Soulcaller (3.5e Class)
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A class focused on capturing and calling forth souls, mixing Incarnum with the talents of the Blue Mage and Ba Summoner. 20 1 Moderate Good Poor Good
Alternate Magic,Other
Totemists call upon the powers of magical beasts, souls full of wild fury an primal strength. They know the wisdom, grace and perseverance of these great beasts, both long-dead and unborn, and respect them for sharing their power.
Then there are those, known as Ba Summoners, who use arcane magic to copy the essence of a creature they have slain, much like a real-world human takes a photograph - No harm, no foul, the creature can be revived as normal. They store these copies away in talismans, to be summoned forth in battle later.
And yet still, there are bestial mad mages from the east, Blue Mages who absorb the very soul of their kills in order to mimic their abilities later on. While gruesome, and permanently harmful to the creatures so captured, this method is very effective, allowing them to use anything from a dragon's breath to a medusa's gaze, at the expense of these souls forever churning within their own - Seeking to take over the mage's mind and destroy everything they love, the mage's own flesh and stolen power their weapon.
The path of the Soulcaller was born from the combination of the three paths, manipulating soulstuff with relative ease, calling both whole souls and individual abilities to aid in battle.
Credits go to Eiji-Kun and Lordshadow, for creating the original Ba Summoner and Blue Mage classes, respectively. Really and truthfully, this class is just a combination of the two, plus smidgens of my Flavorless adaptation of the Blue Mage, which wasn't terribly creative in and of itself.
Making a Soulcaller[edit]
Soulcallers use soulstuff to augment their physical forms, and they call forth the souls of the fallen to fight alongside them, and thus they spend most of their time on the front line. They can sustain themselves by killing their foes, but likely need help from others
Abilities: Soulcallers must have a strong will to control and manifest other souls; Thus Wisdom is their most important attribute. Strength helps them dish out pain while Constitution helps them endure it, so both are important when on the front lines.
Races: Any, though races tied directly to magic tend to be more common.
Alignment: Any though they tend toward nongood and nonchaotic alignments, due to the cruel nature of some of their methods and the rigid focus required to maintain control.
Starting Gold: 5d4×10 gp (125 gp).
Starting Age: Complex.
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Saving Throws | Special | Akh Totems | Spirit Mediums | Incarnum | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fort | Ref | Will | Soulmelds Shaped | Essentia | Chakra Binds | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1st | +0 | +2 | +0 | +2 | Beast Spells, Learning, Azure Madness, Azure Lore, Borrowed Souls, Summon Ba | 1 | — | 1 | — | — | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2nd | +1 | +3 | +0 | +3 | Track, Akh Chakra (+1 Capacity), Akh Binding, Kin's Call | 1 | — | 2 | — | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3rd | +2 | +3 | +1 | +3 | Azure Consumption, Spirit Medium | 1 | 1 | 2 | — | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4th | +3 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Azure Binding | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5th | +3 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Chakra Binds (Crown, Feet, Hands), Burst Affinity | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6th | +4 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Monstrous Mutation (Scent), Channel Ba (1 Ability) | 2 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7th | +5 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Monstrous Mutation (Poison Resistance), Share Soulmeld | 2 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8th | +6/+1 | +6 | +2 | +6 | Monstrous Mutation (Speed), Rebind Ahk Soulmeld 1/Day | 3 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9th | +6/+1 | +6 | +3 | +6 | Chakra Binds (Arms, Brow, Shoulders), Monstrous Mutation (Darkvision) | 3 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10th | +7/+2 | +7 | +3 | +7 | Akh Chakra (+1 Meldshaper Level), The Beast Within, The Beast Without | 3 | 2 | 6 | 2 | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11th | +8/+3 | +7 | +3 | +7 | Assimilation, Overdrive | 3 | 2 | 6 | 2 | 4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12th | +9/+4 | +8 | +4 | +8 | Monstrous Mutation (Supernatural Disease Resistance), Rebind Ahk Soulmeld 2/Day | 4 | 2 | 7 | 3 | 4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13th | +9/+4 | +8 | +4 | +8 | Convergence, Azure Metamagic | 4 | 3 | 7 | 3 | 4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14th | +10/+5 | +9 | +4 | +9 | Chakra Binds (Throat, Waist, Legs) | 4 | 3 | 8 | 3 | 5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15th | +11/+6/+1 | +9 | +5 | +9 | Channel Ba (Supernatural) | 4 | 3 | 8 | 3 | 5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16th | +12/+7/+2 | +10 | +5 | +10 | Akh Chakra (+2 Capacity), Rebind Ahk Soulmeld 3/Day | 5 | 3 | 9 | 4 | 5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17th | +12/+7/+2 | +10 | +5 | +10 | Chakra Bind (Heart), Channel Ba (2 Abilities) | 5 | 3 | 9 | 4 | 6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18th | +13/+8/+3 | +11 | +6 | +11 | Diffusion | 5 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19th | +14/+9/+4 | +11 | +6 | +11 | Chakra Bind (Soul), Guardian Force | 5 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20th | +15/+10/+5 | +12 | +6 | +12 | Azure Soul, Twin Summon, Ba Embodiment, Rebind Ahk Soulmeld 4/Day | 6 | 4 | 11 | 5 | 7 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level) |
Class Features[edit]
All of the following are class features of the Soulcaller.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Soulcallers are proficient with all simple weapons, plus all natural weapons and attacks granted by their class features. They are proficient with Light armor, but not with shields.
