Patron Witch (3.5e Class)/Hexes

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Patron Witch Hexes[edit]

Not all Hexes are 'hex', some are weird tricks the Patron Witch learned along the way. A Patron Witch select her hexes from the following list, however some patron grant alternative hexes which may be taken instead of the following hexes. You may take two hexes marked with [Flavor] instead of a regular hex, as they are much more situational than the otherwise powerful hexes.

Basic Hexes[edit]

Agony (Su)[edit]

The Patron Witch can cause excruciating pain in the target without much trouble. As a standard action she may have a creature within close range take 5 points of non-lethal damages per two class level and take a –4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks for 1 minute. A successful Fortitude save negate the penalty but not the damage.

A patron may only use this Hex a number of time per day equal to 2 + her Charisma modifier.

Cackle (Su)[edit]

As a swift action the Patron Witch can extend the duration of any hex or spell affecting the target by 1 round. Typically done with an evil laugh or cackle. The target must be within 60 feet of the patron witch and she require line or sight and effect.

Cauldron (Ex)[edit]

The Witch can make large cauldron worth of potions, granting her the Batch Production (4) ability of the Apothecary. This ability improve to Batch Production (6) at 10th level.

A patron witch must be at least 2nd level in order to select this Hex.

Classical Traits [Flavor] (Su)[edit]

The Patron Witch take on the mantle of legends and become more like a classical witch. She gain the scent ability but only for the purpose of smelling humanoid children, she now float over water instead of sinking unless she carry at least 10 times her heavy weight capacity, she can turn milk sour and food green and stale as a standard action and finally cause infertility and impotence in creature with 4 or less hit dice with a touch (Will negate, last for 1d4+1 month).

Discord Hex (Su)[edit]

This Hex work as confusion spell but only target a single creature within close range. A successful Will save reduce the duration to 1 round but do not fully negate it.

Earthen Grasp (Su)[edit]

As a standard action you can cause dirt, weeds or even thrash to move on it own and grab a target within 60 feet. Make a grapple attempt at range using your spellcasting modifier instead of your Strength for both the touch attack and the grapple check. If you are successful the target is grappled and immobilized for 1 round. You are not considered grappled yourself but you do not have any further option in the grapple. The target must be touching the ground for this ability to work.

Evil Eye (Su)[edit]

As a swift action the Patron Witch may fix her gaze on a single creature within 30 feet, the creature must be able to see the patron witch directly or indirectly. That creature become At Bay from her as well as shaken for 1 minute both. Evil Eye do not stack with itself or other fear effects. A successful Will save reduce the duration of evil to 1 round.

A Patron Witch may use this hex a number of time per day equal to 2 + her Charisma modifier.

Hag's Coven (Ex)[edit]

The Patron Witch gain Synchronized Spellcasting as a bonus feat. She is also now allowed to join Hag's covens and hags are one step friendlier towards you than normal (to a maximum of Friendly). This is only an 'initial attitude' – if you take any actions that harm or offend them, their attitude will adjust appropriately.

Herbalist (Ex)[edit]

A Patron Witch can use herbs, mushroom and other salvageable supplies to make medicine... and poisons. Up to three time a day she may take an hour to collect supplies and either create a dose of any poison with a DC equal or lower than 11 + half her class level or a dose of a powerful antitoxin which replicate the effect of neutralize poison. Both concoctions keep their potency for 24 hours before becoming inert and useless.

Additionally the Patron Witch with this Hex can use Profession (Herbalist) instead of Craft (Alchemy) for the purpose of skill checks and prerequisites.

Inspire (Su)[edit]

You cause a single strong emotions or desire into the creature, it gain a +2 morale bonus on all d20 checks for 5 minute when indulging in this action. The creature is lightly compelled toward that emotion or desire, making a DC 10 Will save or be 'forced' to indulge in it. This ability could be used to inspire an ally to fight a strong foe, an enemy to betray his allies or a politician to seduce a woman by example. A self-destructive action do not require the Will save but the bonus still apply if they do it on their own accord.

Misfortune (Su)[edit]

As an immediate action a Patron Witch may make a creature reroll a single d20 roll with a -1 penalty. A Patron Witch may use this hex a number of time per day equal to 2 + half her Charisma modifier.

Mysterious Spice [Flavor] (Ex)[edit]

As a full-round action you may add a strange spice of your own making to any food, potion or alchemical concoction. This add an overwhelmingly strong pungent taste to the item in question, requiring a Fortitude save ion order to be consumed. If the save is a failure it is spat out and the creature is nauseated for 1 round and sickened for 1 minute.

You are immune to the effect of your own Mysterious Spice.

Nocturomancer (Ex)[edit]

You can replicate the effect of induce dream and prophetic dream by expending a spell slot of the same level. You cast dream and nightmare as well as similar spell with a +1 bonus to caster level.

Raven's Counsel (Su)[edit]

The Patron Witch can always speak to ravens and crows as if she was under the effect of speak with animals and their initial attitude is friendly toward the Patron Witch.

Once per day she may heed the advice of a raven (including her familiar), which behave as an augury spell. When she gain major hexes this behave a divination instead.

Skull Disguise [Flavor] (Su)[edit]

You may replicate the effect of disguise self at will. However you may only use this ability to disguise as individual creatures. The ability has a unique focus, the skull of the individual in question.

Yeenoghu's Favor (Su)[edit]

The Patron Witch may turn into a Hyena as per the Alternate Form for 1 hour per class level per day, uses need not be consecutive but is used in 1 hour segments. She may assume this form or exit it as a move action and while she is transformed she retain her ability to speak, altough she is unable to cast spell unless she also possess the Natural Spell feat.

As a side bonus, the Patron Witch can always speak to hyenas as if she was under the effect of speak with animals.

Witch's Bottle (Su)[edit]

The Witch gain the ability to craft Bottomless Potions as if she had Craft Wondrous Item. If she later gain Craft Wondrous Item she may trade this hex for another hex (but not a major or grand hex) of her choice.

A patron witch must be at least 6th level in order to select this Hex.

Major Hexes[edit]

Catching Up Lessons (Ex)[edit]

You gain two hexes from the Basic Hexes list.

Grand Hexes[edit]