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Appraise +
, Balance +
, Bluff +
, Climb +
, Concentration +
, Craft +
, Decipher Script +
, Diplomacy +
, Disguise +
, Escape Artist +
, Gather Information +
, Hide +
, Intimidate +
, Jump +
, Knowledge +
, Listen +
, Move Silently +
, Perform +
, Profession +
, Sense Motive +
, Sleight of Hand +
, Speak Language +
, Spellcraft +
, Swim +
, Disable Device +
, Forgery +
, Open Lock +
, Search +
, Spot +
, Tumble +
, Use Magic Device +
, Use Rope +
, Handle Animal +
, Ride +
A revenant is the victim of a murder driven to avenge their own death. +
, A vampire is an unliving mockery of life that lives by cruelly consuming the blood of the innocent. +
, Characters with at least 2 class levels brought to zero Constitution by Ghoul Fever find their constitution restored and begin their unlife as Ghouls +
, A character slain in battle may return as a Sword Wraith if his services were hired under false pretenses or if his exploits were particularly impressive before his life finally ended (at the discretion of the DM). +
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"Modification date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
05:53:22, 5 December 2016 +