Soul Spells (Ex) or (Su): The Soulcaller's power comes from the souls of his fallen foes. With each battle, he grows stronger. A Soulcaller can absorb the soul of a fallen enemy; this requires they have a soul (Ruling out constructs, and likely some undead at your DM's discretion). Absorbing a creature's essence allows you to learn one of the creature's innate (Not class-based) Extraordinary or Supernatural abilities. The DC of these Soul Spells is equal to 10 + 1/2 your class level + your Wisdom modifier, as they have no defined level; With the exception of abilities that replicate spells, in which case those Beast Spells can only be cast once the Soulcaller in question has two class levels per level of the spell - For example, a Soulcaller could absorb Astral Projection or Etherealness from a Nightmare, but couldn't cast either spell until he reached his 18th level in Soulcaller. Soulcallers do not need to meditate to prepare spells each morning, but must meditate for one hour once per week to realign their souls.
A Soulcaller's spells have no verbal or somatic components, but do suffer Arcane Spell Failure from armor heavier than light armor and from all forms of shields.
Soulcallers that are subjected to any spell that allows them to change form becomes instantly and irrevocably mad (As per Azure Madness), and only a Wish or Miracle can cure them. This affects spells like Polymorph, but not Flesh To Stone and similar. Upon being subject to such a spell (And fail their save against it, if applicable), they must make a Will save (Against the spell's DC). If they fail, they finish the transformation before the madness occurs, which can leave their party dealing with a much more ferocious creature than the Soulcaller would've otherwise been. If they succeed the save, they remain in their natural form. Your Beast Without class feature cannot trigger this madness, though it is triggered by your Azure Madness anyway.
A Soulcaller may only know a number of spells up to their (Permanent) Spellcraft modifier. Any time a Soulcaller learns a spell when already at the maximum, they may discard a spell permanently from their repertoire. This spell can only be relearned by absorbing the same type of creature's soul once again. However, this has no affect on their Borrowed Spells (See below).
A Soulcaller can cast a number of spells per encounter up to their Wisdom modifier. They can only cast the same spell once per day, unless using their Azure Binding class feature. You can absorb the same creature's soul more than once before it fades, but you cannot learn the same spell twice, meaning you must choose a different ability to learn. You can learn the same spell more than once - In fact, each additional time grants you one additional daily use of that spell - But this must be done with different creatures of the same type, as once you take something from an individual soul, it is simply not there for you to take again.
Most of your spells, like dragon breath, are instantaneous, and require a Standard action to "cast". Passive spells you learn, such as spell resistance or a creature's natural weapons, are activated by immediate action and last a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier or the original duration, whichever is shorter. Each time you use a Soul Spell or Borrowed ability, you suffer a cumulative -1 penalty on Will saves. This penalty fades at the same rate as ability damage, but cannot be cured with magic.
At first level, choose an Animal, Plant, Elemental, Fey or Magical Beast of CR 1 or less, that you could logically have defeated during your training (Determined by the DM). You begin play with two spells from that creature, one of which must be a natural weapon, such as a Small Fire Elemental's slam attack. You also gain that creature as a Ba bound to your Akh Totem (See below) for free.
Learning (Su): By absorbing the essence of their fallen foes, the Soulcaller learns many new abilities. They do so by absorbing a portion of a fallen foe's soul; This must be done within ten rounds of the creature's death, and can only be done with creatures that have souls. To absorb a soul, you must touch the creature's corpse, spending a Standard action, and make a Spellcraft check (DC 10 + The creature's CR). If you succeed, you learn one of the creature's extraordinary or supernatural abilities randomly, either chosen by the DM or assigned values on a d% roll (In ad equal proportions as possible, in the order they are listed in the creature's entry). You can instead focus on a specific ability the creature possessed, but this increases the DC by +5. You can only absorb abilities that you have witnessed such a creature use, or otherwise know about via the appropriate Knowledge checks (Typically DC 20). A creature whose soul has been absorbed is exceedingly difficult to revive; Only Resurrection, True Resurrection, Limited Wish, Wish or Miracle can bring such a creature back to life. If this is done, the Soulcaller loses all spells they learned from that soul.
