving throw against your Hemocraft save DC. If it fails, at the end of your next turn, it is teleported to an unoccupied space of your choice adjacent to you. If the target is under the effects of your Brand of Castigation, this teleportation can transport the creature to the same plane as you.
Author's Note This blood curse is incredibly useful on its own, but using it in combination with Shadow Recall makes it especially potent, allowing you to follow the target to their destination, attack them, complete a full turn of actions and movement, and then return to the location at which you started your turn. On top of that, if you Amplify the curse, the attack lands, and the target fails its save, you can pull the target back to that location with you. This functions across planar boundaries if the target is branded by your Brand of Castigation when it commences its transportation.
Unseen Prowler[edit]
At 11th level, when you lose hit points to a roll of your Hemocraft die, you can expend a use of your Blood Maledict feature to become Invisible until the beginning of your next turn, or until you attack or cast a spell. Additionally, while you have Rift Points remaining, you can choose to be invisible to those attempting to perceive you with only Darkvision.
Additionally, you learn the Cosmic Avoidance ability for your Riftwalking feature:
Cosmic Avoidance[edit]
When your agility is tested, you can warp reality slightly to put more space between you and your assailant. At 11th level, while you have Rift Points remaining, whenever you succeed a Dexterity saving throw, or someone fails their Attack Roll when making an Attack of Opportunity against you, you may choose to spend 1 Rift Point to teleport 5 feet in any direction, to an unoccupied space you can see.
Endless Night[edit]
At 15th level, you are everywhere and nowhere at once, like a storm of blades flickering about, endlessly twisting in shadow. This grants you the following benefits:
- When you deal rite damage to a creature, you gain Rift Points equal to the damage dealt.
- Rift Step can be used an unlimited number of times per round. This allows you to break up your teleportation, giving you finer control over where you end up, and allowing you to better attack and retreat.
- When you use Shadow Recall, you are not Stunned or Paralyzed, only Restrained. You still gain 1 level of Exhaustion if the recall causes you to cross planar boundaries.
Soul of the Void[edit]
When you slip into the void, you can steal power from it and surge back to your feet. At 18th level, when you have to make a death saving throw at the start of your turn, you can instead choose rise from the ground in a storm of starry cosmic energy. Each creature of your choice that is within 30 feet of you takes Force damage equal to two rolls of your Hemocraft die + your Intelligence modifier. You regain hit points - And gain Rift Points - Equal to the total amount of damage dealt by this ability, and stand up if you so choose.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
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