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Exotic Dragon (3.5e Feat)

174 bytes added, 09:50, 28 December 2010
|date_created=Dec 27, 2010
|status=First DraftEssentially complete
|editing=Mechanical changes on talk, please
*'''Heart''': You are immune to mind-affecting effects. Your breath weapon is a mind-affecting effect and does nonlethal damage. Damage reduction does not apply because this is a mental effect. No reflex save is allowed for half damage. Instead, creatures affected must make a Will save against the same DC or be [[Revised_Fear_Effects_(3.5e_Variant_Rule)#Shaken|Shaken]] for 5 rounds.
*'''Light''': You are immune to damage tagged as a [Light] effect. Your breath weapon deals damage as a [Light] effect and dispels darkness effects of up to a spell level equal to half its damage dice and caster level up to its damage dice. It deals double damage to light-sensitive undead and fungi.
*'''Sonic''': You are immune to Sonic damage. Your breath weapon deals Sonic damage and ignores the hardness of unattended nonmagical objects.It also requires a Fortitude instead of a Reflex save for half damage.<br>This replaces the normal elemental subtype that you get as a Dragon. These breath weapons can be either cone or line shaped, but once chosen cannot be changed.
|normal=You aren't a Force, Prismatic, Blue Hedgehog, Heart, or Shadow dragon
|special=You can only take this feat at 1st level.

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