A creature whose is dying but not dead (-1 to -9 HP, typically) cannot be learned from until they are dead. If not rushed or threatened, the Soulcaller can spend 5 rounds to take 10 on the Spellcraft check used to learn a spell from a fallen creature. Additionally, the Soulcaller can instead attempt to bind the fallen enemy to an Akh Totem (See below) as a full-round action.
Azure Madness (Su): Like Blue Magi, Soulcallers are, by nature, unstable creatures; Their soul being amalgamates of their souls and those of fallen foes. Thus a Soulcaller is always at war with themselves, holding back the beasts within, who are more often than not enraged at both their death and their imprisonment within the Soulcaller's own soul. Any time a Soulcaller's willpower slips, whether it be due to pain, or a successful attempt to warp their mind, the savage rage surges forth, overwhelming the Soulcaller's control.
This manifests in their Azure Madness. Whenever a Soulcaller takes damage equal to or greater than five times their HD, plus their Constitution modifier, within a single round, or fails a Will save, they must make a Will save or enter this state of Azure Madness. The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the damage dealt (In the case of a damage trigger) or equal to 10 + the source's HD + the source's Charisma modifier (In the case of a Will save trigger).
During Azure Madness, the Soulcaller cannot use any Dexterity-, Intelligence- or Charisma-based skill except Intimidate, nor can they use any feat or ability that requires focus, concentration or intellect (Thus locking them out of most spellcasting and manifesting, as well as feats like Combat Expertise, but not their Soul Spells). They gain a bonus to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and all Will saves against Mind-Affecting effects equal to their class level for the duration. While in a maddened state, they will use whatever means are at their disposal - Soul Spells, weapons, even their bare hands or teeth - To destroy their perceived foes. Unfortunately for their allies, the Soulcaller also loses their ability to distinguish allies from enemies, and will rush headlong into battle against anything and everything they can see for as long as the madness lasts. Once the initial source of their madness is gone, they can attempt a Will save each round at the same DC to regain control. They can willingly fail this save, but each time they do so increases the DC of subsequent attempts by +1. A natural 20 does not guarantee success if a Soulcaller has willingly remained insane; If they stray beyond their own ability to regain control, a Wish or Miracle will be required to return their sanity.
A Soulcaller has constantly trained his will to withstand the onslaught of the raging beast within; This is why, unlike the original class, the Soulcaller has a good base Will save. However, each time they use a Soul Spell or Borrowed ability, they suffer a cumulative -1 penalty on Will saves. This penalty fades at the same rate as ability damage, but cannot be cured with magic.
Azure Madness counts as Rage for the purposes of prerequisites, and can be altered by anything that alters the Rage or Frenzy class feature feats, like feats such as Chaotic Rage, Ruinous Rage, or Reckless Rage, but obviously you cannot gain extra daily uses of Azure Madness, nor can you increase the duration (Though Extend Rage does increase the time between Will saves by 1 round each time it is taken).
Akh Totem: The other biggest ability of the Soulcaller is the ability to absorb a fallen soul completely, and store it inside of an Akh Totem, a small trinket of minor value which is engraved a magic rune. They can be anything, from crystals or magic playing cards, but are traditionally made out much like holy symbols. When the Soulcaller encounters an slays a creature in battle, they can choose to capture the creature's entire soul (As if learning a Soul Spell, see above) and bind it to an Akh Totem. If the creature has been dead for no more than 1 minute, the Soulcaller can bind it as a full round action which provokes attacks of opportunity, using a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + Creature's CR). They may bind any creature whose CR is equal to their class level -3 (minimum CR 1). Such bound creatures become summon monsters called Bas, which may be called upon with Summon Ba.
Soulcallers cannot bind creatures with class levels; If they do, the Ba is just a typical example of their race (Thus, a Human Fighter 3 would generate a Human with 1 racial hit die in Humanoid). Unlike those created by the Ba Summoner, a Ba stored by a Soulcaller cannot be raised or resurrected short of a Resurrection, True Resurrection, Limited Wish, Wish or Miracle, as the soul itself is trapped within the totem, much like the souls absorbed to learn their Soul Spells are trapped inside the Soulcaller's soul. If one of a Soulcaller's Bas is returned to life via one of these methods, the Akh Totem it was bound to instantly shatters and the Ba can no longer be summoned by the Soulcaller.
