From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Pages using the property "Alignment"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
" | |
"Holy Shit is that a Mosquito?" + | Always Neutral + |
1 | |
1st-Level Astral Construct + | [[SRD:Neutral|Always neutral]] + |
2 | |
2nd-Level Astral Construct + | [[SRD:Neutral|Always neutral]] + |
3 | |
3.5e Dragon Instructions + | Usually lawful neutral, often lawful good + |
3rd-Level Astral Construct + | [[SRD:Neutral|Always neutral]] + |
4 | |
4th-Level Astral Construct + | [[SRD:Neutral|Always neutral]] + |
5 | |
Sif + | Chaotic Good + |
5th-Level Astral Construct + | [[SRD:Neutral|Always neutral]] + |
6 | |
6th-Level Astral Construct + | [[SRD:Neutral|Always neutral]] + |
7 | |
7th-Level Astral Construct + | [[SRD:Neutral|Always neutral]] + |
8 | |
8th-Level Astral Construct + | [[SRD:Neutral|Always neutral]] + |
9 | |
9th-Level Astral Construct + | [[SRD:Neutral|Always neutral]] + |
A | |
Aadeline + | Lawful Neutral + |
Aarakocra Common + | Neutral Good + |
Aartuk Elder + | Lawful Evil + |
Aartuk Priest + | Lawful Evil + |
Aartuk Warrior + | Lawful Evil + |
Aasimar + | Usually good (any) + |
Abaddon + | Always chaotic evil + |
Abbathor + | Neutral Evil + |
Aberrant Spirit + | Neutral + |
Aberrant Troll Cavestalker + | Usually [[SRD:Neutral Evil|neutral evil]] + |
Aberro + | Chaotic Neutral + |
Abhorrent Overlord + | Lawful Evil + |
Abjurer + | Any Alignment + |