Silver Elf Paragon (3.5e Racial Paragon Class)
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A racial paragon class that allows the Silver Elves to tap into their full Fey potential. 6 1 Poor Poor Poor Good
Alternate Magic,Other
[hide]Silver Elf Paragon[edit]
Some Silver Elves turn inward to look for guidance rather than choosing a craft right away. These are the Silver Elf Paragons.
Making an Silver Elf Paragon[edit]
Silver elves are physically very weak and not very durable. As thus, they tend to remain in the back lines of a fight.
Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma, depending on the specific Silver Elf. Dexterity is also very helpful, as is Constitution.
Races: Silver Elves only.
Alignment: Any.
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Saving Throws | Special | Spellcasting or Manifesting | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fort | Ref | Will | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1st | +0 | +0 | +0 | +2 | Bonus Silver Elf Racial Feat, Ego Score, Fey Ability I | +1 existing spellcasting, manifesting, meldshaping and invoking class | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2nd | +1 | +0 | +0 | +3 | Bonus Silver Elf Racial Feat, DR 5/Cold Iron, Fey Ability II | +1 existing spellcasting, manifesting, meldshaping and invoking class | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3rd | +1 | +1 | +1 | +3 | Bonus Silver Elf Racial Feat, Fey Grace (AC), Fey Ability III, +2 Dexterity | +1 existing spellcasting, manifesting, meldshaping and invoking class | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4th | +2 | +1 | +1 | +4 | Bonus Silver Elf Racial Feat, DR 10/Cold Iron, Fey Ability IV | +1 existing spellcasting, manifesting, meldshaping and invoking class | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5th | +2 | +1 | +1 | +4 | Bonus Silver Elf Racial Feat, Fey Ability V | +1 existing spellcasting, manifesting, meldshaping and invoking class | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6th | +3 | +2 | +2 | +5 | Bonus Silver Elf Racial Feat, Fey Grace (Saves), DR 15/Cold Iron, Fey Ability VI | +1 existing spellcasting, manifesting, meldshaping and invoking class | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level) |
Class Features[edit]
All of the following are class features of the Silver Elf Paragon.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Silver Elf Paragons are proficient with light armor and simple weapons. If they already have proficiency with all simple weapons, they instead gain proficiency with all martial weapons, respecting the Silver Elf's weapon familiarity racial trait.
Spellcasting: If you have levels in any spellcasting class, levels of Silver Elf Paragon stack with them for the purposes of determining spells per day, spells known, caster level and etc. This can only apply to a single class each level; If you have more than one spellcasting class upon becoming a Silver Elf Paragon, you must choose which class to apply these increases to. If you have no levels in a spellcasting class, this has no effect.
Manifesting: If you have levels in any manifesting class, levels of Silver Elf Paragon stack with them for the purposes of determining power points per day, powers known, manifester level and etc. This can only apply to a single class each level; If you have more than one manifesting class upon becoming a Silver Elf Paragon, you must choose which class to apply these increases to. If you have no levels in a manifesting class, this has no effect.
Meldshaping: If you have levels in any meldshaping class, levels of Silver Elf Paragon stack with them for the purposes of determining essentia pool, chakra binds, meldshaper level and etc. This can only apply to a single class each level; If you have more than one meldshaping class upon becoming a Silver Elf Paragon, you must choose which class to apply these increases to. If you have no levels in a meldshaping class, this has no effect.
Invoking: If you have levels in any invoking class, levels of Silver Elf Paragon stack with them for the purposes of determining invocations known, invoker level and etc. This can only apply to a single class each level; If you have more than one invoking class upon becoming a Silver Elf Paragon, you must choose which class to apply these increases to. If you have no levels in an invoking class, this has no effect.
Ego Score: Each Silver Elf Paragon's mind is a well-woven work of art and thus has special properties. Each Silver Elf Paragon possesses an Ego score. To determine your Ego score, you add together your Intelligence modifier, Wisdom modifier and Charisma modifier, and divide the result by half. If the Ego modifier if higher than any of the other three modifiers, then the Silver Elf may elect to use their Ego score instead of that ability score modifier for things like skills, saving throws, ability DCs and the like.