A Soulcaller may retain only one Akh totem at a time at first level; If they wish to gain another, they must first release the Ba contained in their current Totem and replace it with the new one (A free action as part of absorbing the new Ba). At 4th level, and every four levels beyond, the Soulcaller gains the ability to have another Akh Totem bound at one time (2 at 4th level, 3 at 8th, etc).
The Soulcaller must present the Akh Totem as part of summoning their Ba, a somatic component. If the Akh Totem is lost or destroyed, the Soulcaller may re-create it with the Ba of the lost or destroyed Totem, at the cost of 100 xp per level and 24 hours of focus to re-attune a new Totem to this Ba. The previous totem (If it still exists) shatters and becomes inert.
Summon Ba (Sp): Soulcallers may use bound spirits placed inside Akh Totems to summon the creature back to life and under their service. This functions like Summon Monster spells with a casting time of 1 round, but a duration of 1 minute/level. The summoned Ba may be summoned at will, but it is the same spirit each time. If it is damaged or killed in a previous fight, then it remains damaged or killed the next time you summon your Ba. They may be healed as normal for their species, or resurrected, though they never take experience or constitution damage from the experience. Bas automatically respawn after the Soulcaller gets 8 hours of rest, which returns them back to living status and restores 1/2 their normal maximum hp.
Ba Summons follow your orders, and always understand the commands of the Soulcaller (Though, limited intelligence may limit what actions they understand). While Bas look and feel like the original, they do not have complete memories of the original, and display a large and obvious sigil on their head marking them as a Ba Summon, so they make poor body doubles of the original creature.
Ba Summons with spell-like abilities face unusual restrictions. Abilities which normally have a material cost greater than 1 gp or an experience cost must be paid by the Soulcaller at time for casting; Otherwise they act as normal for spell-like abilities.
You may grant your Ba Summon items and equipment. This equipment vanishes with them when unsummoned, and re-appears when summoned again. Summon Ba may be used at will, but you may only have one Ba active at one time, until 20th level's Twin Summons.
Meldshaping (Su): The Soulcaller can shape Soulmelds, drawn from the Totemist soulmeld list. They no Essentia capacity of their own at 1st level, and gains very little over the course of their career. The save DC for a Soulcaller's Soulmelds is equal to 10 + Their Wisdom modifier + The amount of Essentia invested into that Soulmeld.
Borrowed Souls (Su): At 1st level, when you slay a creature and successfully absorb its essence, you gain a number of Essentia points equal to your Wisdom modifier. These Essentia points are temporary, fading at the same rate you naturally heal ability damage, but can be used as normal for Essentia. You can only gain Essentia from an individual creature once. Your "Borrowed" Essentia capacity is equal to your Wisdom modifier, plus your class level.
Additionally, when you learn an ability, you may choose to instead "Borrow" it. You can only have one Borrowed Spell at a time, but it does not count toward your limit of known spells. You can use the spell only once before it fades, and doing so costs a number of Essentia points equal to your Wisdom modifier, "burning" the Essentia permanently. However, this does not count toward your daily limit of casting that spell - Thus you can Borrow a spell you already know, in order to cast the spell more than once throughout the day. Borrowed Spells can be unshaped by any outside forces that can unshape a Soulmeld.
Azure Lore (Su): Soulcallers have developed a sixth sense as to the natural (Or unnatural) wildlife around them. Upon entering a new area (Such as a forest, town, cave system, or dungeon), a Soulcaller may make a check similar to a Bard's Bardic Lore check to learn the existence and general location of nearby wildlife. Upon encountering a foe, he may then make another Azure Lore check (DC 10 + The creature's CR) to determine any abilities it may have. Azure Lore checks use your Soulcaller level, plus your ranks in either Survival (For noticing creatures) or Spellcraft (For learning about their abilities), plus your Wisdom modifier.
Track (Ex): Beginning at 1st level, the Soulcaller gains Track as a bonus feat, even if they don't meet the prerequisites. If they already possess the feat, or would later be granted the feat through other means, they may gain a different feat as a bonus feat in its place, provided they meet the prerequisites of the new feat.
