Scripts (3.5e Suit)

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Author: Foxwarrior (talk)
Date Created: 5/6/2010
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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The meta suit. If Meta were a thing one could draw, that is what this suit would be instead. As is the convention for Suits, the casting time is listed in parentheses.

Ace (low) (Swift): All variable, numeric effects of the next non-Script card you play are increased by 50%.

Two (Swift): The next non-Script card you play has no verbal or somatic components.

Three (Swift): Double the duration of the next non-Script card you play.

Four (Swift): Double the range of the next non-Script card you play.

Five (Swift): Draw a card. This card does not count towards your hand maximum, but when you play it, you don't get to draw a replacement.

Six (Swift): Double the area of effect of the next non-Script card you play.

Seven (Swift): Shuffle any number of cards from your hand into your deck. (This card is already destroyed)

Eight (Swift): Maximize all variable, numeric effects of the next non-Script card you play.

Nine (Swift): Look at up to the top five cards in your deck and put them back in any order.

Ten (Swift): Play a card from your hand as part of this action.

Jack (Free): Draw up to your maximum hand size.

Queen (Swift): The next non-Script card you play has its caster level increased by 5.

King (Immediate): Play a card from your hand as part of this action.

Ace (high) (Swift): A card of your choice, of any power level, from any suit, is shuffled into your deck.

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Facts about "Scripts (3.5e Suit)"
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorFoxwarrior +
Identifier3.5e Suit +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryThe meta suit. If Meta were a thing one could draw, that is what this suit would be instead. +
TitleScripts +