Fey Ability (Su): At each level, the Silver Elf chooses a special ability gained from their magical nature. These are shown below. Each can be chosen more than once, increasing the ability by one rank.
Bonus Silver Elf Racial Feats (Ex): At each level, the Silver Elf Paragon gains a bonus racial feat. They need not meet the prerequisites for the feat. At first and second level, the Silver Elf Paragon may choose between the Durable Shield and Energy-Resistant Shield feats. At third and fourth levels, they may choose between the Hardened Shield and Regenerative Shield feats. Finally, at fifth and sixth levels, the Silver Elf Paragon may choose between the Spellwarding Shield and Retributive Shield feats. Each feat may only be chosen once via this class feature.
Damage Reduction (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain DR 5/Cold Iron. At level 4 and again at level 6, the damage reduction increases by 5, to DR 15 at 6th level.
Ability Boost (Ex): At 3rd level, your Dexterity score permanently increases by 2 points.
Fey Grace (Su): At 3rd level, the Silver Elf Paragon may add one point of his Ego Score per class level to his AC as a Dodge bonus to Armor Class. Beginning at 6th level, the Silver Elf Paragon may add their Ego Score as an untyped bonus to all saving throws.
Fey Evolution (Su): At 6th level in the class, the Silver Elf gains a permanent +2 bonus to all three of their mental ability scores (Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma). In addition, their Fey Abilities reach their pinnacles, as shown below.
Silver Elf Paragon Fey Abilities[edit]
Abjuration: The Silver Elf Paragon adds his number of ranks in the Abjuration ability to his caster level when using Abjuration spells and effects. They may also add their rank to the saving throw DC of all Abjuration effects they create, and an equal untyped bonus on saving throws they make against Abjuration effects.
Abjurant Warding (Su): A Silver Elf Paragon with ranks in Abjuration may create the effects of the Shield and Mage Armor spells as supernatural abilities (May activate one as a Swift action, or both as a Standard action). The Paragon's Caster Level for this effect is equal to their HD. This is considered an Abjuration effect, even though Mage Armor is typically considered Conjuration.
Conjuration: The Silver Elf Paragon adds his number of ranks in the Conjuration ability to his caster level when using Conjuration spells and effects. They may also add their rank to the saving throw DC of all Conjuration effects they create, and an equal untyped bonus on saving throws they make against Conjuration effects.
Conjurer's Escape (Su): A Silver Elf Paragon with ranks in Conjuration may teleport up to a number of feet (equal to their Ego Score plus their number of ranks in the Conjuration ability, multiplied by 5) as a move action, or half this distance as an Immediate action upon being attacked. In any case, the teleport can only be used once per round, regardless of how it's used. This is considered a Conjuration [Teleportation] effect.
Divination: The Silver Elf Paragon adds his number of ranks in the Divination ability to his caster level when using Divination spells and effects. They may also add their rank to the saving throw DC of all Divination effects they create, and an equal untyped bonus on saving throws they make against Divination effects.
Divine Fortune (Su): A Silver Elf Paragon with ranks in Divination can see things coming. One rank in this skill grants the Silver Elf the ability to reroll their Initiative once per encounter. Two ranks grants them Uncanny Dodge; Four or more grants them Improved Uncanny Dodge; Their effective Rogue level for the purposes of determining whether or not they can be flanked by an opponent is equal to their Ego score + the number of ranks they have in the Divination ability. This is considered a Divination effect.
Enchantment: The Silver Elf Paragon adds his number of ranks in the Enchantment ability to his caster level when using Enchantment spells and effects. They may also add their rank to the saving throw DC of all Enchantment effects they create, and an equal untyped bonus on saving throws they make against Enchantment effects.
