Seductress (3.5e Social Archetype)

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Archetype Name[edit]

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 28 September 2011
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Seductress Advancement[edit]

Table: Archetype Name
Charm Bonus Archetype Feature
+1 Seducing Smile
+2 Attract Attention, Sweet Talk
+3 Delay Combat
+4 Deadly Flower, Romantic Hesitation
+5 Incredible Time, Pretty Snowflake
+6 Combat Seductress, Without Barrier

Archetype Features[edit]

All saving throws DC granted by the Seductress social archetype are (10 + half Seductress HDs + seductress charisma modifier)

Charm Bonus (Ex): The seductress social archtype grant a bonus to all bluff, diplomacy and sense motive checks made out of combat to creatures attracted to you.

Seducing Smile You may reroll any failed charisma-based skill check against creatures attracted to you as long as they are not in combat.

Attract Attention (Ex): As an immediate action you may force any creature not in combat that are attracted within 30 feet to you to make a will save or be fascinated as long as you concentrate. Creature that succeed their save are still dazzled for one round. You may concentrate for 1 round per seductress level.

Sweet Talk (Ex): If the seductress (or seducer) spend at least 1 minutes talking or under taking other social activities with an attracted creature or NPC you may have it make a will save or be charmed as long as it attracted to you.

Delay Combat (Ex): As a full-round action you may attempt to prevent fighting from erupting... for a time at least. As a full-round action, you may force all creatures attracted within 40 feet to you to delay fighting for 1 round. That effect automatically ceases if this creature is attacked or sufficiently threatened.

Deadly Flower (Ex): You gain a +1 attack bonus against all creatures attracted to you. Additionally you gain +1d6 sneak attack againsit all creatures attracted to you (this effect stack with sneak attack gained from other source).

Romantic Hesitation (Ex): During the first round of combat, all hostile creatures previously or attracted to you are slowed until the end of their turn.

Incredible Time (Ex): If you spend at least 10 minutes talking or doing other social activities with an attracted creature you may have it make a will save or be affected by an effect mechanically similar to suggestion.

Pretty Snowflake (Ex): During the first round of combat, creatures previoulsy attracted to you have a 20% miss chance againist you.

Combat Seductress (Ex): You may affect creatures in-combat with seducing smile and attract attention. Creatures in combat with you remain attracted to you at the end of combat (assuming they survived).

Without Barrier (Ex): Creatures and NPCs of the same gender, of the dragon type and of the abberation type can be attracted to you but gain a +4 bonus on their wisdom check. Sufficiently humanoid outsiders, giants and monstrous humanoid no longer gain any bonus to their wisdom check to resist being attracted to you.

Attraction: The seductress' abilities rely on creatures and NPC being 'attracted' to her, But what does that mean:

  • The creature/NPCs has a romantic and/or sexual attraction to the seductress (or seducer).
  • Any creature charmed by the seductress/seducer is considered to be attracted (although it may not fit the description above).

How can I determine a creature is attracted:

  • When a creature first see the seductress you may make a charisma (seductress) against the targeted creature's wisdom check . If the charsima roll is higher, the creature is attracted. You may make another of such check after each successful charisma skill check against that particular unattracted creature.
  • Creature that would not be attracted normally like NPC of the same gender (assiming they are heterosexual) cannot be attracted in normal circumstances (but are considered attracted if charmed by example).
  • Monstrous Humanoids, giants and sufficiently humanoid outsiders gain a +4 bonus on their wisdom check made to resist attraction.
  • Creatures of ANY other types simply cannot be attracted even if charmed.
  • Ultimately the DM may decide if a particular creature or NPC is attracted or no.
  • PCs decided if their character is attracted or not, even if it contradictory with what was wrote above.

A creature ceased to be attracted to you if:

  • You deal any damage to it and the creature can trace it back to you (although you can bluff an reattempt to attract it).
  • It enter combat against you.
  • If it spend a sufficient amount of time without any social interaction on your part (normally a week, but DM get the final call).

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Leziad's Homebrew (4502 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Social Archetype +
RatingUnrated +
TitleSeductress +