Kin's Call (Su): Though the beasts within yearn to doom you, they are not inclined to attack those of their own kind; Beginning at 2nd level, when your Azure Madness is triggered by a creature of the same species as one whose soul you've already absorbed, you gain a +1 bonus on the Will save against the madness for every spell you have learned from that specific type of creature. Thus, if you have already learned a Wisp's Shock and Natural Invisibility abilities, and a Wisp triggers your Azure Madness, you will gain a +2 bonus on that particular saving throw.
Likewise, birds of a feather flock together, all the better to bring about your end - When you attempt to absorb the soul of a creature, and you have already absorbed a spell (or spells) from that type of creature, you gain a +1 bonus on your Spellcraft check per spell. Thus, if you already knew a Hoary Steed's Air Walk, Astral Projection, Etherealness, and Magic Circle Against Good abilities, and are attempting to learn the steed's Misty Breath from a Hoary Steed you just killed, you would gain a +4 bonus on the Spellcraft check made to learn the spell.
Akh Chakra (Su): The place in which you harbor your stolen souls is a deep well, and can hold more than just spells. Beginning at 2nd level, you gain access to a special Chakra, called the Akh Chakra. This functions exactly like a Totem Chakra, with some added benefits. Like the Totem Chakra, your Akh Chakra has an Essentia capacity 1 higher than your other Chakras. Your Borrowed Spells occupy your Akh Chakra, meaning you can take the Double Chakra feat in order to have two Borrowed Spells at the same time, or a Borrowed Spell and a Soulmeld.
At 10th level, your Akh Chakra gains an additional +1 effective Meldshaper level, making your Borrowed Spells and any Soulmelds bound to the Chakra harder to unshape. At 16th level, your Akh Chakra's Essentia capacity increases again, to a total of +2 higher than your normal capacity.
Akh Binding (Su): At 2nd level, a Soulcaller can do more with the bound spirits than just summon them. When shaping and binding their Soulmelds at the start of the day, the Soulcaller may bind an inactive Ba Summon to one of their available Chakras in place of a Soulmeld, taking up that slot and being eligible for Essentia investment. The Ba Summon forms an ethereal item appropriate for the slot (Such as a belt, headband or armor), which gives one of the selected benefits below, chosen upon Binding; The potency of the benefit granted is equal to the Essentia invested in the Bound Ba. While Bound, the Ba cannot be summoned. When you bind a Ba using Akh Binding, choose an ability from the table below for the Binding to grant you. If you Bind more than one Ba in this way, you cannot choose the same benefit twice.
Name | Benefit |
The Guardian | Insight bonus on armor class equal to Essentia invested |
The Hardy | DR X/-; X is equal to Essentia invested |
The Hunter | Insight bonus on attack rolls equal to invested Essentia |
The Prepared | Insight bonus on initiative equal to invested Essentia |
The Resistant | Resistance to one type of energy (Acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) equal to 5x invested Essentia |
The Vicious | Insight bonus on damage rolls equal to 1 + Invested Essentia |
The Vigorous | +2 HP per point of Essentia invested |
The Warded | Insight bonus on saves equal to invested Essentia |
Azure Consumption (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, you have learned to "burn" your excess energy to create more useful effects; Though you can only spend a number of Essentia per minute on this class feature equal to your normal maximum Essentia capacity. As a standard action, you can:
- Heal yourself (Or one of your Bas, by touch) for 1d4 points of damage per point of Essentia consumed.
- Grant yourself a +1 bonus on your next Spellcraft check (Made to learn a Soul Spell) or Will save (Made to prevent or end Azure Madness) per Essentia consumed.
- Grant yourself a +1 bonus per Essentia consumed on the next Jump, Swim, Survival, Tumble, Climb, or Intimidate check you make.
Spirit Medium: At 3rd, 8th, and every five levels beyond, the the Soulcaller obtains the assistance of minor incorporeal spirits which drift through the ethereal plane. Incomplete ghosts, they are fragments of other beings left behind in their passage, leaving vague memories and feelings, but not enough to form a coherent being. By binding these Spirit Mediums to their soul, the Soulcaller gains access to their abilities. You may select any one Spirit Medium below. Upon summoning one of your Bas, you simply select one of your known Spirit Mediums to apply to it for the duration of that summoning.
- Air Spirit (Su): The Soulcaller's Ba Summons gain a fly speed of 10 ft (good), or a +10 bonus on their existing fly speed. At 9th level, the fly speed becomes 30 ft (good) or +30 to their existing fly speed. At 15th level, the fly speed becomes 60 ft (good) or +60 to their existing fly speed.
- Alert Spirit (Su): The Soulcaller's Ba Summons gain a +5 bonus to search, spot, and listen checks. At 9th level, the bonus becomes +10 and they gain Blindsense out to 30 ft. At 15th level, the bonus becomes +20 and they gain Blindsight out to 10 ft. in addition to the previous Blindsense.