Enchanter's Guile (Su): A Silver Elf Paragon with ranks in Enchantment gains the ability to talk others into his way of thinking. By taking a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity to talk to a creature, the Silver Elf Paragon can make a Diplomacy check, opposed by a Will saving throw made by the target. If the Silver Elf wins the opposed roll, the target is either Fascinated or Charmed, at the Silver Elf's option, lasting for 1 day per rank in Enchantment, or until the effect is broken by hostility towards the target from either the Silver Elf or his allies. While this ability works regardless of race, it is an Enchantment [Charm] Sonic, Mind-Affecting, Language-Dependent Effect, thus requiring the target to share a language with the Paragon. This ability therefor cannot be used on animals; Unless the Silver Elf possesses the Wild Empathy ability, in which case his check is Wild Empathy, not Diplomacy.
Evocation: The Silver Elf Paragon adds his number of ranks in the Evocation ability to his caster level when using Evocation spells and effects. They may also add their rank to the saving throw DC of all Evocation effects they create, and an equal untyped bonus on saving throws they make against Evocation effects.
Evoker's Wrath (Su): A Silver Elf Paragon with ranks in Evocation gains the ability to turn his Telekinesis into a more deadly weapon. By expending the Telekinetic Thrust version of Telekinesis, the Silver Elf may fire a single ray, making a ranged touch attack at a target within the range of his Telekinesis racial ability. This ray deals 1d4 Force damage per two Caster Levels to the target, using the CL of the Silver Elf's Telekinesis ability; And the Silver Elf may add his Ego score to the attack roll with this ability. As it effectively becomes a subset of his Telekinesis racial ability, it cannot be used while his Astral Shield is up. Finally, if the Silver Elf has the Energy-Resistant Shield feat, his Evoker's Wrath may instead deal 1d6 points of damage of the appropriate energy type (The type his Astral Shield protects him against) per two caster levels, rather than 1d4 Force/2 CL. If the Silver Elf's shield protects against more than one kind of energy, the damage does not increase, but the Paragon may choose to divide the damage up between types as they please. In any case, an effect that stops Magic Missile stops Evoker's Wrath. This is considered an Evocation effect, with the appropriate descriptor (Normally [Force], or [Fire], [Cold], [Sonic], [Acid], or [Electricity]).
Illusion: The Silver Elf Paragon adds his number of ranks in the Illusion ability to his caster level when using Illusion spells and effects. They may also add their rank to the saving throw DC of all Illusion effects they create, and an equal untyped bonus on saving throws they make against Illusion effects.
Illusionist's Trick (Su): A Silver Elf Paragon with ranks in Illusion gains the ability to warp light and shadow - And sometimes even minds - With his telekinesis. As a standard action, the Paragon may create the effects of any Illusion spell, within the [Glamer], [Pattern] or [Figment] subschools, of a level equal to or lower than his number of ranks in the Illusion ability; If the Paragon also possesses ranks in the Enchantment ability, he may also recreate Illusion [Phantasm] effects of a level equal to or lower than his Enchantment rank. If the Paragon possesses ranks in the Conjuration ability, he may create the effects of any Illusion [Shadow] spell or a level equal to or lower than his ranks in Conjuration. In any case, the duration of the effect is a number of rounds equal to the Paragon's Ego score, and only one spell effect may be in existence at a time. This ability cannot be used while the Paragon's Astral Shield is in effect, and any effects that were in existence when the shield is activated end the instant it forms.
Necromancy: The Silver Elf Paragon adds his number of ranks in the Necromancy ability to his caster level when using Necromancy spells and effects. They may also add their rank to the saving throw DC of all Necromancy effects they create, and an equal untyped bonus on saving throws they make against Necromancy effects.
