Regenerator (3.5e Class)
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A class about being a eldritch abomination which constantly regenerate.
A regenerator is a class representing eldritch abomination capable of healing at extreme speed. Regenerators are beings who look like a typical humanoid but are in fact aberration within, complete with alien organs and biology. A regenerator may be born as 'native' or created via vile experiment or other processes. Their quasi-immortality tends to make them distant toward creatures of their race and other 'mortals'. Some regenerators embrace their immortality and simply use life as a game while other attempts to live normal lives, some use their extreme sturdiness for adventuring.
This class can be only taken at 1st level, or after strange experiments contact with an artifact or similar experience which may leave the character the ability to take level in this class, up the GM's discretion.
Making a Regenerator[edit]
Abilities: A regenerator depends on it Constitution for all of its class features, they usually fight using Strength which their class grants a boost to their melee abilities.
Races: A regenerator can be any living corporeal race, but technically are their own species.
Alignment: Any, although most native regenerators tend to be evil-aligned.
Starting Gold: As Monk.
Starting Age: Simple.
Class Features[edit]
All of the following are class features of the Regenerator.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A regenerator is proficient with all simple and martial weapons as well as light armor and light shield.
Bio-Energy Drain (Ex): A regenerator is capable of taxing herself to produce greater effect, some class features allow her to take Bio-Energy Drain. If she does so she take 1 non-lethal damage per class level she has, which cannot be healed until the bio-energy drain is recovered. She recover bio-energy drain at the rate of 1 per hour or if she rest for 8 hours. She may have a number of Bio-Energy Drain equal to her Constitution modifier.
Biological Abomination (Ex): A regenerator ceases being a regular creature of its kind, or perhaps never was. The regenerator's type change to an Aberration with her former type as an augmented subtype. She still counts as a member of her race for the purpose of prerequisite. A regenerator is immune to diseases.
If a regenerator gain the psionic subtype, her regenerator class level grant power points per day as a Psychic Warrior but do not otherwise grant any power known or manifester level. If she has level in a manifester class, she may assign those power powers to that class.
Cellular Regeneration (Ex): The cells making the regenerator's body are capable of incredible self-healing property, at the start of each of her turns she heals a number of hit points equal to 1 + half her class level. If she has non-lethal damage it is healed before lethal damage. If she is missing a limb, she will regenerate it within 1d4+1 hour or immediately if the limb is placed against the stump. The regenerator cannot survive the loss of her head. Her cellular regeneration heals ability damage at the rate of 1 per hour. If the regenerator takes fire or negative energy damage equal or greater than her class level, her cellular regeneration ceases for the two following rounds.
A regenerator can kick her cellular regeneration into overdrive by incurring one bio-energy drain, gaining 5 temporary hit points per class level. These temporary hit points do not stack with other sources and last for 24 hours. If the regenerator is healed by negative energy, its cellular regeneration is stopped by positive energy instead.
Diehard: A 1st level regenerator gain Grimoire Diehard as a bonus feat even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
Bonus Feat: At 2nd level, 6th level and each 4 levels thereafter, a regenerator gains a single bonus [Monstrous] feat she meets the prerequisites for. If she is undead she may select an [undead] feat instead and if she has the psionic subtype she selects a [psionic] feat instead.
Regenerator Mutation: As a regenerator progresses, her genes become twisted and unpredictable, developing benign mutations. At 2nd level and each 3 levels thereafter (5th, 8th, 11th, etc) the regenerator selects a single mutation from the list below. She may only select a mutation once, and once chosen she cannot change her selected mutations. The DC of a Regenerator Mutation is DC 10 + 1/2 Class Level + the Regenerator's Constitution modifier unless noted otherwise.
Eldritch Form (Su): The regenerator may use form of doom as a supernatural ability at-will, doing so however causes 2 points of bio-energy drain.
Environmental Adaptation (Ex): A regenerator with this mutation is always under the effect of endure elements. At 9th level she can survive even beyond most mortals, always being under the effect of adapt body.
Flesh Sublimation (Ex): The regenerator gain the ability to replicate the gaseous form spell as an extraordinary ability at-will, when in gaseous form she takes space as a creature one size category larger than she is. At 9th level she may use greater gaseous form instead. If she possesses the Virus mutation, she may attempt to infect all creatures within her body with no touch attack, doing so still inflict a point of bio-energy drain.
High-Capacity Lungs (Ex): A regenerator with this mutation can hold her breath for 1 hour per point of Constitution she has. Additionally as a full-round action she can replicate the effect of gust of wind as long as she is able to breath.
Imitate Lifeform (Ex): You gain the ability to imitate other forms of life, growing a snout or wings of other animalistic features. As a full-round action she may incur 1 point of bio-energy drain to gain two of the abilities listed on the beast shape I spell. She otherwise retains her humanoid form and does not change size, she may still use her own equipment. At 6th level she may select two abilities out of the beast shape II list, 9th level the beast shape III list and finally at 12th level the beast shape IV list. She may only have a single instance of this ability active and the change lasts for 1 hour per level or until dismissed as a free action. If she uses another instance while the first is active, she overwrites her previously gained ability.
