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Techno (3.5e Spell)

286 bytes removed, 20:23, 18 December 2010
All shall fear the 1300s Hamster Dance!
|author_name=<!--your username-->Spazalicious Chaos|date_created=<!--today's date-->Dec 19 2010|status=<!--Insert idea's status here.-->|isnotuser=I'm not a user<!-- if you have a username for this wiki delete this parameter-Done->ish
<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Spell|name=<!-- name of spell-->Techno|school=<!-- spell school name only; ex: Transmutation -->|subschool=<!-- subschool of spell if any, name only; ex: Calling -->|desc=<!-- spell descriptors; ex: Fire -->Enchantment|lvl=<!-- classes and spell levels for each class. Please spell out each class in full, and capitalize the names so that they will properly be loaded into the spell lists. Do not make links in this line -->Bard 2|comp=<!-- spell components and/or foci; ex: V, S -->, F|casttime=<!-- casting time -->Move Action|range=<!-- range -->Variable, see below|dur=<!-- duration -->Concentration, see below|tsea=<!-- target (t), targets (ts), effect (e), area (a), or any combination thereof (e.g. "ea") -->Special|subj=<!-- subject(s) of the spell -->Special|save=<!-- what kind of saving throw this spell allows -->None, Harmless|sr=<!-- does the spell allow spell resistance? -->No, Harmless|summary=<!-- the summary of the spell that will appear in class spell lists; this will not appear on the spell page -->Your music electrifies those around you with inspired motion.
''<!-- An example of what it is like The bard tunes his instrument, and begins playing a strange song from some distant realm, filled with notes you have never heard. And for some reason, you feel this music makes you want to cast the spellmove. (optional) -->''
<!--Detailed description By activating this spell, your next session of your spellbardic music has the following effects:* All bonuses on Strength or Dexterity based skill rolls and attack rolls are doubled. If the bardic music effect in question does not have a skill bonus, it now grants a +2 competence bonus on Dexterity and Strength based skills to all allies that can hear and see the bard.*Once per round as a free action during the bardic music session, the bard can designate one ally benefiting from his music and grant him an extra move action on his next turn.-->
''Material Component:'' <!-- delete if inapplicable -->Duration, range, and targets affected by the bardic music effect is unaffected by this spell, which ends when the bard music effect ends. Maintaining this spell is a free action once cast.
''Focus:'' <!-- delete if inapplicable -->An instrument the character has used frequently for the last month in his bardic performances.
''XP Cost:'' <!-- delete if inapplicable -->
{{3.5e <!--class name or domain name (e.g. "Druid")--> Spells Breadcrumb}}<br/>{{3.5e <!--class name or domain name (e.g. "Paladin")--> Bard Spells Breadcrumb}}<br/>{{3.5e <!--class name or domain name (e.g. "Sorcerer/Wizard")--> Spells Breadcrumb}}<!--repeat for every class which can cast this spell-->

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