Necromancer's Curse (Su): A Silver Elf Paragon with ranks in Necromancy gains many of the resistances of the undead. A Silver Elf with ranks in Necromancy subtracts a number equal to their Ego score multiplied by their ranks in Necromancy from the damage dealt by any spell or effect that either deals Negative Energy damage or has the [Death] descriptor. Their Saving Throw bonus granted by their ranks in Necromancy also applies to saves against Poison, Disease, effects that inflict negative levels, and [Death] effects. A Paragon with ranks in Necromancy is also resistant to ability damage, ability drain and negative levels, reducing the number of points of ability damage or drain by a number equal to his ranks in Necromancy, and incurring one less negative level per rank in Necromancy. Finally, a Paragon with 4 or more ranks in Necromancy gains Mettle, as the Hexblade class ability.
Transmutation: The Silver Elf Paragon adds his number of ranks in the Transmutation ability to his caster level when using Transmutation spells and effects. They may also add their rank to the saving throw DC of all Transmutation effects they create, and an equal untyped bonus on saving throws they make against Transmutation effects.
Transmuter's Gift (Su): A Silver Elf Paragon with ranks in Transmutation gains the ability to turn his mental power inward, improving his body. In any round the Paragon isn't using his Astral Shield, and hasn't used his Telekinesis, he gains an untyped +2 bonus per rank in Transmutation. He can divide this bonus up between his Strength, Dexterity, Constitution scores; Add it to his Natural Armor, or add it to his move speed (+5ft per +1 of bonus added to move speed). The Paragon may change how much of the bonus is assigned to what ability each round as he wishes (A free action); However, the Paragon cannot assign a bonus to any singular ability less than +2.
Silver Elf Paragon Fey Evolutions[edit]
Gained upon attaining 6th level in the Silver Elf Paragon class, the Paragon gains one evolution for each ability he has ranks in; However, the Paragon can only select one of the options given for each ability. Unless otherwise noted, each Evolution ability cannot be used at the same time as the Silver Elf's Astral Shield, nor can it function in any round in which the Paragon uses their Telekinesis. Any saving throws related to Evolutions have a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the Paragon's total HD + the Paragon's Ego score.
Consume Magic (Su): The Paragon can use Dispel Magic as a supernatural ability at will, with a caster level equal to his HD. In addition, for each spell level the Paragon successfully dispels with this ability, he is healed for 1d4 hp. However, in order to gain the healing effects of this ability, the Paragon must be within Close range of the target; Otherwise, the Dispel functions normally.
Banish (Su): The Paragon can use Banishment as a supernatural ability at will.
Spell-Turning Shield (Su): The Paragon's Astral Shield can turn spells aside as if it were the Spell Turning spell. The shield can turn aside any number of spells, but each time it turns a spell, the shield takes 10 damage per spell level, -1 per spell level for every rank the Silver Elf Paragon has in the Abjuration ability (Min 4 per spell level).
Evasive Escape (Su): As long as the Paragon still has his teleportation ability available for the round, he's treated as having Improved Evasion, as the Rogue class feature.
Baleful Teleport (Su): The Paragon can teleport away tiny bits of the target's being as a melee touch attack, dealing 1d6 damage per two Caster Levels, with a Will save for half. Alternatively, the Paragon can use the Baleful Teleport to teleport the target to anywhere within the Paragon's Conjurer's Escape range, including within solid objects. Both effects require the Paragon use up his teleport for the round.
Redirecting Portals (Su): This ability allows the paragon to expend his Conjurer's escape for the round (as a standard action) in order to create a pair of portals he can use to redirect spells, effects, ranged attacks or even charging opponents. Each portal is typically roughly eight feet across and circular in shape, and an object or force that enters one portal exits the other at the same velocity. This allows the Paragon o forego his normal saving throw against an effect (Or his Dexterity bonus to AC against the attack) in an attempt to redirect it. Instead, he makes a Concentration check in place of his saving throw, against the saving throw of the effect or against the attack roll of his opponent. If he succeeds, he can redirect the effect, ranged attack, or (Providing the opponent will fit through a circular 8-foot hole), an opponent who is charging - or otherwise moving, running, etc. - toward him, in any direction he chooses. Once the change in direction has been made, the opponent, effect or projectile finishes its movement, such as going out to the end of its range, or finishing the length of its charge/movement. This allows the paragon to redirect arrows back at attackers or spells back at spellcasters, provided they can make the Concentration check each time; In doing so, the spell or attack is at the same attack roll as it was originally fired with/save DC and caster level as it was originally cast with (Accounting for the change in difference). The Paragon cannot redirect anything at all if he's flat-footed.