- Beast Spirit (Su): The Soulcaller's Ba Summons may use any one natural attack a second time, with a -5 penalty on the roll, whenever they would make a full attack. At 9th level, your Ba can make an second additional attack at -10, and at 15th level, the Ba may make a third additional attack at -15. If the creature possesses the Multiattack feat, the penalty is reduced to -2, -4, and -6 respectively.
- Earth Spirit (Su): The Soulcaller's Ba Summons gain DR 1/-. At 9th level, the damage reduction increases to DR 3/-. At 15th level, the damage reduction increases to DR 5/-. This damage reduction stacks with similar damage reduction, by virtue of race or due to Adamantine armor, but not temporary effects.
- Flame Spirit (Su): The Soulcaller's Ba Summons gain +1d6 Fire damage to all their natural attacks. At 9th level, the damage increases to +2d6 and deals an additional +1d10 on a confirmed critical hit. At 15th level, any fire damage that the Ba's natural weapons deal (as part of this ability or otherwise) becomes hellfire, which ignores fire resistance and immunity.
- Forceful Spirit (Su): The Soulcaller's Ba Summons gain a +1 bonus to the DC of any special abilities the creature possesses. At 9th level, the bonus becomes +2. At 15th level, the bonus becomes +3, and it becomes +5 if the enemy is flatfooted against the attack.
- Lightning Spirit (Su): The Soulcaller's Ba Summons gain a +10 bonus to base land speed. At 9th level, the bonus becomes +20. At 15th level, the bonus becomes +30 and the Ba gains the Spring Attack feat.
- Lucky Spirit (Su): The Soulcaller's Ba Summons gain a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws. At 9th level, the bonus becomes +3. At 15th level, the bonus becomes +5 and the Ba does not automatically fail a saving throw on a natural 1.
- Resisting Spirit (Su): The Soulcaller's Ba Summons gain energy resistance 5 to one energy type of your choosing (Chosen at time of summoning). At 9th level, the energy resistance rises to 15. At 15th level, the energy resistance rises by 30 and any damage of that element taken becomes non-lethal. This stacks with energy resistant inherent by race, but not magical and temporary effects.
- Water Spirit (Su): The Soulcaller's Ba Summons gain a swim speed of 20 ft, or a +20 bonus on their existing swim speed. At 9th level, the swim speed becomes 40 ft or +40 to their existing swim speed, and they can breath water or air freely, and never take pressure damage. At 15th level, the swim speed becomes 60 ft or +60 to their existing swim speed, and they gain Freedom of Movement while underwater.
- Wood Spirit (Su): The Soulcaller's Ba Summons gain a +1 natural armor bonus. At 9th level, the natural armor bonus increases to +3. At 15th level, the natural armor bonus increases to +5, and attacks by wooden weapons and plants deal non-lethal damage. This bonus stacks with pre-existing natural armor.
- Vital Spirit (Su): The Soulcaller's Ba Summons gain +1 hp per HD. At 9th level, the bonus increases to +2 hp/HD and they gain the Diehard feat. At 15th level, bonus increases to +3 hp/HD, and the Ba gains fast healing 5. This stacks with any previous fast healing as part of race, but not temporary effects or magic.
Azure Binding (Su): At 4th level, you learn how to bind Soul Spells to your Akh Chakra in place of a Soulmeld. These can be either your normal Soul Spells, or Borrowed Spells. When you do so, the spell is not expended when cast - In the case of normal Soul Spell, it does not count toward your daily limit; In the case of a Borrowed Spell, the spell does not dissipate after a single use. However, in order to use a Bound Spell, you must expend an amount of Essentia equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier, burning it up; Temporary Essentia is expended permanently, while permanent Essentia expended in this way will return when you rest for 8 hours. The spell remains Bound until you reshape and rebind it, as normal for a Chakra.
Chakra Binds (Su): At 5th level, you gain access to the Crown, Feet and Hands Chakras. At 9th level, you gain access to the Arms, Brow and Shoulders Chakras. At 14th level, you gain access to the Throat, Waist and Legs Chakras. At 17th level, you gain access to the Heart Chakra, and at 19th level, you gain access to the Soul Chakra.
