Rich Inheritor (3.5e Social Archetype)

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Archetype Name[edit]

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 28 September 2011
Status: Finished.
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Rich Inheritor Advancement[edit]

Table: Archetype Name
Rich Bonus Archetype Feature
+1 Deep Pockets, Old Uncle's Legacy
+2 Sheltered Hobby
+3 Fun Life, Renovation
+4 Fate Favor the Spoiled
+5 Fun Gourmet
+6 Old Uncle's Secret

Archetype Features[edit]

Rich Bonus (Ex): Your wealth and social status, while maybe not deserved, made you keen with others and with objects of value. You gain a bonus to appraise. You also gain a bonus to diplomacy against humanoid creatures with a lower social status.

Deep Pocket (Ex): You always seem to be able to buy trivial shit without harming your funds, as long as you have 100 gold pieces or more you may purchase up to 10/rich inheritor level gold pieces of goods per day without actually touching your actual funds.

Old Uncle's Legacy (Ex): According to his writ, your old uncle wanted you to have his old mansion when he died. You start the game with a spacious, but decrepit stronghold. Since it has a reputation of being haunted, you cannot seem to find a buyer for it.

Sheltered Hobby (Ex): When you were not busy being a total embarrassments for your parents, you developed unusual hobbies and passtimes. You gain one of the following skill as a class skill: Ride, craft (any), knowledge (any), perform (any).

Fun Life (Ex): You know everything about entertainments, the good places the fun people and the easy ladies. You may reroll any failed gather information roll related even modestly with entertainment.

Renovation (Ex): You finally got around renovating that stupid mansion you tried to sell a dozen of times. Your stronghold is now much cleaner and any damage caused to it by your friends and enemies are repaired. When you and your allies are resting in your mansion you gain a +1 moral bonus to all saving throws for 6 hours. Still can't find a buyer... damn!

Fate Favor the Spoiled (Ex): You can reroll a single reflex failed saving throw as an immediate action once per day. When you do so, you will find a single gold pieces 5 minute later on the ground.

Fun Gourmet (Ex): You experienced so many alcohols and drugs that it barely do anything bad to you right now. You gain a +4 bonus to fortitude save against the ill effects of drug and ingested poisons.

Old Uncle's Secret (Ex): You discovered the secret of that old mansion, you find a precious arcane laboratory, a warrior training ring or a hidden passage to the baron's castle. Your strongold now become superior, granting you the benefit of one magical location of your choice for free (only once however).

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Leziad's Homebrew (4503 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Social Archetype +
RatingUnrated +
TitleRich Inheritor +