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Gibling (3.5e Monster)

8 bytes added, 22:58, 20 November 2010
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'''{{Anchor|Spying Eyes}} ([[SRD:Supernatural Ability|Su]]):''' A gibling can have detached up to ten of its eyes at any one time, and use them to scout. These hovering eyes are 2 inches across and treated as [[SRD:Fine Size|Fine]] [[SRD:Construct Type|constructs]], having 1 [[SRD:Hit Points|hit point]] and [[SRD:Armor Class|AC]] 18 (+8 size), that can [[SRD:Fly|fly]] at a speed of 30 feet with perfect maneuverability and no sound. The eyes have an effective scouting range of 1 mile and maintain a constant telepathic link with the gibling controlling them. At any time and through no significant effort of its own, the gibling can control these eyes and see everything that they can see. A gibling can detach any eye that it possesses except for its central eye; if the eye in question possesses special modes of vision, it retains these vision modes when detached as well. Like the gibling itself, all its eyes have [[SRD:Darkvision|darkvision]].
'''[[SRD:Ray|{{Anchor|Ray}}]] ([[SRD:Supernatural Ability|Su]]):''' [[#Eyesteal|Eyesteal]], 60 feet, [[SRD:Saving Throw#Fortitude|Fortitude]] DC 17 14 negates. Can only be used against living creatures that have eyes. The save DC is [[SRD:CharismaConstitution|CharismaConstitution]]-based.
'''{{Anchor|Summon Demon}} ([[SRD:Spell-Like Ability|Sp]]):''' Once per day a gibling can attempt to summon 1d4+1 [[SRD:Dretch|dretches]] with a 50% chance of success, or another gibling with a 35 % chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of a 3rd-level [[SRD:Spell|spell]].

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