Channel Ba (Sp): At 5th level, a Soulcaller can tap into the power of his Ba Summons and use their power for themselves. As a standard action, you can grant yourself one Extraordinary special attack or special quality belonging to one of your Ba Summons, so long as you possess the correct Akh Totem, for 1 full encounter (Or 1 minute outside of stressful situations). You cannot duplicate effects which require you to have a special body part you don't possess, such as extra arms or tentacles. Only Extraordinary effects, including natural weapons, may be copied; Not Supernatural, Spell-Like or Psi-Like abilities, and not class abilities (Such as spellcasting) or feats. At level 15, you may channel even Supernatural abilities, and at 17th level, you may channel up to two special attacks or qualities at a time, and they need not be drawn from the same summon. Channel Ba can be used a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (Min 1).
Burst Affinity (Su): At 5th level, the Soulcaller has learned to blend their physical and magical prowess together. In place of any normal attack, once per round, you may instead cast a Supernatural Soul Spell that has a casting time of a Standard action or less. Thus, you could make one attack with a weapon, and use your offhand attack to breathe fire, for example.
Monstrous Mutation (Su)/(Ex): By 6th level, a Soulcaller's body, not just his soul, begins to take on bestial traits.
- Scent (Ex): Beginning at 6th level, the Soulcaller has developed a keen sense of smell and is now able to track a foe by scent, even if no tracks are visible.
- Poison Resistance (Su): At 7th level, a Soulcaller's body becomes so accustomed to poisons both natural and unnatural that they gain a supernatural resistance to them, granting them a +4 to saves against poison.
- Speed (Ex):At 8th level, the Soulcaller gains a +10ft bonus to all existing movement speeds they possess. This bonus will be applied to any movement speed they gain in the future as well.
- Dark Vision (Ex):At 9th level, a Soulcaller's senses have heightened from the bestial souls within, granting him Darkvision out to 60 feet.
- Supernatural Disease Resistance (Su):' At 12th level, a Soulcaller's body has become so accustomed to unnatural diseases that it grants them +4 to saves against supernatural diseases.
(Su): Beginning at 7th level, a Soulcaller's summoned Bas gain the benefits of anything bound to their Akh Chakra, be it a Soulmeld, Borrowed Spell (Via Azure Binding) or Akh Binding.
Rebind Akh Soulmeld (Su): Beginning at 8th level, once per day, as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, you can unbind a Soulmeld from you Akh Chakra and bind a different one to it, provided the Soulmeld is already shaped. This functions whether it be an actual Soulmeld, a Borrowed Spell (Using Azure Binding) or an Akh Binding; Though you can't rebind an Akh Binding to your Akh Chakra, since those cannot properly exist without being Bound to a Chakra, and unbinding it from the Chakra it's attached to would disperse it entirely until you next rest and reshape your Soulmelds. You can do this one additional time per day fo every 4 levels beyond 8th (12th, 16th, 20th, etc).
The Beast Within (Su): At 10th level, you are more beast than man, your soul so torn that you can no longer be considered your original race. Find the creature type (Such as Elemental, or Dragon) from which you possess the most Soul Spells. You now count as this type instead of your original type whenever it would be more beneficial. This can, interestingly, be used to qualify for prestige classes and feats, but beware - Should your most-absorbed creature type change, you will lose access to any feats or class features you had qualified for via this ability, until your most-absorbed type once more matches the prerequisites.
The Beast Without (Su): Upon reaching 10th level, a Soulcaller's spirit begins to critically destabilize. Any time you fall into madness, you might experience side effects of the monstrous spirits used to bring out your azure essence in the first place. Whenever a Soulcaller of 10th level or higher falls into Azure Madness, they have a 50% chance of turning into one of the creatures they have absorbed the essence of. The DM assigns the monsters a Soulcaller has learned magic from to a d% and rolls to determine the form. The creature is average in all ways for its type, except that it has the HD of the Soulcaller who transformed into it. When assigning creatures to the D% roll, they should use proportions as close as possible to the proportions of creatures the Soulcaller knows spells from; So that a Soulcaller with 5 spells from a Red Dragon and one spell from an Earth Elemental doesn't end up with a 50/50 change of turning into either, but rather ~85% chance to turn into a Red Dragon, ~15% to turn into an Earth Elemental, or etc.
Assimilation (Su): Beginning at 11th level, once per day, you may attempt to absorb a new spell or Ba as a full-round action without fail.
Overdrive (Su): At 11th level, a Soulcaller can send their Ba Summons into Overdrive, to squeeze out one last gasp of effort before expiring. As a swift action on part of the Ba, a Ba Summon can enter Overdrive, which grants it a bonus to its attack rolls, damage rolls, AC, saves, caster level, and effective HD for special attacks equal to its Soulcaller's class level, and a bonus on the DC of spell-like abilities, and other powers which don't scale with HD growth, equal to 1/2 the Soulcaller's class level. This benefit lasts for 1 round, after which the Ba Summon is dismissed, its energy expended for the day, preventing it from being summoned until the Soulcaller rests for 8 hours.