Rapid Limb Regeneration (Ex): A regenerator with this mutation regrows her limb within 1 minute. She can now survive the loss of her head, becoming helpless and unable to act. She regenerates her body at 1 hit point after 24 hours.
Reshape Bones (Ex): The regenerator is able to crack and shatter her bones at will, healing them extremely quickly. This grants all of her attacks an additional 5 feet reach during her turn and the ability to squeeze as if she was three size category smaller.
Second Face (Ex): As a standard action, the regenerator may grow an additional head out of her head, gaining the multiheaded template. This is a demanding process which inflicts her 3 points of bio-energy drain, the head is reabsorbed into the body after 1 hour.
Toxin Proof Cells (Ex): The regenerator becomes immune to poison, additionally whenever she is poisoned she may store that poison inside her body. In effect she gains a single dose of that poison she may apply to any of her manufactured weapon attacks as a swift action or to an unarmed or a natural attack as a free action. She may only have a single instance of a poison inside of her at any time.
Virus (Ex): The regenerator possesses a powerful and deadly virus within her. As a touch attack she may transmit the virus, dealing 1 point of damage per class level. The touched creature must make a Fortitude save every subsequent round or take the damage again. If a creature consumes any of the regenerator’s body parts or drinks an ounce of her blood (not a simple bite attack) they are automatically afflicted by the effect. The regenerator may infect ammunition with the virus, causing 1 bio-energy drain per 4 pieces of ammunition infected, these pieces of ammunition deliver the virus if they hit. These infected pieces of ammunition only stay infected for 8 hours, after which they become inert.
Strength/Constitution Bonus: A 3rd level regenerator's body develops and its muscle mass and power increase, gaining a +1 bonus to both her Strength and Constitution. As she progresses in level, the bonus increases to a maximum of +10 at 20th level.
Damage Reduction (Ex): A 3rd level regenerator's body regenerates even the smallest wound as quickly as it inflicted, granting her damage reduction 2/-. At each odd class level thereafter her damage reduction increases by 1.
Aberrant Resistance (Ex): A 4th level regenerator's body has started to be altered on a molecular level, several of her organs start being redundant and her biology more resistance. She gain 25% fortification and immunity to being Fatigued and Sickened .
At 8th level her biology further improve, making killing blows even more difficult, she gain fortification 50% and immunity to stunning.
At 12th level the regenerator's biology is now very hard to disrupt, becoming immune to both critical hits and being nauseated. Additionally she becomes nigh-immune to negative level and energy drain, she can only take as many as her HD -1 and they never result in actual level loss.
At 16th level the very cellular structure of her body holds her together, preventing her from dying from [death-effect], which simply reduces her to 1 hit point if she fails against them.
Efficient Biology (Ex): A 4th level regenerator only needs to eat, drink and sleep half as much as normal. She can also survive without eating or drinking with no harm for a number of days equal to her Constitution modifier, after which she starts to dehydrate and starve normally.
Biological Immortality (Ex): A 6th level regenerator no longer accrues any bonus or penalties for aging, she also does not die of old age 'when her time comes'. She is effectively biologically immortal, although she can still be killed.
Cellular Immortality (Ex): A 10th level regenerator is no longer afraid of death, at least in most cases. If she dies and her body is intact (would be able to be brought back to life via raise dead) she returns to life with one Bio-Energy Drain 1d4 hours after 'death'. If her body is damaged, she takes 1d4 days to regenerate, the process can be interrupted and the regenerator is helpless while she regenerates. If she cannot accept more Bio-Energy Drain she must wait 8 hours.
A regenerator dies for real if her body is completely carbonized (thoroughly cremated), if she is reduced into pieces smaller than 1 inches, if her body is otherwise completely destroyed or if she is slain by a [death]-effect or energy drain. If her dying or dead body is inflicted at least 2 negative energy damage per class level she has within 1 round she also dies. If the regenerator is healed by negative energy, its cellular immortality is defeated by positive energy instead.
Biological Perfection (Ex): A 20th level Regenerator recovers her Bio-Energy Drain at the rate of one per 10 minutes. She can also restore herself from a single molecule, allowing her Cellular Immortality class feature to bring her back from death unless her body is utterly destroyed. Finally she is raised from the dead in a matter of minutes instead of hours, and hours instead of days.
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Leziadv [Expand] |
Article Balance | Very High + |
Author | Leziad + |
Base Attack Bonus Progression | Moderate + |
Class Ability | Other + |
Class Ability Progression | Other + |
Fortitude Save Progression | Good + |
Identifier | 3.5e Class + |
Length | 20 + |
Minimum Level | 1 + |
Rating | Undiscussed + |
Reflex Save Progression | Poor + |
Skill | Appraise +, Balance +, Bluff +, Climb +, Control Shape +, Craft +, Diplomacy +, Disguise +, Escape Artist +, Forgery +, Gather Information +, Handle Animal +, Heal +, Hide +, Intimidate +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Move Silently +, Perform +, Profession +, Ride +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Speak Language +, Spot +, Survival +, Swim + and Tumble + |
Skill Points | 4 + |
Summary | A class about being a eldritch abomination which constantly regenerate. + |
Title | Regenerator + |
Will Save Progression | Poor + |