SRD:Neutral Good Creature

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Neutral Good Creatures[edit]

Creature Entry CR Type and Subtypes Size
Avoral 9 Outsider [Extraplanar, Good] Medium
Centaur 3 Monstrous Humanoid Large
Cloud Giant 11 Giant [Air] Huge
Giant Eagle 3 Magical Beast Large
Giant Owl 3 Magical Beast Large
Gnome 1/2 Humanoid [Gnome] Small
Grig 1 Fey Tiny
Half-Giant 1 Giant [Psionic] Medium
Leonal 12 Outsider [Extraplanar, Good] Medium
Pixie 4, 5 Fey Small
Pseudodragon 1 Dragon Tiny
Treant 8 Plant Huge
Triton 2 Outsider [Native, Water] Medium

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