Convergence (Su): Beginning at 13th level, you can focus the azure energies of your magic onto a specific point, reducing an area spell to a single target, and increasing its numerical values by 1.5×. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Azure Metamagic (Su): At 13th level, you learn how to alter your Soul Spells with Metamagic feats you possess. This does not increase the casting time, but does burn a number of Essentia equal to the spell level increase, in addition to any other Essentia costs for casting the spell (Which means you likely can't use metamagic on Borrowed or Bound Spells, due to the total cost being higher than your Essentia capacity). For example, your could Empower a single Soul Spell by burning two Essentia points.
Diffusion (Su): Beginning at 18th level, the Soulcaller can alter a single-target spell at the moment of casting, changing it to affect multiple targets. You can change any single-target spell you know to hit everything in a 20ft burst, 30ft cone, or 60ft line. Save DCs stay the same; Attack and damage rolls are rolled once and applied separately to each target in the area. You can use this a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Guardian Force (Su): At 19th level, a Soulcaller may resist a normally deadly blow by sacrificing their Ba Summons in their stead. As an immediate action, the Soulcaller immediately kills one of their Ba Summons (Currently summoned, not summoned, or Bound to a Chakra as a SOulmeld), in order to ignore the effects of an attack that would result in the Soulcaller's unconciousness or death through HP damage or a failed save. It does not help against effects which do not kill the Soulcaller, such as being paralyzed or petrified. You may continue to ignore fatal attacks until you run out of living Bas to sacrifice. If a Bound Ba is killed, you lose the benefit of that Akh Binding.
Azure Soul (Su): At 20th level, a Soulcaller has finally come to peace within themselves, bringing all the monster spirits into line. You no longer risk going insane upon taking substantial damage or failing a Will save, and can enter into a state of Azure Insanity at will. Though still able to differentiate friend from foe, you are still unable to use any skill or feat that requires intelligent thought. Finally, the you may now count as the same type (And Subtype[s], at your option) as any creature you have absorbed the essence of, whenever it would be more beneficial. This cannot, however, be used to meet prerequisites, such as for feats or prestige classes.
Twin Summons (Su): At 20th level, the Soulcaller gains the ability to summon up to 2 of their Ba at a time.
Ba Embodiment (Su):At 20th level, you gain the ability to temporarily link your body and soul to your Akh Chakra, and thus to your summoned Bas. This greatly enhances the power of essentia invested in soulmelds bound to that chakra. For the duration of this ability, your normal essentia capacity of any soulmeld bound to your Akh Chakra is doubled, and every point of Essentia invested in a Soulmeld bound to your Akh Cakra counts as 2 points of Essentia. Likewise, when you cast a Soul Spell copied from the same type of creature as one of your currently-summoned Bas, it doesn't count toward your daily castings of that spell.
Activating or deactivating this ability is a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity; Ba Embodiment can be used for a number of minutes equal to your Wisdom bonus. This duration need not be used consecutively; It can be used in increments as small as 5 rounds per activation, so long as the total daily duration is not exceeded.
Once a Soulcaller becomes infused with a monster's soul, nothing short of a Wish or Miracle spell can return them to purely human, Orc, or whatever they once were. If they do undergo this "cure", they lose all class features save for their BAB, HD, Base Save Bonuses, skills, proficiencies, and Soulmelds, until they once more willingly merge with a monster.
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Article Balance | Unquantifiable + |
Author | Zhenra-Khal + |
Base Attack Bonus Progression | Moderate + |
Class Ability | Alternate Magic + and Other + |
Class Ability Progression | Other + |
Fortitude Save Progression | Good + |
Identifier | 3.5e Class + |
Length | 20 + |
Minimum Level | 1 + |
Rating | Undiscussed + |
Reflex Save Progression | Poor + |
Skill | Balance +, Bluff +, Climb +, Concentration +, Control Shape +, Craft +, Decipher Script +, Diplomacy +, Escape Artist +, Gather Information +, Handle Animal +, Heal +, Intimidate +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Ride +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Speak Language +, Spellcraft +, Spot +, Survival +, Swim +, Tumble + and Use Rope + |
Skill Points | 4 + |
Summary | A class focused on capturing and calling forth souls, mixing Incarnum with the talents of the Blue Mage and Ba Summoner. + |
Title | Soulcaller + |
Will Save Progression | Good + |