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Bind (3.5e Weave)

1,725 bytes added, 20:17, 12 January 2011
good for creating an army? probably not
|status=Just started
|editing=If the edit is good, don't hesitate

<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Weave
|type=''saidar'', ''saidin''
|elements=Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Spirit
|prereqs=Basic Air Weaving, Basic Earth Weaving, Basic Fire Weaving, Basic Water Weaving, Basic Spirit Weaving, level 5
|casttime=1 minute
|dur=Tie Off
|subj=One creature
|save=Will (see text)
|summary=Turn someone into your servant, without destroying their mental functions.

Creating this weave costs 7 points of energy.

You and the target now always know the direction to the other, the other creature's emotional state, the other creature's health total, and any morale bonuses or penalties on the other creature.

In addition, you now gain the ability to spend 3 points of energy and take a standard action to force the target to obey a command unless they succeed on a Will save. They may retry their Will save in order to stop obeying this command once every 15 minutes.

''Saidar'' Only: If this weave was created with the use of ''saidar'', the following rules also apply: the target requires only half as much rest; the target can survive for twice as long without air, food, or water; the target gets +5 maximum hit points; if the target dies, you lose 200 XP per level of the target; and if you die, the target's strongest desire becomes a desire for revenge until either your killers are dead or one year has passed.

''Tie Off:'' This weave is always tied off.

{{3.5e Class Ability Components Breadcrumb}} &rarr; [[3.5e Weaves|Weaves]]

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