From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Pages using the property "Subschool"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
A | |
Ablative Jacket + | Creation + |
Accept Soul + | Phantasm + |
Acid Arrow + | Creation + |
Acid Bomb + | Creation + |
Acid Fog + | Creation + |
Acid Rain + | Creation + |
Acid Splash + | Creation + |
Aelyra (3.5e Sourcebook)/BC/SeaWitch/Spells + | Water + |
Aetherion Blast + | Creation + |
Aetherion Burst + | Creation + |
Aetherion Orb + | Creation + |
Aethernova + | Creation + |
Afflict + | Compulsion + |
Aid + | Compulsion + |
Alchemyst + | Creation + |
Alestorm + | Summoning + |
Alter Memory + | Compulsion + |
Ancestral Armory + | Creation + |
Ancestral Weapon + | Creation + |
Animal Messenger + | Compulsion + |
Animal Trance + | Compulsion + |
Annihilation + | Creation + |
Antipathy + | Compulsion + |
Apocalyptic Swarm + | Summoning + |
Aqua Snake + | Creation + |