Escape And Riposte (Su): When the Paragon escapes a melee attack via Conjurer's escape, and in doing so teleports to a square behind their attacker or otherwise where they'd catch their opponent offguard, they may immediately make an attack of opportunity against said opponent, treating them as flat-footed for the purposes of that attack. Furthermore, for the purposes of this attack alone, you are treated as having Sneak Attack, dealing an additional 1d6 damage for each rank in Conjuration you possess.
Ask and Receive (Su): The Paragon may ask the collective universe questions. They can reproduce the effects of many Divination spells (Based on Divination rank) as supernatural abilities, though casting time remains the same. They are as follows: 1 rank: Augury. 2 ranks: Divination. 3 ranks: Commune With Nature. 4 ranks: Commune. 5 ranks: Contact Other Plane. 6 ranks: Moment of Prescience. Ranks are cumulative, allowing a Paragon with 6 ranks in Divination the ability to use all 6 spells; Though only one of these effects may be in effect at any time.
All-Sensing Mind (Su): The Paragon gains Low-light Vision, and adds +1 per rank in Divination to all Listen, Spot and Search checks. They gain further sensory abilities based on Rank: 2 ranks: Darkvision +60ft. 3 ranks: constant See Invisibility and Detect Magic. 4 ranks: Darkvision becomes +120ft instead and Lowlight-Vision becomes double-strength. 5 ranks: Arcane Eye at will. 6 ranks: Constant True Seeing. Effects based on rank are cumulative.
Battle Insight (Su): The Paragon gains an Insight bonus on Attack Rolls, Armor Class and Reflex saving throws equal to +2 per rank in Divination. These bonuses are lost whenever the Paragon is unable to act or react.
Enthralling Bedevilment (Su): Your Enchanter's Guile can now reproduce the effects of Dominate Monster or Hold Monster instead of Charm Monster.
Leader of Legions (Su): Your Enchanter's Guile can now reproduce the effects of Mass Suggestion instead of Charm Monster; Those in the area are also treated as if affected by the Prayer spell. However, those that fail their save against your Mass Suggestion are automatically subject to the positive effects of Prayer; Those that succeeded their saving throw against your mass suggestion are automatically subject to the negative effects of Prayer, with no saving throw.Finally, if you forego applying the negative effects of Prayer to those that succeed their saves, you can instead apply the effects of Greater Heroism to each target that failed their save against your Mass Suggestion, in addition to the positive effects of Prayer.
Curse of Guilelessness (Su): Instead of charming someone, your Enchanter's Guile can strike a single creature within Medium range with the effects of both Feeblemind and Confusion, as the spells.
Chain Wrath (Su): Your Evoker's Wrath can now effect an additional target. Each target must be within Close range of the previous target. The Paragon can affect one additional target per three Caster Levels.
Torrential Wrath (Su): Your Evoker's wrath can now deal damage in a cone 5 feet long per caster level, allowing a Reflex save for half damage rather than requiring an attack roll. Targets within the cone that fail their Reflex saving throws are effected as if by a Bull Rush, pushing them directly away from the caster, using the Paragon's Caster Level and Ego Score instead of Base Attack Bonus and Strength bonus.
Explosive Wrath (Su): You can now form your Evoker's Wrath into an explosive sphere. You can center the effect on any square within Medium range; from there, it deals damage to those within 5 feet per Evocation rank, allowing a Reflex save for half. Targets that fail their saves are knocked prone.
Clinging Wrath (Su): If you hit a target with your Evoker's Wrath, the energy wraps around them. Thus, it deals damage again the next round, except that it looses one dice of damage that round. It continues dealing damage every round, losing one dice of damage per round, until it fades away. Using your Evoker's Wrath while the duration of a previous use is still going ends the previous duration instantly.
Illusionist's Ward (Su): The Paragon is affected by a continual miss chance as per the Blur spell; However you lose this miss chance against any attack that catches you without your Dexterity bonus to AC.
Imaginary Friends (Su): As a standard action, the Paragon can create a number of illusory doubles equal to his Ego score plus his ranks in Illusion; Each can move and act independently as long as they are within Long range of the Paragon. When a double is hit, it is destroyed. This ability cannot be used again until all of the doubles from a previous use have been destroyed (Thus preventing the Paragon from using their shield or telekinesis until the doubles are all gone). However, they are permanent until destroyed, and have audio and olfactory components in addition to the visual one.
Reaper's Aura (Su): The Paragon has an aura of unnatural energy that they can suppress or reactivate as a free action. The radius of this aura is 5 feet per Necromancy rank. Targets within the aura take 1 point of Negative Energy damage per Necromancy rank per round as long as they remain within it, and must make Will saves or be Shaken as long as they remain within the aura. Foes killed by the damage are killed as if the Paragon cast Death Knell on them, granting the Paragon a +2 bonus to Strength as described in the spell. The Paragon can select a number of targets within the radius that are not affected by the aura; This number can be any number up to his Ego score. This ability doesn't interfere with the Paragon's Shield or Telekinesis.
Strike of Borrowed Time (Su): Dark energy suffuses any melee attacks made by the Paragon; All attacks made by the paragon's natural weapons, unarmed strikes and any melee weapons they wield are treated as Magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Furthermore, they heal for an amount equal to the damage dealt. If the Paragon has ranks in Evocation, this vampiric healing applies to his Evoker's Wrath as well. Finally, if the Paragon has ranks in Transmutation, he may choose to divide the healing between himself and allies within 60 feet of him, +10ft per Transmutation rank.
Deathless (Su): The Paragon becomes immune to Death and Fear effects. Returning the Paragon to life incurs no penalties to them.
Metamorphic Form (Su): The Paragon gains 50% Fortification, +5% per rank in Transmutation. Furthermore, the Paragon can use Enlarge Person and Reduce Person on himself at will.
Alchemist's Transformation (Su): The Paragon gain create the effects of either Divine Power or Transformation (Which spell the Paragon can use is chosen upon gaining this ability and cannot be changed afterwards) in himself as a supernatural ability at will.
Beast Aspect (Su): You can, by touch, bestow the effects of Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Eagle's Splendor, Fox's Cunning or Owl's Wisdom to allies (But not to yourself). You may have a number of these effects active at any time equal to your Ego score plus 1 per rank in Transmutation. Finally, you can instead choose to subsume these effects to transform into an animal (but not elemental) as per Wild Shape of a Druid of a class level equal to your HD.
Back to Main Page → 3.5e Homebrew → Classes → Racial Paragon Classes
Article Balance | Very High + |
Author | Zhenra-Khal + |
Base Attack Bonus Progression | Poor + |
Class Ability | Alternate Magic + |
Class Ability Progression | Other + |
Fortitude Save Progression | Poor + |
Identifier | 3.5e Racial Paragon Class + |
Length | 6 + |
Minimum Level | 1 + |
Rating | Undiscussed + |
Reflex Save Progression | Poor + |
Skill | Autohypnosis +, Bluff +, Concentration +, Control Shape +, Craft +, Decipher Script +, Diplomacy +, Heal +, Intimidate +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Perform +, Profession +, Psicraft +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Speak Language +, Spellcraft +, Spot +, Survival +, Truespeak +, Use Magic Device + and Use Psionic Device + |
Skill Points | 4 + |
Summary | A racial paragon class that allows the Silver Elves to tap into their full Fey potential. + |
Title | Silver Elf Paragon + |
Will Save Progression | Good + |